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Forums > Windsurfing General

Sailquick's show us your shed thread

Created by decrepit > 9 months ago, 1 Sep 2008
WA, 12459 posts
1 Sep 2008 4:23PM
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Well Andrew you asked for it, so I'll start it.

My shed is what's left of the old beach shack that we lived in, before we built the new house at the back of the block.
Anybody who used to surf Avalon in the early years will know it as the corner shop, sold ice-creams etc, much before we bought it.

Now it's got a wind vane, and what's left of the anemometer, after the bearing seized.

The old lounge now has a roller door for the car and toys to go in and out.

The old dinning room is my general work area, (new speed board with closed cell implants)

The old bathroom, is now just messy shelves. (Hot wire device in foreground)

The old meals area, is now my shaping bay

NSW, 9029 posts
1 Sep 2008 7:48PM
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With a shed like that, how much time do you spend in the house besides sleep time?

SA, 4096 posts
1 Sep 2008 7:44PM
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windsurf gear rack,most of the time i leave my gear in the back of the old Rice muncher ute which is used 90% for windsurfing max range about 15km any further it may die.

room to hang up and wash sail

gym and bikes

WA, 12459 posts
1 Sep 2008 6:50PM
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Mobydisc said...

With a shed like that, how much time do you spend in the house besides sleep time?

If I worked 9 to 5, probably not a lot, but being retired, means I can easily get my fill of the shed.

WA, 8778 posts
1 Sep 2008 7:09PM
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Disaster Area

Muppet Style

The bits I stand on

The bits I try to keep out of the water (not to sucessfully)

The Disaster Area strategically made to look like a muppet has hit it so as to avoid being able to do "quick" jobs

My first Windsurf board

TAS, 2213 posts
1 Sep 2008 9:11PM
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Anyone else suffering from shed envy?

TAS, 495 posts
1 Sep 2008 9:55PM
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jeez elmo youve got more gear than shops ive been in

SA, 3025 posts
1 Sep 2008 9:34PM
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Geez I love a good shed - but I put mine in anyway.

Does everyone else in the families discarded stuff end up in your shed stealing good space from serious junk.

The eight ball table can only be played from two sides, the legs are wonky and balls are out of shape (eight balls that is)

WA, 8778 posts
1 Sep 2008 8:12PM
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monster said...

jeez elmo youve got more gear than shops ive been in

It's not all that impressive,

Some of it's not mine
Some of it has been donated by Hardy
Some of it is knackered (can't bear to throw some out)
Some of it's my kids
Only 2 boards of mine are classed as Modern,'08 JP Slalom VI and '08 92 FSW Pro.

There's a few knackered sails in the racks as well nothing newer than '06 all second hand, who say's Pryde sails aren't tough, mine cop a thrashing.
There is one **** there, but I'm to embarrassed to actually type it's name

WA, 7608 posts
1 Sep 2008 9:49PM
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Hey decrep, just curious as to why you store your boards face down?

WA, 4564 posts
1 Sep 2008 9:51PM
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elmo said...

monster said...

jeez elmo youve got more gear than shops ive been in

It's not all that impressive,

Some of it's not mine
Some of it has been donated by Hardy
Some of it is knackered (can't bear to trow some out)
Some of it's my kids
Only 2 boards of mine are classed as Modern,'08 JP Slalom VI and '08 92 FSW Pro.

There's a few knackered sails in the racks as well nothing newer than '06 all second hand, who say's Pryde sails aren't tough, mine cop a thrashing.
There is one **** there, but I'm to embarrassed to actually type it's name

Elmo, now that's a shed I like it, particularly the way you have laid it out to prevent any interruptions such as "can you build this, fix that, undo this, undo that and so on.[}:)]
My style of shed.
I dont gota shed any more blocks too small, just a gashrage

WA, 8778 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:04PM
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There was an added benefit to the Muppet mayhem disaster area.

My beloved got that p1ssed off with trying to find anything in my shed I had to get one for her How cool is that.

If you have a look to the right on the photo of my first board you can see a bit of it nice little 6x4m (I thunk).

WA, 8778 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:06PM
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Greenroom said...

Hey decrep, just curious as to why you store your boards face down?

My theory
Allows any water to drain out of the bung hole, plus it saves running the risk of getting any indentations in the bottom of the board from the railing from lack of abuse

WA, 12459 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:16PM
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Yep, Elmo's got it, I had a bung I bought that had a moulding line run thru the seal area, consequently it let in a bit of water, since then it's become habit to store them upside down.

WA, 7608 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:28PM
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Cool. Thats what I thought? And only if the hole is at the lowest point right?
Doing this would let water out while its cool but then when the shed heats up any left over water will vapourise and not drip out but stay in the board? Yes no?
I guess its much the same if you stored them facing up?

235 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:32PM
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Fantastic...and an extra shoutout for the "Precision Equipment" board

elmo said...

Disaster Area

Muppet Style

The bits I stand on

The bits I try to keep out of the water (not to sucessfully)

The Disaster Area strategically made to look like a muppet has hit it so as to avoid being able to do "quick" jobs

My first Windsurf board

Wet Willy
TAS, 2317 posts
2 Sep 2008 12:52AM
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Very jealous...

I'd need a shed like that too by now, if I hadn't sold off some of my old gear as I bought newer stuff...

One day, one day!!!!

WA, 3183 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:54PM
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thats who reg sells all his gear too
how many boards 11ish

i don't feel so bad now....

Wet Willy
TAS, 2317 posts
2 Sep 2008 1:02AM
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How do you decide which ones to take? Or do you just stuff as many boards as you can into the back of your semi?

VIC, 6155 posts
2 Sep 2008 1:33AM
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Wet Willy said...

How do you decide which ones to take? Or do you just stuff as many boards as you can into the back of your semi?

I made a big trailer with racks for 6 boards. No good anymore. Now I have to unload some and change them over when conditions change...... It's either that or stak them up on the top....

WA, 1381 posts
2 Sep 2008 12:05AM
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Hey Windy, love the space saving idea.

QLD, 64 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:13AM
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easty said...

Anyone else suffering from shed envy?

Hell yes, and also equipment envy,

TAS, 1998 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:48AM
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the best shed with boards all over the place and the are 3 other sails behind that code red like noth warps and gastra sails half rigged

Wet Willy
TAS, 2317 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:48AM
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Charles said...

easty said...

Anyone else suffering from shed envy?

Hell yes, and also equipment envy,

Not to mention wind envy.

No formula boards in any of those sheds...

TAS, 1998 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:53AM
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i can see an formula board

QLD, 5610 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:57AM
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how come none of these sheds have bars ??? (booze, not steel)

WA, 8778 posts
2 Sep 2008 10:10AM
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izaak said...

the best shed with boards all over the place and the are 3 other sails behind that code red like noth warps and gastra sails half rigged


TAS, 1998 posts
2 Sep 2008 12:12PM
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yes there is pleanty of gear hey elmo

WA, 2226 posts
2 Sep 2008 10:15AM
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Is that a Hypersonic up the top in the back They turn up everywhere

TAS, 1998 posts
2 Sep 2008 12:21PM
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yea it is its my light wind board

WA, 2331 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:18AM
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Izaak's shed is pretty impressive, especially seeing as he is only 14.

Something tell's me there might be a whole family's gear in there


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Sailquick's show us your shed thread" started by decrepit