Forums > Windsurfing General

Oakajee Port - Geraldton

Created by Rad Lad > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2010
Rad Lad
226 posts
23 Mar 2010 4:27PM
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Looking at this video I would say it is all over red rover for Corros. Someone with local knowledge might like to point out where corros is in relation to the Northern most sea wall on the video? To me it looks like there will be a massive wind shadow created. Swell may or may not get in there but with no wind what is the point?

WA, 3183 posts
23 Mar 2010 9:08PM
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couldn't watch it......

heart breaking

WA, 1588 posts
24 Mar 2010 7:11AM
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NSW, 660 posts
24 Mar 2010 1:54PM
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That am aspiring beginner NSW freeride and wavesailor, a trip over to Corros (and the other WA locations) was on my future 'to-do' list. Will there be anything left worth coming for by the time I come over (next 2yrs I hope)?

Hrm, think of all the sustainable ecotourism (aka windsurf travel if done right) Geraldon would see without this port?

But minerals $ dwarf these eco $, goodbye recreation, WA can enjoy rolling around in coin instead of sailing in their spare time. I know alot of windsurfers in WA are supported by the mines, but what do you do on your fifo week off now, canoe around the port?

Seems your govt is selling off your sailing locations to the Chinese (not a racist comment, just anti their govt structure), and they aren't even shredding it. Like the Fijian breaks being owned by the resorts, but this time no one gets to enjoy them (in a no-$ way).

Can't wait to see the corros headcam vids in the future, some dude standing on a massive cargoship just putting times?

End rant. RIP Corros?

I dunno, is this a non-in-the-know New South Welshman talking crap or is this an issue to the Western Aussies too?

Rad Lad
226 posts
24 Mar 2010 11:32AM
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If only the Thornlie Tree Man was a windsurfer this would never have happened (What a legend this bloke is).

WA, 4082 posts
24 Mar 2010 1:33PM
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Having been to Corro's over 30 times in 15 years I can assure you that the above google/ripcurl image is not accurate one of Okagee's position in relation to Corro's.

I reckon sand drift will be affected and unless pumping occurs will affect sand around Corro's, wind might be more gusty, and dont think swell will be affected too much, swell is predominantly w to wsw so pretty safe, tho occassional sw and yes any southerly swell would be affected.

WA, 4082 posts
24 Mar 2010 1:36PM
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hardie said...

Having been to Corro's over 30 times in 15 years I can assure you that the above google/ripcurl image is not accurate one of Okagee's position in relation to Corro's.

I reckon sand drift will be affected and unless pumping occurs will affect sand around Corro's, wind might be more gusty, and dont think swell will be affected too much, swell is predominantly w to wsw so pretty safe, tho occassional sw and yes any southerly swell would be affected.

The biggest loss is that Spot X will no longer exist!!!!!!!!!! And there appears to be no compensation for the loss

440 posts
24 Mar 2010 2:35PM
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hardie said...

Having been to Corro's over 30 times in 15 years I can assure you that the above google/ripcurl image is not accurate one of Okagee's position in relation to Corro's.

It's not even close, that line representing the breakwater is at south corro's. I doubt there will be any effect on the swell and little if any on the wind at corro's, from the proposed Oakajee port.

More like this.

WA, 2960 posts
24 Mar 2010 3:59PM
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okajee smokajee, the bright side is the locals could learn to freestyle behind the break wall. if these google maps are accurate (especially crankys map). Then there will be stuff all affect on Corros. Even in a southerly swell. Maybe the ten locals who sailed spotX are gunna have to settle for sailing lousy corros- tragically sail with the evil jibberish speaking sunburt euro kids.

WA, 3469 posts
24 Mar 2010 4:47PM
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They should hold a funeral service for Corros.

Once their deep water port is build: no waves, shoddy wind and pollution... all in the name of corporate greed. Welcome to Australia today.

So much of this beautiful country and it's people that I fell in love with when I arrived many years ago is being one by one transformed into the worst kind.

$500 million to build a deep water port but not enough money to run an efficient helicopter rescue service on the Australian West Coast... as I said, all in the name of greed to line the pockets of a small number of people.

NSW, 1489 posts
26 Mar 2010 7:26PM
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What a load of rubbish, and i bet the people who get all the cash arn't even from Australia like most of the other mines that dig up our country to build useless crap or run power stations to build useless crap no-one really needs, as it has been said before, wreck some amazing coastline for in the sceme of things a few dollars, then when there finished yet another enviromental disaster..

I'm A fan of Corro's and hope that this doesn't effect the conditions, but i do know for sure it will effect the peaceful nights that make the place so good to escape too.. and i'm sure the air quality down wind of this thing will be a well below par..

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2010 5:06PM
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I think we might be losing sight of the fact that it's digging these holes in the ground and then shipping it off to China that pays the inhabitants of the country the exorbitant wages that they now get, so they can buy their kites, windsurfers, 4 wheel drives etc etc etc, and pays them for the 3 or 4 months free time each year to enjoy them.
Everything comes at a cost.
If we were happy to sit under a tree and eat yams and witchetty grubs for tea each night we could get by with less holes in the ground and less ports to ship it from.
It would also then give us more time to complain about how we were not taking advantage of the natural resources that we have.
Everything in life is a compromise.
If the port was right on top of Coro's then we could legitimately complain a lot louder. However, apart from losing Spot X, which is a fairly tightly held secret by the locals anyway, I don't think it will have much effect on anything else.
It might even make some nice beach breaks if the sand moves in the right places.

Maybe the locals should have more widely publicised the location of "Spot X" so that if it was threatened, more people would jump up and down in protest.
At the moment it's just "Spot X ? Where's that?"

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
26 Mar 2010 5:43PM
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1979 posts
27 Mar 2010 12:25AM
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pweedas, you anonymous tosser. If you had spent any time in the surrounding area affected by this project I doubt you would be saying anything similar to what you have just said.
If you think it's okay to be trashing spots like spot X in the name of the almighty dollar then put your name to it.

WA, 3183 posts
27 Mar 2010 5:29AM
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At least when the chinese tanks are rollong over your beach fronts houses, they'll be made from good ol aussie iron ore.

440 posts
27 Mar 2010 11:03AM
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pweedas said...

However, apart from losing Spot X, which is a fairly tightly held secret by the locals anyway,

LOL Spot X hasn't been any kind of secret for 20 years, and even then parking would be a hassle.

WA, 4642 posts
27 Mar 2010 11:23AM
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hoop said...

pweedas, you anonymous tosser. If you had spent any time in the surrounding area affected by this project I doubt you would be saying anything similar to what you have just said.

Every winter hoop. For the last 20 years.
And I agree it's a great place, as are many other places on the Australian coast.
But that doesn't detract from anything that I said.
I am not advocating the wholesale destruction of any of our great surf spots, bushlands or anywhere else, but the reality is, if we want to live in a first world economy and the benefits that come with that, then we will have to put up with the downside that comes with it.
50 years ago it was said that Australia rode on the sheeps back (Sounds a bit kiwi doesn't it? )
In 2010 I can reliably say, the wool industry is struggling, the cattle industry is stuffed, the dairy industry is doubley stuffed, as is the wheat industry and almost everything else agricultural. IF we still relied on that for our income we would have fulfilled Paul Keatings prophecy of us becoming a banana republic.
The fact is, the rest of the world can do all that sort of thing at half the cost that we can because their people have no option but to work for a bowl of rice a week just to keep a job.
What they can't do is dig holes in the ground and sell it at exorbitant prices to the rest of the world. They can't, simply because they don't have it.
If we didn't have it then we would also be joining them in fighting each other for a job that pays a bowl of rice a week.

That was a nice picture that was posted of "spot X"
If you like I can put up pics of all the other great surf spots there from flatrocks on the south side to Oakabella River on the North side. That way if anything bad was planned for them then at least there might be some sympathy from a wider audience.
The fact is, Spot X is just ONE good place amongst the many others.
The other fact is, if we want the average wage to be over $50,000 a year for doing jobs that the rest of the world is paid $5,000 a year, then we will have to take what comes with it.
Provided of course that there is not an acceptable alternative. And from what I can see in this case, there is not.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
27 Mar 2010 3:02PM
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Couple of thoughts

The kiteforum has a post claiming they are looking to also export uranium thru Oakagee. I asked the fella to posta source but no reply so has anyone heard of that oen yet?
If they did that it would stuff Corro's as there would be a massive exclusion zone around the port.

Secondly - where is the GWC on this? They whinged heaps a few years ago and apparently got a committment from the project that they would build a quality artificial reef to replace Spot X. Never heard any more and every time there is an oakajee thread on here I ask ( at least 3 times I can remember in the last year or so) what is happening and nobody in Gero seems to know or care???

1979 posts
27 Mar 2010 3:30PM
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I couldn't dissagree with you anymore pweedas. Destroying your own playground for the good of the economy doesen't sound like progress to me.
I find it wierd that people who enjoy the ocean can sit back and say it's alright to lose the odd spot here and there so long as we can have a healthy economy.
If this port is going to make so much money, why can't they just spend a few more billion dollars and put it where it's not going to piss anyone off?

440 posts
27 Mar 2010 5:16PM
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Mark _australia said...

Couple of thoughts

If they did that it would stuff Corro's as there would be a massive exclusion zone around the port.

Secondly - where is the GWC on this? They whinged heaps a few years ago and

Are there massive exclusion zones around the other ports that ship Uranium?

WA, 74 posts
27 Mar 2010 10:18PM
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Bit Harsh " Mark with 4,000 posts"! The GWC spend there spare time "windsurfing" , and not trolling in front of a computer "whingeng". With 100 windsurfers in town and a population of 35,000 they have done more than any one l know. Big deal if they do not respond to this "wannabee windsurfer" chat forum. Uranium is the x factor for sure. But with the new port , it will create a new headland with wrapping waves and cross shore winds. Gotta be positive.." l Will probably be shot as a terrorist when l sneak in for for a few" Ground Zero.

WA, 6277 posts
27 Mar 2010 11:50PM
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There aren't too many other spots that would work as well for a port, to put it anywhere else would cost more than just a couple of million. And really, how many people can put up their hand and say they've windsurfed Spot X?

Just the hassle in getting there means I've only gone once...

Twas a good wave though

Corros though, that's a different story.

Artificial reef or headland, I don't care, with the sort of computers those guys have, and a bit of persuasion from the local concerned environmental groups, they could make a wicked wave

Heck I'd donate for a bag of rocks to be dropped in the right spot

NSW, 8019 posts
28 Mar 2010 9:49AM
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dism said...

That am aspiring beginner NSW freeride and wavesailor, a trip over to Corros (and the other WA locations) was on my future 'to-do' list. Will there be anything left worth coming for by the time I come over (next 2yrs I hope)?

Hrm, think of all the sustainable ecotourism (aka windsurf travel if done right) Geraldon would see without this port?

But minerals $ dwarf these eco $, goodbye recreation, WA can enjoy rolling around in coin instead of sailing in their spare time. I know alot of windsurfers in WA are supported by the mines, but what do you do on your fifo week off now, canoe around the port?

Seems your govt is selling off your sailing locations to the Chinese (not a racist comment, just anti their govt structure), and they aren't even shredding it. Like the Fijian breaks being owned by the resorts, but this time no one gets to enjoy them (in a no-$ way).

Can't wait to see the corros headcam vids in the future, some dude standing on a massive cargoship just putting times?

End rant. RIP Corros?

I dunno, is this a non-in-the-know New South Welshman talking crap or is this an issue to the Western Aussies too?

Don't start me on mining..[}:)][}:)]We're arguing with them at the moment over noise issues + they are predicting 3m subsidence + 9" tilt on our house when they undermine.+ our dams will probably disappear down a crack...Who put the B gov in charge of mining approvals..? They get paid $ billions out of them!..A friend in the EPA said they are getting as much coal out of the ground as they can now while it still has value.. from the coast inland to Gunnedah.Whats going to happen in 20years time when all the coals out of the ground & our waterways have dried up and we don't have any decent land to grow food..#$@$$!!!!!...[}:)][}:)]
PS - Its the chinese gov undermining us.Australia is just a big overseas quarry..[}:)]

WA, 3469 posts
28 Mar 2010 7:53AM
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sboardcrazy said...
Don't start me on mining..[}:)][}:)]We're arguing with them at the moment over noise issues + they are predicting 3m subsidence + 9" tilt on our house when they undermine.+ our dams will probably disappear down a crack...Who put the B gov in charge of mining approvals..? They get paid $ billions out of them!..A friend in the EPA said they are getting as much coal out of the ground as they can now while it still has value.. from the coast inland to Gunnedah.Whats going to happen in 20years time when all the coals out of the ground & our waterways have dried up and we don't have any decent land to grow food..#$@$$!!!!!...[}:)][}:)]
PS - Its the chinese gov undermining us.Australia is just a big overseas quarry..[}:)]

Good points... have a guess who is putting the most money into developing technology that can make effective use of renewable energy such as wind and solar? A hint... it ain't the Australian Government.

Back to topic... pweedas, I did't stay don't mine. I am asking why is has to be shipped through this particular place? I know... because it's means less profits for off-shore companies. Have a look who is getting the majority of contracts to build all the infrastructure.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
28 Mar 2010 2:55PM
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This is a real worry for Corros and the whole region. Once that is built, and there is a foot hold there, what do you think will be next? Expansion

WA, 8725 posts
28 Mar 2010 1:00PM
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Ima thunking that the south side groyne may end up kicking up a reasonable wedge wave

WA, 3469 posts
28 Mar 2010 1:12PM
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elmo said...

Ima thunking that the south side groyne may end up kicking up a reasonable wedge wave

and how are you going get there? The access road to the port will be off limits to the public.

440 posts
28 Mar 2010 2:20PM
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da vecta said...

This is a real worry for Corros and the whole region. Once that is built, and there is a foot hold there, what do you think will be next? Expansion

I wouldn't worry about expansion, first they have to build the place, that in its self is going to be a mission and a lot of years.

WA, 361 posts
29 Mar 2010 9:46PM
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cranky said...

hardie said...

Having been to Corro's over 30 times in 15 years I can assure you that the above google/ripcurl image is not accurate one of Okagee's position in relation to Corro's.

It's not even close, that line representing the breakwater is at south corro's. I doubt there will be any effect on the swell and little if any on the wind at corro's, from the proposed Oakajee port.

More like this.

I think its actually even a little further south than your pic. I understand the Spot is actually not inside the harbour but right next to it. It'll be screwed though of course.

WA, 504 posts
29 Mar 2010 11:11PM
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Put it on the map,,,,,,,Its a sacred site,,not just for me,its a known venue through out the world of the windsurf comunity,,The repercussions of this distruction will be deverstating,,its gonna be a no fkn go go any more,,Gero for all these years will not pull in the international crew.Its a fkn crying shame.All you boyz who reakon its for the good of our standard of living that it should go ahead are a fkn miss led Look what we Get??? Count me in on the picket line..

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
30 Mar 2010 1:55PM
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stonesurf said...

Bit Harsh " Mark with 4,000 posts"! The GWC spend there spare time "windsurfing" , and not trolling in front of a computer "whingeng". With 100 windsurfers in town and a population of 35,000 they have done more than any one l know. Big deal if they do not respond to this "wannabee windsurfer" chat forum. Uranium is the x factor for sure. But with the new port , it will create a new headland with wrapping waves and cross shore winds. Gotta be positive.." l Will probably be shot as a terrorist when l sneak in for for a few" Ground Zero.

How is what I said harsh?

All I said was a few years ago when this project looked likely to happen GWC did heaps of lobbying (OK I said "whinged" sorry for the colloquialism), but now we hear nothing. Every windsurfer in the state wants to know what is happening and no info comes our way thru this forum or any other way.

Seeing as though you lot are so busy windsurfing and don't post in the forum much I'd have thought you could have used that valuable and rare visit to the forum to politely answer my question with a status update instead of calling the regular users here "wannabe" and imply I am too busy posting on here to be a real windsurfer.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Oakajee Port - Geraldton" started by Rad Lad