I'd rather he hadn't annexed the word Australia for the purpose of giving his brand some credibility, and then to sell it to some Euros who continue to use the Australia branding.. Where is Dick Smith??
Funniest thing was watching JP and Nik Baker being interviewed on Plug n Play when they were at Sylt. It was 18kn onshore rainy crap, after they have just done the world tour in magic locations.
The euro interviewer asked "what do you think of condition here?"
JP "ummmm, errr well, ummm you know....."
Trying to be diplomatic
It is nice to hear the Aussie accent on all the vids though, after all the yanks and euro's to hear JP or Scotty is good.
Not so much an energy drink as a way of mining the future to enable the present. Like a loan from cash converters, only a desperate junkie would imagine that the perceived short-term gain is worth the inevitable high-interest repayments.
"Energy drinks": ensuring teenagers everywhere are too jittery to learn at school, too wired to consider the consequences of their actions, and that they grow up believing that energy, motivation and enjoyment come from a can, rather than from one's own being.
I'm not saying that JP is responsible for the state of gangs of tweens that I see in the city and on trains, 600mL cans of caffeine in hand, just that I question the cult of "energy in a can."
I've never bought one but it's hard to ignore all the good they have done for extreme sports. Love some of the aircraft restorations they've done to.
I would rather see Anna Ivanovic hanging out with a Harp seal than listen to Jason Polakow being interviewed.
Does anybody, surfers included, hit the lip as hard as JP?
(The only other waterman I've seen that goes that hard is Tamega.)