Forums > Windsurfing General

Neil Pryde NPX Avalon Amature Waves 31/10/10

Created by WWA > 9 months ago, 23 Oct 2010
WA, 27 posts
23 Oct 2010 8:07PM
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For the first time in the WWA's history a wave event focused primarily
on encouraging participation by women and novices in wave events!
Elite sailors need not apply!

Wether you have never been in the waves, want to start competing or
have competed in the novice division before this afternoon is aimed
at helping you become a better and more confident wave sailor.

The afternoon will aim to run through some of the basics of wave
sailing, safety in the waves, equipment setup, what to expect in
novice division wave competitions and some coaching by some of WA's
top wave sailors.

An expression session will be run and some spot prizes will be awarded
at the WWA supplied BBQ in the evening. We will have prizes
for all participants.
Some copies of the Jem Hall DVD "Winner to Wave sailor" will be
available for purchase on the day. The DVD is highly recommended for
those getting into the waves as much as those looking to begin
competing or start winning!

When: Sunday 31st from 2pm
Where: Avalon Beach South carpark Westview Parade Wannanup 6210
Free for all WWA members!

WA, 8773 posts
31 Oct 2010 9:30PM
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What a day Huge Thanks to Alex Gary and the rest of the Windsurfing Wa crew who made this possible

Who would have thought you could have so much fun at a wave sailing comp with a below knee high swell and very little wind

Who would have thought the best wave would be the one inside the bay at a rocking shin to knee high with everyone having a go at it

The SUPS were very popular (yes I've said that) with everyone coming to grips with them and getting some wave rides, never seen so much gear shared around, half the time I was sure most people were on part of someone else's kit, although I'm going to have to have words with Blair for showing my gear bad habits like jumping and flicky spiny stuff (never before performed with a 31cm weed fin).

Really good to see some people who had never sailed the ocean get their first taste and like it.

A wave comp with everyone winners what a day

Thanks Windsurfing WA

NSW, 1351 posts
1 Nov 2010 1:05AM
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Thanks everyone for making the big effort and coming down.
I think we counted 23 people on the water at one point!!!
I'm sure we will have a few more of these sessions.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Neil Pryde NPX Avalon Amature Waves 31/10/10" started by WWA