If you send a text "kiss your pussy" predictive text will write it as "kick your puppy" so you have to be very carefull to chrck before hitting the send button.
I like cats, but i cant eat a whole one!!
I like cats, they taste like chicken!!
So many cats, not enough recipes!!!
Ok well I am not sure what she is
I don't think she is sure what she is either..
She eats bananas and tomatoes oh yer and fish fish and more fish
Dunno why anyone has cats.
The only time you see them is when they're hungry. Won't come when they're called. You worship them, feed them, give them their every desire, and they turn around and stick their anus in your face and walk off.
Dogs any day.
Well he's not really a cat or a dog, but more a mix of both....
He's my rabbit
Before you laugh, they actually make great apartment pets. He's quiet, easy to clean up after and suprising friendly and fun. He's like a dog in the way he follows you round the apartment and plays fetch.
Oh did I mention that girls go to pieces at first sight ....
Hey NotWAL
The picture of the 2 birds. I am not up with my bird watching but aren't they a pair of ...............
And when you get fed up with it it makes a nice hat and dinner!