This is an old sign but cracks me up every time I see it. It stands at the entrance to the synthetic hockey fields, cricket ovals and skate park. Considering I might be the only windsurfer out here I'm feeling victimised.
A.M. Kingston sounds like the kind of peanut I would like to throw peanuts at. I wouldn't be able to help myself: crossing out the letters "Cl" (in the word clerk), and replacing them with "J".
How much do you think it would cost to have this sign put up every 500 mtrs around the Australian coast line?
This is my favorite sign
but I always felt confused as to whether I was welcome or unwanted.
For those in Perth - this beach is now closed and fenced of, only approachable from the water.
Landed there today and watched the earth moving machinery being used to fill big sand bags. Council trying to stop the beach eroding. Thought of asking them to remove those rocks that bug me (maybe at low tide, it was high today).