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Forums > Windsurfing General

Recommendations for second sail purchase

Created by pm01537 > 9 months ago, 10 Mar 2011
QLD, 18 posts
10 Mar 2011 7:23PM
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For my first (learning) sail, I purchased a Severne 6.5m Gator but am finding it's over powered for 12m/s + (23 knots) conditions (Zushi beach, Japan). Hence, I am in the market for a smaller and durable (still learning) sail around 5m to 5.3m that is matched to my size (188cm 82kgs) and won't grow out of as I get better.
I'm thinking about the Severne Blade but as I'm nowhere close to wave sailing yet, I'm having doubts as to whether this is the right selection. Would appreciate recommendations for make and models of other sails that readers may have.

328 posts
10 Mar 2011 5:56PM
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Wave sails will be good for you because of durability, which is more than welcome when learning, these sails will work just fine for blasting around.
These sails are also easier to handle in my opinion, which comes useful as well.

705 posts
10 Mar 2011 6:06PM
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try to purchase something that fits on your exsisting mast, boom etc.
then you can save the costs of new gear.

a wave sail is a good option but can be alittle uneven to use when learning.

good luck

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
10 Mar 2011 6:48PM
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JOYRIDER said...

try to purchase something that fits on your exsisting mast, boom etc.
then you can save the costs of new gear.

a wave sail is a good option but can be alittle uneven to use when learning.

good luck

I disagree - he would currently be using a 460 and won't get a small enough sail on that
(if he buys something smaller for a 460 he will just end up with something too close in size to the 6.5)

And I don't know about a wavesail being 'uneven' do you mean not stable compared to a freeride?
A no cam freeride is good but the wavesail's lack of stability when overpowered is more than offset by durability, which IS what beginner to intermediates need.
Go the wavesail

But PM what gear do you curently have (mast etc?)

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
10 Mar 2011 11:05PM
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Go for another Gator, easier matching your existing mast and they morf into waveable sails in the smaller sizes

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
10 Mar 2011 11:02PM
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Little Jon said...

Go for another Gator, easier matching your existing mast and they morf into waveable sails in the smaller sizes

what Gator, smaller than 6.5, will fit on the same mast? 5.3 and 5.5 will but less than ideal and he suggested he may want as small as 5.0
Depends if he is rigging the 6.5 on a 430 or not so I'd not recommend anything til he gets back to us on what he has?

WA, 847 posts
10 Mar 2011 11:52PM
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Mark _australia said...

Little Jon said...

Go for another Gator, easier matching your existing mast and they morf into waveable sails in the smaller sizes

what Gator, smaller than 6.5, will fit on the same mast? 5.3 and 5.5 will but less than ideal and he suggested he may want as small as 5.0
Depends if he is rigging the 6.5 on a 430 or not so I'd not recommend anything til he gets back to us on what he has?

I'd recommend another Gator as well. According to specs, ideal mast for 2011 5.3 Gator would be 430/21 but is also compatible with a 400 or 460! Blade would be an option though I think Gator would be much less mast specific than Blade (I've got a 4.5 Blade). Very important to use the right mast in either sail.

WA, 87 posts
11 Mar 2011 7:40AM
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My Gator 6.5 (2010 I think) rigs on a 430, so you may already be using a 430 mast - which will give you plenty of optios to dowsize.

WA, 1252 posts
11 Mar 2011 11:01AM
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5.5 wave sail, like a Blade or Gay Pride Combat. Wave for the durability, i.e kevlar reinforced monofilm panels as opposed to just monofilm. Not sure what mast you'll need, probs a 430. I've got one mast size for all my sails. 4m for sail range 3.7 - 5.2.

QLD, 18 posts
11 Mar 2011 3:07PM
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Many thanks everyone for your valuable input. It is so hard to get unbiased advice over here.

I have listed all my gear in my profile but as many of you correctly speculated, I have a Severne 430RDM Blueline mast (with an Aeron 46cm aluminium mast extension). Many thanks again and I hope this helps in giving your advice.

PS One the key reasons I went for the Gator was its durability (full x-ply construction) and would definitely be wanting the same of kind toughness for my second sail too as I still get thrown occasionally.

PPS I see either the Gator or Blade 5.3 will work with a 430 but I'm wondering if a rig with a lower profile - on a lighter, full carbon 400 mast - might be better in overpowered conditions....??

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
11 Mar 2011 7:35PM
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Seeing as though you are using a Severne 430, I'd go a 5.3 Gator - the gap is pretty large but you can fill it in with a 5.7 later

The gap is not a major issue as it seems you are already using the 6.5 right up to it's upper limit.

The reason I say Gator is it is strong etc, and will rig the same as your existing sail which makes it easier to rig the same (ie: correctly) each time. The Blade is great but why add somethign slightly different to the mix of things to get right each time you sail?

Go the gator

Gator love

WA, 847 posts
11 Mar 2011 9:26PM
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pm01537 said...

PPS I see either the Gator or Blade 5.3 will work with a 430 but I'm wondering if a rig with a lower profile - on a lighter, full carbon 400 mast - might be better in overpowered conditions....??

Either sail would probably be more stable with 430 mast rather than 400 in overpowered conditions due to extra stiffness of 430 (21 IMCS stiffness rating of 430 mast vs 19 IMCS of 400 mast), though handling may be slightly better with 400.

VIC, 1572 posts
16 Mar 2011 10:21AM
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Hi There,

Hope you are OK there in Japan. Please give us a sign of life if its OK.


QLD, 18 posts
19 Mar 2011 12:34AM
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jermaldan said...

Hi There,

Hope you are OK there in Japan. Please give us a sign of life if its OK.


Thanks gents for your additional sound advice and concern. My nerves are shaken (literally) after last Friday's quake but physically I'm fine. I'm heading back to Japan now from Singapore where I've been since Tuesday on business trip and with the levels of radiation up (but still safe so they are saying), I'm a little nervous. Good sailing and thanks again.

WA, 847 posts
18 Mar 2011 10:44PM
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So whereabouts in Japan is 'Zushi Beach' and what are the average conditions like for windsurfing?

(spent a week travelling around Kyushu many years ago but didn't make it to any of the other islands).

WA, 6277 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:22PM
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I don't think this is Zushi beach but it's definitely in Japan:

Best of luck and well wishes for your safe return.

WA, 2 posts
19 Mar 2011 12:41AM
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Good to hear you're okay. Have a safe return.

QLD, 18 posts
23 Mar 2011 12:32AM
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GazMan said...

So whereabouts in Japan is 'Zushi Beach' and what are the average conditions like for windsurfing?

(spent a week travelling around Kyushu many years ago but didn't make it to any of the other islands).

Zushi beach is near Kamakura. It's a major windsurfing spot in Japan along with Omaezaki at the tip of the Izu penninsula (Shizuoka Pref). That pic in the previous post looks similar to Zushi beach but not sure where it was taken and it could just be the black volcanic sand and sunless sky.

Average conditions at Zushi are still and flat to very strong winds (15-16 m/s) and 2-3m swell and everything in between. Temps range from 1 or 2 degrees (snowing) to mid 30s in summer. Problem is that wind direction is varies due to natural and man-made structures surrounding the bay and your position within the bay itself. This makes it tricky sometimes but I'm coping so far ok. has live wind reports accross the world. Just look up Miura if you are interested.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Recommendations for second sail purchase" started by pm01537