Forums > Windsurfing General

Mistral Maui with new rig?

Created by EndruBoy > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2012
7 posts
30 Jun 2012 3:54PM
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I've recently brought an old Mistral Maui board to learn windsurfing.
But my sail seems to be bad, because the bunting can not be bent enough and half of the bending bars (I don't know how to call it in English) are missing. Plus the boom is oldstyle too without quick fixer to the mast.

My quiestion is that can I buy any kind of new complet rig for this? I mean does the new ones good for this surf? Can I pull them (sail and boom) to this old mast?

I'm totally new in this, so thanks for any answer.

NSW, 1683 posts
30 Jun 2012 6:01PM
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I also started with a mistral maui, about 3 years ago, it's a great board for learning. it is possible to fit a modern rig to the board, I did a modification to the sliding base to take a standard mast base. If you post some pictures it would be easier to see what you are missing. Are you in Sydney? I might have some stuff you could use.

7 posts
30 Jun 2012 4:12PM
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Here is my sail (without all of the bending bars because they kept falling off - the fixings in the edge of the sail have broken) and the front of my boom. I think the sail should be much more tense even in that little wind, doesn't it?:

No, I live in Hungary. Sry for the mislead but I can't choose my country in the profile. Btw it is strange. I've choosen now a nearer country.

NSW, 471 posts
30 Jun 2012 6:58PM
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The main problem with any older stuff is to make sure you dont loose any bits.

The mast foot for these boards are pretty rare and really hard to find.

Some battens in your sail would help. The new boards are much easier to learn on and progress a lot quicker but keep at it and you'll soon be riding waves, well done.

It alos looks like you have the original mast extension, the mast side of the sail should also be nice and tight, you can wind out these extensions like a screw and make the mast longer, look at some clips on you tube about rigging. Your sail wont go loose on the leech but should give you some idea of how to rig it better.

QLD, 146 posts
30 Jun 2012 11:02PM
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Thats eighties stuff enemaboy, here's a good website for that sort of nostalgia!

7 posts
30 Jun 2012 9:19PM
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I know and I think wind and water was just about the same in the eighties. And this is not the first place where I hear that it is good for a beginner. I also don't think I should pay a lot for a sport I barely know but want to try.

7 posts
1 Jul 2012 4:07AM
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I've made the mast longer. The wind was almost perfect at afternoon so I've already tried and it was amazing. I don't know if it was because the tenser sail or the solid wind without waves but thank you very much anyway!

mattstocks said...

The main problem with any older stuff is to make sure you dont loose any bits.

The mast foot for these boards are pretty rare and really hard to find.

Some battens in your sail would help. The new boards are much easier to learn on and progress a lot quicker but keep at it and you'll soon be riding waves, well done.

It alos looks like you have the original mast extension, the mast side of the sail should also be nice and tight, you can wind out these extensions like a screw and make the mast longer, look at some clips on you tube about rigging. Your sail wont go loose on the leech but should give you some idea of how to rig it better.

NSW, 9029 posts
1 Jul 2012 9:18AM
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Consider getting a clamp on boom. These booms have been around for over 20 years so you should be able to pick up a second hand one. A clamp on boom will firmly attach to the mast and won't wobble around. The sail you have does not appear to need a very long boom so you should be able to pick one up from a local windsurfer for very little money.

Downhaul the sail a lot more. If you can't downhaul the sail because the mast is too short you will have to look at get a mast extension. Using a new style extension and universal will probably be an issue with your mast track. They won't be compatible. So follow powersloshin's advice.

Enjoy the windsurfing!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Mistral Maui with new rig?" started by EndruBoy