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Forums > Windsurfing General

R.I.P-Robby Naish...The Movie

Created by jh2703 > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2012
TAS, 2012 posts
20 Jan 2012 10:21PM
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I've still got the original on VHS - classic!! No longer got a VHS recorder, but great to watch just now - still remember the whole vid!!!!!

SA, 3025 posts
20 Jan 2012 10:20PM
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So when ya bringin out Barn the movie - Im sure we'll be still watching it in 18 years - maybe you could do a special instruction for Robbie and the rest of the old crew go the barn door - WAFW

Wood Duck
157 posts
20 Jan 2012 8:26PM
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you are a total waste of space barn, I feel sorry for your parents, especially your dad.

WA, 2960 posts
20 Jan 2012 8:37PM
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Wood Duck said...

you are a total waste of space barn, I feel sorry for your parents, especially your dad.

lol.. I'll take that as a comment..

Mind if you pm me your real name, I find it weird having a pseudonym antagonist..


I never said robby was a dud, I just mentioned his forward loop style, and poked fun at Robby Mania.. Far out I think a few people need to chill out and stop taking everything so seriously..

WA, 44 posts
21 Jan 2012 12:46PM
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try doing a flaka on this gear.

VIC, 5 posts
21 Jan 2012 5:37PM
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Wow, what a classic! Thanks for the post.

NSW, 8088 posts
21 Jan 2012 6:52PM
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I noticed the booms are really high in that last video. I have a photo of me on my learner Dufour Wing board and the boom is at above my head / really high..Was that standard of that era and did it help control with the crappy sails etc..?

NSW, 1277 posts
21 Jan 2012 11:30PM
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Yeah nice....Diamond Head and NO HARNESS !!!!!!!!!!

NSW, 40 posts
22 Jan 2012 9:39AM
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Sweet Video The original twin fin.

Wonder what happened to the other Naish boys?

WA, 43 posts
22 Jan 2012 8:50AM
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Its definately an awesome video. Kind of interesting watching Robbys style of waveriding compared to modern quad fin waveriding from someone like Levi Siver. The style has really changed to be more like surfing, which I guess was always the goal. check this video out to see what I meen.

NSW, 406 posts
22 Jan 2012 8:05PM
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I think Barn's resporator has failed and he has sucked in too much resin fumes making those **** boards. If your rating Robby Naish on his pole vault forwards, than F@#k thats lame. Having done both pole vault and horizontal forwards, I can say I feel safer doing the latter. BTW Barny, if you think your comments are 'tongue in cheek' - why do you bang on so much?

NSW, 406 posts
22 Jan 2012 8:16PM
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Just started watching RIP. Around 4:50 into it, those FWDs look pretty sweet and text book/current... on slalom gear!!

NSW, 375 posts
22 Jan 2012 8:29PM
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How about those sections he hits at lanes on the kona wind day, sick.

WA, 2960 posts
22 Jan 2012 6:06PM
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peto said...

I think Barn's resporator has failed and he has sucked in too much resin fumes making those **** boards. If your rating Robby Naish on his pole vault forwards, than F@#k thats lame. Having done both pole vault and horizontal forwards, I can say I feel safer doing the latter. BTW Barny, if you think your comments are 'tongue in cheek' - why do you bang on so much?

Thanks for the concern, I use an organic and particle risporaptor in a well ventilated area.. Sorry for making such **** boards.

I'm not rating Robby on his polevaults. I'm rating Robbies polevaults.. It's just polevaults aren't so fashionable anymore.. He has a unique style, probably ingrained from pioneering forwards on ancient gear..

I don't know why I pointed out his loops. Probably because of all the Robby love.. Did it raise awareness that the style has changed? It certainly annoyed a few folk.. And I've learned you prefer polevaults, and think they're safer. We learned I can also do 'em, as nobbie pointed out earlier.. Fairly productive thread..

“There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees.”

My comments aren't toungue in cheek, his forwards are actually unique, I'm not joking when I say this.. I bang on because I like digging holes that I can't escape from..

This, does not mean I think I am better than Robbie, which is what a few people deduced.

Diving judges don't think they are better than the divers.. Are there any divers that can never be scored below 10 on a move? Because apparently Robbie can't..

Red thumbs if you agree!!

To make it up to the people that I've upset, I've edited a video of robbies best R.I.P loops, and some newer ones from the net.

NSW, 1739 posts
22 Jan 2012 9:22PM
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I think it's all about context, Barn.

My all time favourite tennis player is Rod Laver, but how would he cope with todays' players. Not very well I would imagine, but he is considered one of the best, if not the best tennis players of all time.

Same goes for Bradman, Django Reinhardt (the best guitarist ever!!!), Babe Ruth, etc., etc,

I believe it's about respecting someone's achievements in the timeframe of that persons' existence.


WA, 2960 posts
22 Jan 2012 6:33PM
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albers said...

I think it's all about context, Barn.

I believe it's about respecting someone's achievements in the timeframe of that persons' existence.


Point taken. I did gather that eventually.

Charles Darwin was incredibly wrong on many points, he was also Racist. This doesn't deter he is still the greatest scientist in human history.

I don't actually know any of Robbies achievements, I've only ever seen RIP, that time he yelled at a Chopper(PWA '98?), and when he was in the Aloha Classic in 1987 (AKA Richie Myers gets eaten).. I've only been told that he is the Master, never shown..

(youtubing Django Reinhardt )

NSW, 1739 posts
22 Jan 2012 9:55PM
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barn said...
[(youtubing Django Reinhardt )

Django (a gypsy from Belgium) died in the early 1950s, and there is very little footage of him playing.

But he is generally considered the father of modern guitar.

He had a deformed left (fretting) hand and only used two fingers for soloing. This guy was sweep picking in the 30s/40s as well as using/inventing many other guitar playing device/techniques.

The general public would not know of Django, but to the serious guitarist, he is the proverbial genius.

Even Hendrix recorded an album called "Band Of Gypsies" dedicated to Django.


Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
22 Jan 2012 10:57PM
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barn said...

peto said...

I think Barn's resporator has failed and he has sucked in too much resin fumes making those **** boards. If your rating Robby Naish on his pole vault forwards, than F@#k thats lame. Having done both pole vault and horizontal forwards, I can say I feel safer doing the latter. BTW Barny, if you think your comments are 'tongue in cheek' - why do you bang on so much?

Thanks for the concern, I use an organic and particle risporaptor in a well ventilated area.. Sorry for making such **** boards.

I'm not rating Robby on his polevaults. I'm rating Robbies polevaults.. It's just polevaults aren't so fashionable anymore.. He has a unique style, probably ingrained from pioneering forwards on ancient gear..

I don't know why I pointed out his loops. Probably because of all the Robby love.. Did it raise awareness that the style has changed? It certainly annoyed a few folk.. And I've learned you prefer polevaults, and think they're safer. We learned I can also do 'em, as nobbie pointed out earlier.. Fairly productive thread..

“There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees.”

My comments aren't toungue in cheek, his forwards are actually unique, I'm not joking when I say this.. I bang on because I like digging holes that I can't escape from..

This, does not mean I think I am better than Robbie, which is what a few people deduced.

Diving judges don't think they are better than the divers.. Are there any divers that can never be scored below 10 on a move? Because apparently Robbie can't..

Red thumbs if you agree!!

To make it up to the people that I've upset, I've edited a video of robbies best R.I.P loops, and some newer ones from the net.

too funny ! Dont try and please or appease the audience on this forum - heartache only lies there.

The most boring conversations are those in which everyone agrees with each other.

Gotta give credit to Naish for pioneering big pole vaults - back before the safety spin was invented. They certainly look dated now

progress involves standing on the shoulders of giants

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
24 Jan 2012 5:50PM
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My attempt at a RIP tribute using Col's awesome heli footage.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"R.I.P-Robby Naish...The Movie" started by jh2703