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Forums > Windsurfing General

Pics of Quad mod to my RidersTwin

Created by Rider5 > 9 months ago, 18 Dec 2010
WA, 567 posts
18 Dec 2010 6:10PM
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After trying a few quads in twin and quad mod and seeing the forecast of not much wind yesterday I decided to quad my twin, I want a tighter turning board with a bit more speed in the turns in onshore conditions, I've also sanded 3mm of the tail rocker.

this pic is the boxes wrapped in carbon and then resined into pvc foam ready to be put into the holes I ground and routed into my board yesterday

a dry run to check the fit and positioning of the new boxes

boxes resined in situ

excess resin and filler sanded off ready for the carbon capping layers

carbon capping layers laminated on

sanding coat applied this afternoon

I now just have to sand the above back, apply another sanding coat let it dry and sand that back. Grind out the box holes, spray clear paint, put fins in before next windy day, cross fingers and go sailing.

WA, 2331 posts
18 Dec 2010 8:18PM
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looks great, but just a question.

In the quads, aren't the back two fins toe'd in as well? whereas in the twins their straight?

WA, 647 posts
18 Dec 2010 9:11PM
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another question aren't you supposed to be doing you bathroom?

WA, 3183 posts
18 Dec 2010 10:44PM
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gazza said...

another question aren't you supposed to be doing you bathroom?

aren't you supposed to be watching bono?

WA, 647 posts
18 Dec 2010 11:06PM
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gazza said...

another question aren't you supposed to be doing you bathroom?

aren't you supposed to be watching bono?

swapped tickets for sunday night.We thought all day at the cricket then all night at U2 would have killed us both.
good old gumtree

WA, 7608 posts
18 Dec 2010 11:19PM
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Yeah he has time to muck around with his boards but wont fix my quad or make me a board
No wind? Serves you right! I was smoked on my 5m this arvo with head high waves

WA, 567 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:19AM
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grumplestiltskin said...

looks great, but just a question.

In the quads, aren't the back two fins toe'd in as well? whereas in the twins their straight?

I haven't seen any quads like that yet, some of my twins that have towed in fins, turn a little better but cavitate easily blasting along.

WA, 567 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:21AM
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gazza said...

another question aren't you supposed to be doing you bathroom?

I think you should keep your questions to yourself!

WA, 567 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:24AM
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Greenroom said...

Yeah he has time to muck around with his boards but wont fix my quad or make me a board
No wind? Serves you right! I was smoked on my 5m this arvo with head high waves

Jeez give me a break. It was a last minute decision. Plus I never know when your serious or not re a new board.
Lucky very very lucky call.
edit oops completely forgot about that repair. Steve S or James H will do it quicker than me. I've got far too much windsurfing to do

WA, 7608 posts
19 Dec 2010 2:42PM
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Rider5 said...

I've got far too much windsurfing to do

I didnt see you out there yesterday

WA, 647 posts
19 Dec 2010 2:49PM
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Greenroom said...

Rider5 said...

I've got far too much windsurfing to do

I didnt see you out there yesterday

Thats cause he likes he waves bigger than waist high

WA, 567 posts
23 Dec 2010 3:25PM
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WA, 567 posts
23 Dec 2010 3:32PM
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Another coat of sanding/filler resin applied, I want to get the bottom shape perfect, within a bee's dick tolerance (I believe the flowing water can tell the difference).

Mark _australia
WA, 22868 posts
23 Dec 2010 3:39PM
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You're lying, that last pic is your paint job

3777 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:47PM
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hey rider i have a few spare boards where did you get the fin boxes from ? do you have a link.

Mark _australia
WA, 22868 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:52PM
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I get a red thumb for taking the p!ss (understandable, some people are retarded and don't know what the wink means) but howTF does Rider get a red thumb for posting a pic of a fin box install???

The interweb: bringing the weird person down the road even closer to you (TM)

VIC, 456 posts
24 Dec 2010 8:06AM
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do you recon you can retro fit FCS style fins as well?

Mark i brought you back to even steven with a greenie

WA, 567 posts
24 Dec 2010 10:22AM
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Red thumbs Green thumbs.... Whats the point? they don't give any accurate feedback, people don't/rarely do it based on content of the post. I just ignore it cause they mean absolutely jack sh1t.

Yeah you could retro fit fcs but its a very weak system if you knock your board/fin on a rock, wall, car etc plus most fcs fins for surfboards don't have a very good foil shapes for the higher speeds sailboards travel at.

I got the boxes at Hawke Brothers in Osborne Park(they sell canoes and fibreglass stuff) they're old school I doubt if they are on line, the guys that own and run the shop look like theyre in their 70's but very knowledgeable, helpfull and talkative. They cost $8 each they are really old stock (from the eighties I reckon)

Off to do some sanding now to tidy up that paint job

WA, 567 posts
28 Dec 2010 4:38PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22868 posts
28 Dec 2010 4:41PM
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Noooiice !!!

1979 posts
28 Dec 2010 9:47PM
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Wow, lots of fin boxes. It's amazing what they can do these days.

WA, 567 posts
1 Jan 2011 5:14PM
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OK now for some feedback I used a set of MFC quads, unfortunately the swell never came in that we were hoping for I have tried the board in head high cross onshore beach break Scarbs with overpowered 4.7m to underpowered dogging around 5.3m
Initially I had the fins set back a bit in the boxes and left my screw driver at home the first time out. hmm board went upwind better than before with speed, turns a bit looser, board felt a bit looser/skateier underfoot, less slappy on the water and it felt slower but that was only a feeling as head to head against a mates board it was ? a bit faster than in twin mode, probably as it feels more in control Im not sure. the changes in the performance were not that great I was a bit disappointed.

Overall I wasn't that impressed until I borrowed a screw driver (thanks Paul from Second Wind) and moved all the fins forward a bit, which loosened up the turns heaps. As a quad there was a slight increase in speed going down the wave face the front part of the board seems to sit lower/flatter in the water, I felt the board went more vertical when charging the lip. When underpowered the top turn has a nice tight little grippy hook turn, when overpowered I found the top turn hard to pull off it didn't want to bank over and turn a tight exit arc(a similar feeling I've felt in some of the production quads). I could however push really hard with my backfoot and slide the whole tail and fins sideways(like a rear of a car skidding) back off pressure when the board was pointing in the direction I wanted to go and the fins would instantly grip and off I'd go (it was a fun move) doing that on the top turn reminded me of sliding out a skateboard I found that I could do that slide more easily as a quad than in twin mode and that it would re grip easier than the twin.
Overall it enhanced some aspects of the boards twin fin performance and yet hindered some of the others depending on the conditions. I just have to work out which conditions to use it as a quad and which to use it as a twin.
I'll definitely make another quad/twin soon just a bit wider to increase my TOW

**So watch the buy and sell section soon for a bargain priced 85l RIDER twin/quad**
(woop! woop! blatent red thumbable pimp!)

WA, 567 posts
3 Jan 2011 2:35PM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Pics of Quad mod to my RidersTwin" started by Rider5