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Forums > Windsurfing General

Transition from windsurfing.

Created by Underoath > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2013
WA, 14921 posts
9 Mar 2013 8:14PM
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lotofwind said...

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
9 Mar 2013 10:25PM
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Underoath said...
I get a massive thrill putting my body on the line boosting a mega loop or smashing out some slider work.

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
9 Mar 2013 10:33PM
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^^^ where is that quote from?

We need to be sure that what he means is where the kite does a loop, but the rest of you is still pretty stationary and upright (ie: not a loop) and 'slider' means the same as what all the 13 y/o's do on a rail and my local skatepark... right?

QLD, 1100 posts
10 Mar 2013 2:06AM
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It's a no win/d debate! May have thrown this perspective at it once before on here....unless you do or have done both its a bit hard to make comment IMO
Pretty much comes down to your local conditions, to what sport is in Sunshine coast we get crappy 10-18 knt on shore sloppy waves that are extremely sweep effected, and very shallow water ways,,,,**** for windsurfing, great for kiting...we also have big wide open beaches little crowds so its great.....
I windsurf still and prefer it..first choice always, .but conditions dictate that I kite more than sail...thank god for kiting keeps me on the water...downwinders are the best...

but..if I lived in Gero or somewhere warm and really windy I'd only windsurf, can't see the point in kiting in 25+knt winds.. Beach and crowd access is an issue also and kiting simply can be an issue for all, just the amount of line space on beaches , bystanders , hazards like trees. Power lines etc...windsurfing is still doing so well in Europe , they just don't have space on many of their beaches for kite launching etc...saw the same in Maui in the resort areas, small beaches big problems launching a sail, massive issues for a kite (kites are band in some spots) have to go to dedicated kite beaches...

There's stuff you can do easily on a kite that just can't be done windsurfing, and it is fact I don't get any sort of a workout kiting unless I don a surf downwinders for at least 2hrs. Windsurfing upper body much harder workout, their is always a dark cloud in your head kiting also, you know your always attached to a kite that if it decided to do something crazy could easily kill you or you are always on guard especially during launch and landing.
I like the buzz of windsurfing in 20knts much better, and the workout, I hate the gear side of windsurfing..kiting is much less equipment specific and lasts longer, so it's much cheaper wins also for kiting.

IMO if you do both you get the best of both worlds when it suits...throwing SUP for no wind at all and you have it all covered....reality in this part of the world is you need all three toys to ensure some regular decent water time! Kiters that bag windsurfing probably tried to windsurf and found it too hard....they should take history 101 and look behind the names and brands of much of the kite industry.....everyone knows them....all from windsurfing...and before that the windsurfing crew were often from sailing....etc etc...don't here windsurfers bagging sailors...? for some reason that is hard to explain the % of idiots that kite is much higher than only need to see the amount of avoidable kite accidents for evidence of that, they place both sports at risk of the nanny police!

And the all the old windsurfers have gone kiting argument...fair bit of truth in it...a) often conditions suit kiting better b) it easier on ageing bodies!... But the high is better windsurfing... It just is.....

Doesn't matter what you do, just do it....

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
10 Mar 2013 1:35PM
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Any advance on where the stats came from...

It would be terrible to just bumble into a conversation with some figures that you got off the bloke in the kite shop. I mean.. Only a retard would do that

I think we'd all be interested in genuine stats about the sports though.

VIC, 859 posts
10 Mar 2013 2:10PM
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We seem to have this topic in some form every year which always seems to go way off topic...

I have never seen a thread with so many misconceptions or misquotes from people who think they can comment on sports they have only watched with a few exceptions of those who have done both. Me, I have sailboarded for 30+ years and kite boarded for over 10 years.

Locally we used to have a large crew of sailboarders, many more of the crew have given the sport away after many many years than have changed over to kiting. I can only think of 4 who changed over, none have changed back, I am the only one who still does both.

It's like cats and dogs, some people only like cats, some only like dogs no matter have cute and cuddly the other may be and they will never understand the other opinion. Me I love both cats and dogs.

QLD, 6 posts
10 Mar 2013 1:34PM
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Kites were made for kids! windsurfing is heaps better at least we don't need a boyfriend to pull our sails up unlike you kitey kids

WA, 1252 posts
10 Mar 2013 11:38AM
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lotofwind said...

Now all but one of the windsurfers now kite full time and often metion it is alot less restrictive and enjoyable than dancing.

Actually I beg to differ. Kiting is much more restrictive.I do both. But mostly windsurf. I kite every now and again, for example when down south in Albany. But in general there are too many restrictions on kiting for me to take it up and ditch windsurfing entirely. I was windsurfing in 35+ knot at Lano, not a kiter in sight, large waves, again all the kiters seem to disappear. I windsurf at a couple of reef breaks 2km+ off the coast, kiters can't (or won't go there) it's too dangerous. Yes you do have the freedom & mobility of a smaller board and no sail in front of you, but there are massive limitations that really I think a lot of windsurfers converting would find irritating. Obviously kiter fanboys are now going to insert youtube clips of kiters in 50 knot+ winds on 40 ft waves to contradict my point, but next time it's a very windy day, take a drive up the coast and see how many kiters are out. I'm not saying one sport is 'better' than the other, but suggesting you a kiter can do everything a windsurfer can plus some, is just puerile and ignorant. They are different sports that have their own benefits plus their own limitations. I don't think you can really say one sport is better than the other. There are certain conditions that suit kiting more and same for windsurfing. And I find it bizarre that kiters are rejoicing in having ever increasing numbers taking up the sport. That's exactly what you don't want!

WA, 72 posts
10 Mar 2013 11:48PM
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Underoath said...

I was informed that more people made the transition from windsurfing to kite surfing, than the actual number of people who took up the sport (2012).

I bought a kite and then came back to windsurfing after a kitemare and the hassles of kiting just got too much.

Kiting is very easy to learn - I did three small jumps one after the other on my first run with a board (as opposed to body-dragging) and found getting air to be very fun.

However, these are some of the things I don't like about kiting:

- untangling lines in the sand and weed of the beach
- having to pester someone else to launch and land my kite
- the amount of beach I took up with my lines spread out
- unless I bought a much bigger kite than my 12m, I still couldn't sail on days with wind lighter than my 7.5m windsurfer sail could get me planing on.
- like water skiing or wake-boarding it's hell on your legs in choppy water - so much for having fun in the waves
- worrying about getting tangled in my lines in the water and then having the kite re-launch and take off a finger or worse.

However, it is the kitemares that every kiter has that had me re-thinking my reponsibility to my 4 year old daughter after the number of kiting fatalities passed the 100 mark including that father of several kids down at Safety Bay a few years back.

In my case I ended up being dragged through the water towards rocks unable to release any of my safeties against the water pressure that did it for me. Thankfully my kite hit the beach before I hit the rocks on that occasion. Then there were the innumerable stories my Physio cousin had to tell of kiters coming in with ankle, knee, leg and back injuries.

I do aim to get out again sometime as i do enjoy it - maybe next season, but I keep finding it so much less hassle rigging my windsurfing kit that I keep putting it off.

VIC, 859 posts
11 Mar 2013 11:21AM
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This thread has missed the point and has become pointless...

Cats and dogs...

NSW, 1104 posts
11 Mar 2013 11:25AM
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Smithy said...
This thread has missed the point and has become pointless...

Cats and dogs...

It was pointless when it started...

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
11 Mar 2013 8:28AM
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I dunno it was pointless - Underoath reckons more people left windsurfing to go kite, than who took up windsurfing. If that is true it is pretty sad.

NSW, 9029 posts
11 Mar 2013 11:45AM
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Mark _australia said...
I dunno it was pointless - Underoath reckons more people left windsurfing to go kite, than who took up windsurfing. If that is true it is pretty sad.

Statistics can prove anything, 86.7% of people know that.

The question is where these statistics come from? Was it from the voices in his head or the tooth fairy?

VIC, 859 posts
11 Mar 2013 12:03PM
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Mark _australia said...
I dunno it was pointless - Underoath reckons more people left windsurfing to go kite, than who took up windsurfing. If that is true it is pretty sad.

I honestly don't think people are leaving windsurfing for kiting. At my local a lot of people have simply retired after many years and are not being replaced with new blood due to either the high cost of windsurfing or the perceived 'cool' factor of other sports.

I also believe that a lot of younger people just do not have the motivation to get into a sport like we all did at their age.. Very sad really.

QLD, 7428 posts
11 Mar 2013 4:09PM
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This thread belongs in Heavy Weather along with religion and politics.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
11 Mar 2013 8:02PM
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ginger pom said...
Any advance on where the stats came from...

It would be terrible to just bumble into a conversation with some figures that you got off the bloke in the kite shop. I mean.. Only a retard would do that

I think we'd all be interested in genuine stats about the sports though.

Don't think we should let this drop... Where are the stats from?

T 11
TAS, 811 posts
15 Mar 2013 9:34PM
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This is how it's done

NSW, 9205 posts
15 Mar 2013 10:00PM
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Mark _australia said...
Jase, seeing as though you are a very accomplished widsurfer - how long to learn to get planing on a say a 100L shortboard, get 100% of your gybes and come back again, back and forth, without falling off, for say 10mins?

Then how long to learn to do that kiting?

Whoah. While I agree with your sentiment about it being harder that doesn't mean better. At all.

Why not get rid of the synchro mesh in your manual if you're a real man? Compare double declutching to how you normally drive.

Is windsurfing more satisfying? Quite often probably. Sometimes probably not. Who cares? I don't know. Who's the chick that started this thread? I don't care. Just some dumb bitch trying to stir up windsurfers, and succeeding.

I've heard from competent windsurfers that have tried kitesurfing that the equivalent of gybing back and forth takes about an afternoon, which is both humorous and interesting.

NSW, 2005 posts
15 Mar 2013 10:05PM
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I for one do promote kiting.
I do a fair bit of teaching windsurfing, as a private.
I gauge the student early - if they're into "gee, it looks to difficult" or "I don't want to work too hard", then I send them to learn kiting.

With kiting they still get to go out in the arvo rather than play computers all day - kiting as good as any. Everybody wins.

NSW, 325 posts
15 Mar 2013 10:21PM
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What ever floats your boat I reckon!

Having windsurfed from my first attempts in '79 with a wooden boom, I thought it was the best thing in the world through the 80's and 90's. I thought I had it almost mastered but looking at what is done nowadays at the top level - it's amazing!

However since starting kiting 10 years ago, I've only windsurfed about twice. I don't miss it at all, as kiting still gives me the buzz that windsurfing did for almost 25 years.

Kiting is about as easy as windsurfing is, to completely master every facet in waves and flat water - nearly impossible!

NSW, 6451 posts
15 Mar 2013 10:41PM
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Hausey said...
What ever floats your boat I reckon!

Having windsurfed from my first attempts in '79 with a wooden boom, I thought it was the best thing in the world through the 80's and 90's. I thought I had it almost mastered but looking at what is done nowadays at the top level - it's amazing!

However since starting kiting 10 years ago, I've only windsurfed about twice. I don't miss it at all, as kiting still gives me the buzz that windsurfing did for almost 25 years.

Kiting is about as easy as windsurfing is, to completely master every facet in waves and flat water - nearly impossible!

Well said Hausey,,,, most unbiase post of the year.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Mar 2013 7:51PM
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lotofwind said...
Hausey said...
What ever floats your boat I reckon!

Having windsurfed from my first attempts in '79 with a wooden boom, I thought it was the best thing in the world through the 80's and 90's. I thought I had it almost mastered but looking at what is done nowadays at the top level - it's amazing!

However since starting kiting 10 years ago, I've only windsurfed about twice. I don't miss it at all, as kiting still gives me the buzz that windsurfing did for almost 25 years.

Kiting is about as easy as windsurfing is, to completely master every facet in waves and flat water - nearly impossible!

Well said Hausey,,,, most unbiase post of the year.

Interesting that windsurfers have / can do both and in most cases done both sports and can take there pick........ as for the opinions of you sole kiters telling windsurfers whats good and whats not, the laugh on you

Suck it up that a lot of good windsurfers who have done both at the same skill level prefer windsurfing over fag bagging SORRY FACT

Windsurfers who have been charging for 30 years at places your discovering welcome your enthusiasm storys and buzz and beer but not your preaching

Im talking about doing the sport in waves with pits lips and tits and , fire breathing dragon froth, lauching at a lot of places where med strings to much to deal with ,now if i was living in say QLD down the road from lofty on a swomp lake and tidal smelly mangroves . i would show you how to boost and carve , and boost right over the top of you WA style.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Mar 2013 8:27PM
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T 11 said...
This is how it's done

Little does the kiter know the [}:)]
Windsurfing fella is taken his bait out to sea

NSW, 6451 posts
15 Mar 2013 11:27PM
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Glad you agree KotP,
A good non biase report by Hausey who has done both,
and is not seeing mushrooms and dragons.
That is just strange, but as Micheal Franti says, "All the freakie people make the beauty of the world"

One is not better than the other, but the one buzzing the most without mushrooms and dragon dreams is,,,,,,,,
yawn,,,,I couldnt be bothered anymore

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Mar 2013 8:34PM
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lotofwind said...
Glad you agree KotP,
A good non biase report by Hausey who has done both.

You miss read my post

NSW, 6451 posts
15 Mar 2013 11:40PM
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king of the point said...
lotofwind said...
Glad you agree KotP,
A good non biase report by Hausey who has done both.

You miss read my post

Ita hard to when you keep editing and changing it ever 10 seconds.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Mar 2013 8:45PM
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lotofwind said...
king of the point said...
lotofwind said...
Glad you agree KotP,
A good non biase report by Hausey who has done both.

You miss read my post

Ita hard to when you keep editing and changing it ever 10 seconds.

No sorry im not into TEA BAGGING

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Mar 2013 12:44AM
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We have all seen the photos of you that prove differentlol
Dont be scared kotp,
you will fit right in with those girly scarfs you wear around your head. lol

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
15 Mar 2013 11:19PM
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^^^ here we go again playing the man, not the ball.

Cant resist Loto?

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Mar 2013 10:21AM
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Whats good for the ^^goose^^^^.
Oh phew,,,thank god your all right Markie!
I have been searching the hospitals and ringing the police. I was worried something had happend to you.
I had made several posts with out you stalking me and thought the worst.
Nice to have my shadow


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Transition from windsurfing." started by Underoath