Forums > Windsurfing General

Qld the new WA

Created by vando > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2007
QLD, 3417 posts
27 Dec 2007 12:50AM
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Its a big call but with a forcast of 30+ for the next 8 days.

QLD, 1927 posts
27 Dec 2007 12:57AM
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and i just bought a new 5.9m

if anyone in bris area, or GC, qld, has a spare sail <5.0m they would sell for cheap, lemme know :D And I mean cheap cheap, hehe, I'm gonna get an ezzy 5.2 soon, but doubt I will sort that out in time.

QLD, 5283 posts
27 Dec 2007 1:30AM
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WA, 6277 posts
27 Dec 2007 12:32AM
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All those people in queensland who don't own sails less than 5.0m....

Says it all really

QLD, 3417 posts
27 Dec 2007 1:47AM
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nebbian said...

All those people in queensland who don't own sails less than 5.0m....

Says it all really

Well nebs for those who dont have 5.0 or less they might have trouble hanging on unless ya gesty.

WA, 7608 posts
27 Dec 2007 1:02AM
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Where to go that is the question

QLD, 14468 posts
27 Dec 2007 10:03AM
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vando said...

nebbian said...

All those people in queensland who don't own sails less than 5.0m....

Says it all really

Well nebs for those who dont have 5.0 or less they might have trouble hanging on unless ya gesty.

truth is you only need 2 sails.

an 8.5 and 5.3

my sails have 2 modes.

for eg. rig the 8.5 and it says 8.5m on the printed graphics.

but, turn the sail over and read it from the other side and it changes into HTFU mode. now it read 5.8

same with the 5.3, rigged graphic side up and it's a 5.3, turn it over and it's in HTFU mode and now reads 3.5

all wind speeds covered now.

QLD, 6483 posts
27 Dec 2007 10:35AM
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Well nebs for those who dont have 5.0 or less they might have trouble hanging on unless ya gesty.

or Toots. his 4.5m sail is a 6.5m

QLD, 6483 posts
27 Dec 2007 10:44AM
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truth is you only need 2 sails.

an 8.5 and 5.3

my sails have 2 modes.

for eg. rig the 8.5 and it says 8.5m on the printed graphics.

but, turn the sail over and read it from the other side and it changes into HTFU mode. now it read 5.8

same with the 5.3, rigged graphic side up and it's a 5.3, turn it over and it's in HTFU mode and now reads 3.5

all wind speeds covered now.

sounds similar to the 4 days of use from one pair of undies technique

QLD, 758 posts
27 Dec 2007 11:44AM
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If this low really comes up with the goods for the weekend, you up for a Burrum Heads trip???

Would need to be a good 35 knots before I'd drive up I reckon. Of course, I don't own anything smaller than a 6.0m, but that's what downhaul is for ;)

QLD, 3417 posts
27 Dec 2007 12:33PM
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Hey Sean, Me Pierre and mikey heading up fri morning.
looking at staying fri night maybe sat. u coming

QLD, 758 posts
27 Dec 2007 2:54PM
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most likely it will be saturday if I come up. doing a high-wind formula session tomorrow (if the wind is there) with some kiwi sailors at Redcliffe to get ready for the Oceanics.

email me your mobile number and I'll give you a shout on saturday when I come up.

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
27 Dec 2007 6:28PM
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Burrum was miserable today, the forecasted 20-30kn was actually 10 knots.
Julian was crusing around on his big formula gear and even he ran out of wind in the end.
But I'll be back there tomorrow....

WA, 877 posts
27 Dec 2007 5:37PM
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sounds like the BoM guys from Perth have moved over your way Knot Board

QLD, 14468 posts
9 Jan 2008 3:09AM
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another week of 20-30 knot winds hey!

Mark _australia
WA, 22834 posts
9 Jan 2008 9:06AM
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I'd still rather not have it rain every afternoon, and the carpark at the beach looking like an episode of Pizza

Gimme WA anytime

QLD, 1628 posts
9 Jan 2008 12:09PM
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It's all onshore closeing out pus over there at the moment mark .I grew up sailing on the sunshine coast the only good DTL sailing is in the northely's on the open beaches.ESE is for lake sailing there.QLD will never beat WA for consistant DTL conditions .Although it does have its days.

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Jan 2008 2:11PM
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Mark _australia said...

I'd still rather not have it rain every afternoon, and the carpark at the beach looking like an episode of Pizza

Gimme WA anytime

Rain brings life. I for one do not mind a bit of rain.

You must have the carparks on the Broadwater confused with the carparks at Botany Bay. Speaking of Pizza, its lunch time.

QLD, 3417 posts
9 Jan 2008 2:25PM
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Mark _australia said...

I'd still rather not have it rain every afternoon, and the carpark at the beach looking like an episode of Pizza

Gimme WA anytime
what you scared of getting wet.

Actually it Seems our South easters are back after a 2 year drought.
Hope it keeps up.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Qld the new WA" started by vando