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Pics up from Sellicks Monday 18thDec07

Created by Susie > 9 months ago, 20 Dec 2007
SA, 837 posts
20 Dec 2007 1:20PM
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Huge gusts came through all night, by morning the wind was ESE and almost dead off shore, perfect turquoise water and big gusts coming through. Bert was sailing, Chris from Kangaroo Island rocked up and we sailed until after 11. In the afternoon the wind turned south easterly and all the boys had a blast, unfortunately no waves so the piccys are a little boring, I tried to get some portrait shots in the gallery.
I love easterly mornings. Susie

QLD, 1927 posts
20 Dec 2007 1:45PM
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ah the serenity

Its funny, sometimes you see all those photos of parts of the world that just look amazing, and you wished you lived in one of those places. Then one day you realise, you do!

Love the photos, would make a good wallpaper if they were a bit bigger i think :D

SA, 837 posts
20 Dec 2007 2:52PM
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Thanks Swoosh. I agree, its a beautiful part of the world. The originals are really big swoosh. I downsized them to be kind to Mr Seabreeze.

My favorites are the close ups of Harry and Smithy.

WA, 164 posts
20 Dec 2007 1:51PM
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Thats it I`m going to pull the queen mary out and back into it hehehe


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Pics up from Sellicks Monday 18thDec07" started by Susie