He said I should buy a kite as it is more appropriate to these Cold Toast, no wind conditions (that's Gold Coast/Cold Toast). Taunted me with graphs of yellow and red arrows. Showed me how a kite fits in the boot of his VW Beetle (it was a dream OK, i don't get it either). Showed me steep learning curves (drawn in blood of course). Showed me vids of Robby Naish, a son of the windsurfing god, on a kite.
Will I be forgiven if I get a kite for 10 knot days?
yes, i have heard of this dream before......
if it was god he would of uttered one word to you....
Hey I was thinking that, or a big starboard go or similar. I've got to get a mast for that 8.5. Cruising around in < 10knots on a board that can go upwind very well can actually be very... therapeutic... if it's a nice, warm day, high tide, a spliff, dolphins etc. Maybe a waterproof MP3 player.
should hook up for a sail, you can use my formula kit. see what you think. they suck going upwind in subplanning conditions but i enjoy cruising around the bay on mine no the less.
See.. you should never listen to the devil - he doesn't have your best interests in mind.
If it hadn't been for Eve listening to the devil we'd be hanging out in a lush paradise wearing no clothes and talking with God like we'd talk to a mate.
Instead, we had a flood, then cold toast, kitesurfers and VW Beetles that have the boot at the front (except for the new ones, but they shouldn't count). Actually.. maybe the devil was feeding his kite to the aircooled monster in the back of his Beetle, so it could be torn to shreds by the fanbelt and spat out Herbie style? Herbie was obviously possessed by something, so it's not that far fetched!
Asking 'Will I be forgiven if I get a kite for 10 knot days' is like asking if you'll be forgiven for swearing in church as long as you don't do it on a Sunday. How long before you slip up, and go kiting when it's more than 10 knots..?
In earlier times, you'dve been tied to a stake and set on fire for even suggesting such blasphemy.
Bring out the pitchforks!!
Kiting and steep learning curve. The two should never be in the same sentence. I thought people took up kiting because it was easy. Sure it is a blast to get airborn - but there isn't much more to it. Not much different to flying a shute behind a boat - similiarly you don't see those same people jumping out of planes. Still it gives most of them something so they can think they are really cool - hey Psyches should use it as a treatment for inferiority complexes.
Yeah Gestalt, would be keen to try some formula. Sunday is looking best. Where at?
Also I see some "swordfights" already spawning comparing kiting and windsurfing. Let's all step back a bit. How do we compare to say hang-gliding and para-gliding, windsurfing and kitesurfings' 2nd cousins? We look like little ants, wee little ants splashing around a soup bowl.
And even then, when you thought soaring on thermals under a flimsy triangle gave you a big sword someone (French of course) went much further. So, on a mildly related topic I give you some video I found while trawling the internet after a liquid lunch, just because it's awesome and I'm on a slightly anebriated posting spree.
evlPanda - "Also I see some "swordfights" already spawning comparing kiting and windsurfing. "
Ohhhh - why not - its fun.
Awesome video.
don't worry evlPanda, at least 3 of us have been visited by him this last month. with virtually 6 weeks of total crap wind, the devil was welcome
dude, don't do it. try a sup with a sail on it, don't even need 10 knots to have fun, or own a sail over 5.0m. tryed it loved it...
i had that very conversation today.
here is the idea.
find an old windsurfer one design,
wrap it in plastic and leave it in the sun.
wait until board is very very hot.
get bucket of cold water,
bend heated board so that it now has rocker,
pour cold water over board
find paddle,
one awesome sup with light wind sailing ability.
p.s evlpanda, went to caloundra today to pickup one of my new sails, tomorrow got committments. sorry. definately will catch up though, maybe next weekend?
This wind drought has hit some harder than others
Just imagine being available but unable day after windless day
Reading Ulysses is beginning to sound like a good plan
Bail QLD and move to WA.
was +20knts and 3m swell at Lacelin today, same forecast for tomorrow