This song we wrote called Windsurfers. Much to Reli's dislike. But we consider him one of us.
From top left to bottom right...
MILLER sporting his pornstar stash
LEECH with the fro
RELI with soft tantalising... er... um... skin
RIDER with the best rack
MARK and his body that kills
HARDIE after loosing 69kgs
and me as lead singer
I've been up all night practising and I've got those dance moves down pat.
and Ive learnt all the words for when im out sailing to sing in my head.
Does Mr No one still sing It's raining men when he's out sailing ????????????????????
If I start hearing that song in my head while I'm sailing, I AM GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU...
It's gonna be hard to recruit new members to this great sport with that as the windsurfing 'theme song'!!!
It's a bit too much like beach boys meet ABBA at Eurovision!
I just don't understand why they didn't use that for the theme music for the Windsurfing movie!
Robbie or JP blasting at backyards - oh the opportunity lost
The dance moves rule!!!
Did you check out their other song, "It's Windsurfing Time Again"? That one is even more catchy than the first, IMHO.