Hi Seabreeze members,
I present a short-film featuring my father demonstrating some old school windsurf freestyle. It was filmed by me using a Panasonic FZ150. I edited it using Adobe Premiere with the help of my brother. I hope you like it! :)
Ahhh, the good old Wayler...
The idea behind windsurfing is fun and exercise, regardless of the format. Kudos.
Your old man don't look that old by the way... now the pressure's on you to post a clip of your riding the rail !!
Hey Pedro, I have the same board and sail, I have only just started windsurfing, only been on the water twice now and loving it. I just have one BIG question, i have just tried this sail today but having issues, can u please show me how to tie off the old boom to the mast properly please. I can sort of tie off my other 4.5 sail and boom, but having massive issues getting this one right.
Any help would be great
@ deejay8204
Very easy.
Rigging old school…..
Need a mast, some rope and a boom.
Take the rope and put it around the mast.
Put it through the hole.
into the clam.
...Job done.
If you got an extra hole (which I don't have)
...you can go around the mast twice.
Solid as a rock.
Have fun…….
This pictures above work only if you have the cleat thing near the mast, which I don't remember the Wayler booms always having.
If you don't have a cleat , let us know and I will post the Windsurfer (no-cleat) way.
In the end the tie-on works well, but requires more fiddling of course...
To get the line tight, ie really tight so the boom doesn't slip, after threading the rope lift the boom so it's parallel with the mast. Then pull it tight. Then lower the boom to make it really tight.
And I used to tighten the little rope around the mast (as hard as I could) with the boom (wishbone!) at an angle (45 deg ?) facing up, so it then would fall down in a more horizontal position and tightening even more the knot.
Yep, Pinarelo, Corsica, 1980 -1985, Hi Fly, Jet GTS and Dufour...
Not sure if it came before or after, but I remember having no cleat on the boom. You had to lay the boom along the mast and thread the rope through with a little loop, stick the end of the rope through the loop, and drop the boom down into position. Worked a treat, but I do remember seeing one or two masts cracked because it had been done too tight!!
Thanks guys, I will post some pics tomorrow of my setup, I think I will stick to the smaller sail for now as the big one was a little to big I think. Btw being an old board the tail fin was epoxied in and the glue joint broke on me today, should I use fiberglass resin to affix it in place or just good 2part epoxy (24hr epoxy). Also is there a clamp on boom anywhere around for cheap that would fit? My boom length is 227cm tip to tip for my smaller sail.
Thanks again
Thanks pedrowind, it is an awesome board. I have the Wayler 5.9 sail and a Freedom Sails 4.5 I think. It is not as good condition as your dads, but it will do me to learn on and advance my skills.
I have a thing for vintage things, i like to see them working and running, so this one will have a place to stay for a very long time.
Pics will be up soon, I have just given it all a clean down from yesterday at the beach.
here are the pics of my board, I have only rigged it for the pics only so the tying side of things is bad.
As I said above I have a thing for vintage, I love to see old stuff working and working properly. I am only 30 and people think I am weird for liking vintage machinery etc. I dont care as long as it looks good and goes good. (Bring back Horse and Carriage fuel is too expensive lol)
deejay8204 you are correct ahaha and here in Portugal we have one of the most expensive fuel in Europe! Lets get back to the past!!!
Booms: any old shop has a spare parts bin at the back, you'll find early clamp-on that'll fit, some are actually surprisingly light. I never use'em though - a dinkum oldie board has tie-on boom, works as well for the freestyle you're getting into.
- pierrc45 - Im just no good at tying knots lol, The large Wayler 5.9 sail has such a large boom I just find it really difficult to tie for some reason, the little boom and sail I have I dont have much of an issue with. And for ease of use and progression I thought a clamp on would be the best upgrade for an an old board, boom and sail.
I will keep going till i find something that will work
Another handy hint....
soak the rope in water for a minute or 2 before attaching boom - rope will not stretch as much when it hits the water, making a tighter connection......