That looks pretty good Sausage. Well better than pretty good. The colour codes are instantly readable.
I think the comment facility should be better. I don't know what to suggest except perhaps a corresponding comment list indexed to the coloured box. The mast column and the sail name row could have parallel number and letter index rows at their extreme outer edges. These could point to a straight forward list. The list could get long but the comments could be any length and any number and still be easy to find and it wouldn't interfere with the clarity of your matrix.
I agree regarding the comments - the ones in the matrix were just made up and have no real basis / credibility. I suspect with a web based data base people could add as many comments per sail mast combo as they liked. This would be the beauty of such a beast.
Well I'm actually thinking the link could also be to the actual sail and all possible combos together with ratings, comments, mast specifications etc would be available. e.g. if I was looking at buying a 2nd hand 09 KA Koncept 7.5, I could click on thta sail from the list and all the combinations for that sail would be given to me. Sounds so simple doesn't it
For it to work everyone would have to get on board and upload their mast sail combos into data base, but I have enough faith that we could get it working.
My contribution
1987 Stuart Bell Pro wave 5.2 - Rotho Superwave 460 - good (how did I remember that?)
2000 - 2002 Simmer onshore wave - Fiberspar reflex 3200 SDM - good match
2004 - 2006 Simmer X Flex - Ezzy OR No Limitz or Simmer RDM - excellent
2003 - 2005 Simmer Crossover - a/a
2003 - 2005 NP Zone - Ezzy RDM - good match
2006 - 2008 NP Zone or Combat - Ezzy RDM very poor
2007 NP Zone 5.2 rec mast 400cm NP RDM - set on 430 XCombat RDM is very good
2005 NP Search 6.2 rec mast 430 - set on Tushingham TC26 SDM - good