Whenever I read the Seabreeze home page during login, the windiest place in Australia always appears to be Lucinda and it almost always appears to be blowing 45 knots. Any comments from the QLD crew? Could it be a Seabreeze website error, or does the place get hammered every day?
I'm still smiling about Airey's Inlet - sounds like a reverse fart (airey outlet )
I am guessing Lucinda carked it in the cyclone and it still showing the 45kn from way back?
there's a conspiracy theory floating around that the bom switched off all of the meters up there before yasi hit because they didn't want anyone to figure out it was only a cat2 cyclone.
"What Lucinda reading?"
Thanks for that .. neglected to take the meter offline when it broke.. All fixed.
I drove through this area today, and between Ingham and Innisfail, there is a 100km swathe of destruction.
Don't be fooled by Grant Denyer's crap.
There are thousands of acres of trees just smashed into matchsticks.
When you first look, all the trees are the same height, so it does not look too bad, but then I realised that it's just trunks and primary branches left. Everything is half the height it should be, and there is no secondary branches or leaf canopy, just a bunch of trunks covered in a fuzz of new leaf growth.
Saw a few hundred acres of fully mature pine plantation just smashed flat. The few trees left standing are bent over and have all but a few branches stripped off.
There are whole swathes of forest just planed off, like a giant mower went over the top.
The air must have been like shrapnel while all that was going on.
Normally after storm damage, you can see intact branches that might have been torn off etc, but here, everything was just pulverised. I keep saying smashed, because the damage is way beyond anything I have seen. It reminds me of tornado footage.
Anyone who thinks there was a conspiracy theory needs to come and have a look.
Lots of building damage too, and road signs bent and torn down, sheds just buckled and blown apart.
The extent of damage is bewildering, and the sheer force involved is more than apparent. It has re-shaped the whole landscape.
I bet Flipper/Windwarning was there the whole time! On his 2.2! Good lad!
Stupid trees! Not so smart now, eh?
lol WW,
@ ken, the conspiracy theory was going on over on one of the weather forums..... crazy stuff, usually started by idiots with not much understanding and their lack of understanding gets externalised as a conspiracy theory.
i kept some links from when yasi was around.