Forums > Windsurfing General

River Sailors Rule

Created by hardie > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2011
WA, 4082 posts
22 Jan 2011 3:12PM
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lao shi
SA, 1293 posts
22 Jan 2011 6:17PM
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I swear it looked like that at Pt Walter in that big Easterly that we had a while back.
Too much chop for you, Hardie!

What was the dead thing in the water at 1.23? Big fish?

WA, 4082 posts
22 Jan 2011 4:08PM
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lao shi said...

Too much chop for you, Hardie!

Just a tad choppier than Alphaland how'd ya like to crack a 20kt Alpha in that

NSW, 1718 posts
22 Jan 2011 7:51PM
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Man they get such pimp swell at the Gorge, DO LIKE!

QLD, 4873 posts
22 Jan 2011 11:03PM
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Thanks Hards, great to watch (impossible to do ) Looks like the chop we get here in Yeppoon

SA, 565 posts
23 Jan 2011 10:50AM
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zomg! i don't know how that gets classed as a river! it looks more like cape horn to me.

those sailors are seriously bold. the sheer explosive power they put into their airs makes it fascinating to watch.

TAS, 1973 posts
23 Jan 2011 11:55AM
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that was a mad as vid!!

WA, 3183 posts
23 Jan 2011 9:04AM
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whats the go here....??

where do the waves come from ????

WA, 4082 posts
23 Jan 2011 9:19AM
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whats the go here....??

where do the waves come from ????

I think its the strength of the current water flow, vs the opposing strong winds, that are funnelled up the Gorge??

NSW, 8019 posts
23 Jan 2011 12:37PM
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Wind opposed tide & I think its snowmelt so be B cold! Cripes one guy was jumping hooked in...

QLD, 14393 posts
23 Jan 2011 11:59AM
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souithern tip of bribie island in qld gets similar to that in a strong SE'r

7 knot outgoing tide and 25 knots from opposite direction. it's intense sailing even without the massive jumps.

QLD, 7428 posts
23 Jan 2011 1:14PM
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Those Shadow Box gps must have a clever way of handling altitude.

As I understand it gps altitude readings are generally unreliable. The Navi readings certainly are. The Garmin cycling gps use a barometric doodad for altitude and they are are still considered unreliable by some.

SB records acceleration and attitude too and reports a bunch of derived data. I wonder if it uses some clever gps analysis or maybe it has an inertial recorder, a gyro or some such?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"River Sailors Rule" started by hardie