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Forums > Windsurfing General

Robby Naish The Gentleman

Created by Bonominator > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2012
Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
7 Nov 2012 4:43PM
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i like a lot of Barn's posts - consistently entertaining and creative- i dont agree with some of what he thinks , just as i agree with a lot of his points too.

I am not sure it warrants the witch hunt that some members here are running - i mean cmon - putting up " post of the year " as a thread in the general section ...?

Play the ball not the man. Please try and follow the forum guidelines too ...

Robby Still has a ton of style today - still one of the best bottom turn / top turn combos in the business.

now i'm off to try and turn my Robby Naish style poley vaulty board snapper forwards into modern super safety spinners - wish me and my knees some luck!

NSW, 1739 posts
7 Nov 2012 8:53PM
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barn said...

Hey Barn, your old man still looks pretty fit for an old bloke.

I hope he knows you're posting photos of him on internet forums

ACT, 548 posts
7 Nov 2012 9:33PM
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all he said was "still can't forward"

QLD, 4873 posts
7 Nov 2012 8:39PM
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I know in this instance it is probably better to bite one's tongue but I can't see how my reference to Notwal's post in the general section as being a "witch hunt" of Barn. whilst I don't agree with Barn in this instance I respect his opinion (as I said on numerous occasions, opinions are like arseholes.... Everybody's got one). Notwal's erudite response was so well worded and actually has real life lesson and advice for a younger generation, albeit humorously I felt it worth sharing.

Now if Barn is truly incensed with me playing the man and not the ball he is more than capable of expressing his displeasure publicly here or privately pm'ing me.

BTW - It was post of the decade

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Nov 2012 9:07PM
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Zed said...
FormulaNova said...
NotWal said...
It seems we have an example of one of the fundamental cruelties of human nature.

Kids piss on the older generation without really understanding what they are pissing on. They make a lot of noise to assert themselves and spray their wee wee hither and yon. Then they grow up and realize that the old guys were always very little different from young guys like themselves, just packaged differently and with an outlook ameliorated by time and a different experience. Then they get old and get pissed on in their turn.

Didn't James Dean star in a movie about that? He was cool once. You wouldn't piss on him or would you? He died young, left a good looking corpse and an evocation of youth and boundless possibility. He stormed around spraying piss in the general direction of the comfortable and demanding attention, but he was of the past. He would have respected Robby had he lived, like the rest of us who followed Robby through his rock star years. Robby left an indelible impression of athletic skill, and style, and charm. He was a node in the heady milieu of the times. Yeah he was a star when windsurfing stars were a cultural phenomenon.

Piss on it if you like Barn but had you been there you would know how truly futile and ineffectual your pissant histrionics are. But you weren't there were you, so how could you know. Even if you were better than Robby could never be as good as Robby.

With any luck you will get old and there is nothing you can do about that. However it's not all bad. You're no dummy. With the wisdom of age you will learn to check which way the wind blows before you piss, and we hope, acquire the knowledge of when to wear a raincoat.

Why would Barn's take on Robby Naish affect your personal respect for the guy (RN not Barn)?

Just because someone has an alternate point of view doesn't mean it has to matter to you... like an opinion on high pressure compressed air nano-fabric carbon cobra boards for instance...

Exactly. Water off a ducks back. You can't get upset over every douchebag who crosses your path. Just smile and pat them on the head.

Well you see Barn is not a douchebag. He's one of the more interesting posters here. If he were just another troll I wouldn't care what he thought. But I don't think he's just trolling. I remember having a similar attitude when I was younger and I assume he is much the same.

WA, 2960 posts
7 Nov 2012 7:09PM
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NotWal said...

Then they get old and get pissed on in their turn.

First, very well written post! I had a little trouble reading as I was not used to proper sentences..

But at what point, before I'm to be pissed on by the next generation, will I forget how to take an obvious 'wind up' from them? I'm pretty sure we'll all be immune to a silly comment on the internet, such as 'Phillip Koster Karnt Forward'. Maybe it will be a new medium of communication that will confuse us..

The only people who got upset at me, the posters taking every post personally, probably visit Seabreeze exclusively.

There are that many posts and opinions on the net that you don't have to travel far to find a stupid comment, or something that could make you angry. It's foolish to get sucked in.

It's a waste of time giving life lectures to people on the internet. (Not directed at Notwals post)

Heck, nobody is supposed to agree with my posts, not even I agree with much of them, but they make me laugh. I'm not ignorant of Robby, I grew up on exactly the same windsurfing VHS's as everybody on here. Richie Meyers was cool and Robby was a Big Dork..

We'll never know, but if I hadn't pointed out Robbies forwards, this thread might well be dead like most Youtube party threads.. And we'd be stuck talking about footstrap positions or something..

What's with that Pirate flag logo? A lot of thought went into that one Robby

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
7 Nov 2012 7:17PM
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Ahhh this reminds me of macro...(whatever's) super budget space shuttle spider board thread.
Your leg workin yet barn?

QLD, 2039 posts
7 Nov 2012 9:26PM
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this thread is gold.

look at the first page of topics, we have a few asking about fins, some more about boards, at least one about a rig, some redneck "kill all the sharks" post, a few others of little interest and this gem.

Keep it up Barn, I get the humour... hell I'll go out on a limb and say Robby himself might even get the humour.

Remember, this is an internet forum, nothing more, nothing less. Play loose and fast and don't get too serious... it's supposed to be fun.

I am surprised not more was said about windsurfing in a suit. Now that deserves a whole new thread.

WA, 2960 posts
7 Nov 2012 7:43PM
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dan berry said...
Ahhh this reminds me of macro...(whatever's) super budget space shuttle spider board thread.
Your leg workin yet barn?

No good Dan, gettin a knee reco next week. That will teach me for doing Robby Polevaults!!. I better pm macro, see if he has any ideas for how I can replace my ACL for $300 in China.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
7 Nov 2012 7:47PM
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Spiders barn, spiders. Why didn't you have it rebuilt last year? Why wait for a year

WA, 14921 posts
8 Nov 2012 4:05AM
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Get them to use some divinycell in your knee. It provides for a longer lasting repair. Don't go for the standard Cobra construction!

Don't use kevlar though, it will be a bugger to sand.

QLD, 3424 posts
8 Nov 2012 6:06AM
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I like Barn's drawings !!

WA, 14921 posts
8 Nov 2012 6:02AM
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They were drawings? I just thought they were photos of a very weird world.
Is his father really Jim Drake? That could explain things.

NSW, 1147 posts
8 Nov 2012 6:05PM
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you all take barn too seriously. i can picture you all getting angry at your computer while reading his posts and it makes me laugh.

this would have been another boring thread without his stirring comments.

keep it up...

QLD, 3424 posts
8 Nov 2012 5:09PM
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FormulaNova said...
They were drawings? I just thought they were photos of a very weird world.
Is his father really Jim Drake? That could explain things.

was refering to the hilarious drawings he made in my "good deed" topic

still laughing at the "OMG a shear tip !!"

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
9 Nov 2012 12:05PM
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Things you might not know about Barak and Robby

WA, 1252 posts
9 Nov 2012 9:24AM
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DunkO said...
you all take barn too seriously. i can picture you all getting angry at your computer while reading his posts and it makes me laugh.

this would have been another boring thread without his stirring comments.

keep it up...

Not really. I love a good laugh, but 'stirring' or trolling or whatever you want to call it just bores me to tears.

WA, 3491 posts
3 Dec 2012 12:28AM
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barn said...
That video was good. Wasn't that about the time windsurfing died in the arse? How much responsibility do the elite windsurfers of the time have for sending the sport in the wrong direction?

Let's face it. Robby Naish is the Tony Hawk of Windsurfing. Not the best one out there but the one most associated with the sport.

Watch the interview below and you'll understand why people consider him a legend:

QLD, 4873 posts
3 Dec 2012 11:01AM
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Great interview Stehsegler - I think the interviewer's comment towards the end where he refers to how successful and famous Robby has been but has carried his image with humility sums the guy up.

QLD, 239 posts
5 Dec 2012 6:57PM
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I love his attitude of get out there and live...have fun whatever it maybe but dont forget how to play...wise words imho..i also enjoyed hearing him on windsurfing, as a newbie of about 8 mths gives me heaps of motivation and makes me realise the best is yet to come.

VIC, 1579 posts
6 Dec 2012 12:46AM
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I really enjoyed the Soul Surfers interview.

The coolest people don't seem to try...
...they just are.

Good post.

TAS, 136 posts
7 Dec 2012 11:02PM
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Why are people responding to the joker on this forum? He's probably a youngster with some growing up to do and we've all been there.

Don't refer to him and he'll get bored. If he keeps posting then there musn't be much going on for him outside this forum.

I think Robbie was a legend but was always surprised bjorn didn't get more fame. Dominated everything for about 10 years after all.

Says something about our sport though that some of the guys from past era are still winning today - shows there's not many next gen competing in race or slalom.


WA, 177 posts
11 Dec 2012 10:28PM
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Plus, he released the greatest windsurfing movie of all time.



Forums > Windsurfing General

"Robby Naish The Gentleman" started by Bonominator