Yes Greg did stay home. Mum went with me. She was very happy sitting in the car watching the action, reading and staying warm.
A car on LHI? How did you get that on the plane?
I guess there was no risk of doing too many kms each day.
There a few hire cars on the island and quite a few private cars. A speed limit of 25km and seat belts not compulsory.Also no need to lock the car and leave the keys in it so it can be moved if you are not around.
Cool! I was there a few years ago and I can only remember the odd car or two.
We did the usual bike hire thing and that was pretty good. We often took the long way around to get up the hill, but it was still pretty nice being able to ride anywhere you wanted without worrying about traffic.
Only 25kmh? Not really that much of a problem there is it? I think we would have broken that on the bikes.
thanks for great photos and report Ian & co they pluck the strings and makes one pine for jazzy nights after mega sailing. a couple of dumb Q's for you and Al:
is that photo taken at the corner after negotiating the ropes at the lower road looking down onto little island.
Al what rig were you using on the record 30.5knot speed day. pretty epic for production gear. was it when the wind was wnw so the lagoon was slick smooth or was it in a westerly out at spot x or on the moguls in the centre of the bay?
whats Pete pointing at?
You're right about Spot x Windanza, don't think it's speed potential has been fully extracted yet. It's a great run from the north, the reef filters out the short chop between that swell.
We didn't get to the negotiable ropes at the end of the Little Island beach. Headed up too soon thinking we'd missed them. The photo of Little Island was taken from the top of a 100 metre deep pile of rocks at the base of a 400 metre vertical cliff. Hard hats? Probably wouldn't have made much difference.
Pete can see things on the horizon that are invisible to mere mortals.
you make one incy wincy fashion faux pas and people just ride it for miles.
we could be playing spot the Taswegian..
That's a truly great photo now.
Those shorts seem to be multplying at an amazing rate! Now we will be expecting them to appear anywhere anytime
I thought about spot the Taswegian too!