Is this the ugliest board ever or what?
Can't even make out the front from the back, though the little holies for footstraps (I guess??) gives it away.
Umm what's that ropey thing on the front?
(Don't knock it; I'm sure it'll be back in style soon enough)
I think it's a Sodim (should be Sodthat). But they did have a worse board - one with a square tail, square rails about 100mm thick - and a fin sticking out SIDEWAYS from each rail.
I assume that the idea was that the board would carve through turns on the fin instead of the rail.
if you put slowboat on this board + sail with all the mod cons,carbon boom,fin,da
kine straps etc, i reckon he would still go past most of the mortals on 2010 gear.
It makes you realise what a classic the original design was (and no I don't mean any of the protos that were used to remove the Windsurfer patent). I would buy one in an instant if I could find a decent second hand one, they are very rare in Tassi now.
given its age, its probably cheap, so buy it, try it , give everybody a report, what is there to lose, it may even be a good buy
LOL you guys really crack me. Buy it, right.
Wouldn't waste a drop of petrol for it, but perhaps if the owner took it to the water for me, as a joke.
I rode a closet door once at Sandringham beach, for the hell of it.
It sorta rode OK once you put a skeg on.
Perhaps the feeling would be similar with that plank.
Going off the latest trends, put 6 fins in it, advertise it right including a youtube video with euro's riding it with baseball caps on backwards and you'll sell 1000 of them (and 5000 of the fragile "pro" edition)
and that sail!?! maybe it's just perspective of the shot but to me the boom cut-out seems so high up the luff - i imagine the angle of the boom would be extremely far from perpendicular to the mast to go from cut-out to clew!
Its a Sainval, they where a french company from the mid 80's, i had their div 1 board that could beat the more popular dufour wing. I think a bloke from Runaway bay imported them. don,t know what the sail is from.
Well, whatever genius said earlier the underside was made of metal seems to be right. Ditto with whoever said it might be multi-fins.
The poster sent a picture.
You guys are geniuses of windsurfing.
wow, i thought the skinny was the front #$%^&*(
it's getting weirder by the minute
my old F2 comet has multiple fin holes, butt usually goes with the standard one
this may be along the same lines
either the fins go in the "front" or this would be a really hard board to ride !!