Forums > Windsurfing General

Swan Lake???

Created by gregc > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2011
VIC, 1299 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:30PM
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Just browsing and came across Swan Lake near Sussex. Has anyone sailed there?

NSW, 2016 posts
21 Aug 2011 10:30PM
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greg swan lake is protcted by trees, if there werent any tree's it would be good

NSW, 413 posts
22 Aug 2011 5:06PM
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I have actually had some really good sails on swan lake. I don't think the trees are that much of an issue. Used to go there every year for holidays, but some 10+ years ago. The Nor Easter comes down the lake really nicely. Some of my best sailing memories are on that lake sailing a sea breeze from midday until dark in 20-30knots of wind... completely exhausted and packing in the dark. It is definately worth a look for a holiday destination with water that is not busy with people.

VIC, 1299 posts
22 Aug 2011 9:08PM
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oooh i love a good differing opinion.

btw keef I am now in the market for a commuter, could you be a legend and measure from the back of the seat (the first row of passenger seats you left in) to the rear door so I know what will and won't fit. ta

NSW, 2016 posts
22 Aug 2011 10:28PM
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gregc said...

oooh i love a good differing opinion.

greg it means have a look for your self lazy bones

i have 3 boards 2400 and that's it, 3400 to the front seat, 1600 high, and 1440 wide, legally its a 5 seater with the console folding up, dont know if it would fit any fat baskets

VIC, 1299 posts
22 Aug 2011 10:30PM
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Lol I'm sure if it's just me in the front it will be ok lol. So the boards don't quite fit behind the seats?

NSW, 2016 posts
22 Aug 2011 10:38PM
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the board in the blue bag is a CA55 2400, the one under it a rrd 125 2400, so yes they fit behind the seat but you wouldnt get any thing longer
edit yes you would remembering the nose can sit under the seat , ill have a look tomorrow and send you a PM

maybe if you put a longer board in tail first it could go under the seat

VIC, 1299 posts
22 Aug 2011 10:41PM
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Thanks mate your a legend

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Aug 2011 3:12PM
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thought id stick it up here just in case someone else is looking at a gas commuter forgot to take the gas tank and frame into consideration, the nose of the CA55 to the back door is 3000, theres a rrd 125L\2400x700 in the red bag above it , the rrd wont fit under the seat because of the frame , with some adjustment it would fit because the inside measurement of the seat is 800 hope that helps

QLD, 4873 posts
23 Aug 2011 3:16PM
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Man that fin might be in need of a light sanding Keef.

keef said...

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Aug 2011 4:56PM
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snags i'm giveing it to LEO in exchange for a full carbon f2 sputnik , now he's hit the 40knt club i'm sure it can take him to the next level


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Swan Lake???" started by gregc