Made a little hole in my sail. Would the repair be cost effective, or should I get another SH sail? The yellow line is a Photoshop line, just to show the extent of the rip.
Most sailmakers should be able to easily repair that one for under $100.
Depends on whether you need a good excuse to buy a new sail :)
Yep Fix it... thats only a little rip..... wait till you destroy three panels on one go .
All jokes aside, yep very fixable for little $$
and good luck
Thats a pretty big panel $100 hmm maybe depends on where ya go.
another thing is to see what condition the other panels are in are they brittle.
Ive seen guys get panels fixed then a few weeks later the next panel goes.
how old is the sail.
packing tape will fix that if you gotta sail ASAP
cut up a cardboard box to lay under the sail, wipe the split area with metho and let dry, then apply the tape. doesn't look pretty but gets u sailing
I jumped through my 5.3 in December, decided not to get it repaired & bought another second hand 5.4 from good old e-bay. Jumped through that one the very next time I hit the water.
If the rest of the sail is in good nik get it repaired.
If not ..... Choose your next sail wisely.
I agree with Vando, it depends how much UV the sail's had. Once monofilm gets enough sunshine, panels like that will blow just by sneezing on them.
So how much force, caused that split???? If it wasn't very much, bin it.
If it was a lot, get a sailmaker to replace that panel.
Thanks guys.
re: how much force
The rig got caught by a large wave, and rolled upon the entry. Coupled with my attempt to lift it, this opened a "V" section on the left.
I decided the life was short and went sailing regardless.
The rest got ripped further during the ssesion, and went all the way upon the exit when the waves roled it again.
re: packing tape
If it was just the original "V" damage, maybe, but it has gone through the reinfoircement on the right side (green track), and the reinforced section with the mesh.
re: how old
I think it may be less tan 5 years. I think 2007. It's in OK order otherwise.
re: how much UV
Bought it second hand. Who knows. I looked after it OK.
It may have had a small split I havent' noticed, which caused it to rip open.
re: under $100
Well the feedback from you guys is very encouraging.
I better start asking around...
I emailed Jesper, but he is abroad, and won't be back for another 2 months.
It looked pretty sad when I saw it on the beach...
If it were just a split in the monofilm then sure go for it but as it's gone through the X-ply I'd retire it.
I just had a quick scout around, and there's a couple of Severne Freeride 7.5's on here for $150:
I reckon that repairing the sail might cost a substantial portion of $150.
re: packing tape and sticky back dacron both sides
Thanks guys.
It seems that the repair will be cost effective, so I'll put the tape fix on the backburner :-)
Yer mate i could fix that for you, would not be too hard of a job, just a large panel, would be best to replace small front x-ply panel too, P.M me if you would like any more info...