Forums > Windsurfing General

Underarm grip

Created by Bart1 > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2012
WA, 55 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:24AM
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I am only new to windsurfing but I am totally hooked now, but I was wondering what is the advantage of using the underarm grip (front hand) on the boom? I see some people us it and some don't

NSW, 8087 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:36AM
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Alternate to relieve muscles. Underhand better to pull down into boom for mastfoot pressure. I make sure I'm overhand grip as entering gybes though even though I then reach under with underhand grip to grab the other side.I generally sail overhand..

WA, 304 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:36AM
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For normal sailing, it is a matter of personal preference. I use underhand only when the right hand is in front, but always change to overhand before gybing.

WA, 55 posts
14 Apr 2012 8:57AM
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So I will stick with it (if we ever get any wind again)
I also have found it easier to use with my right hand forward

SA, 3590 posts
14 Apr 2012 12:44PM
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It's a good grip to have when going for the straps and harness. The pressure you can apply on the boom and mast foot acts like a 'killswitch' and prevent the catapualt.

WA, 4017 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:41AM
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Good to go underhand (and under the other arm) during the gybe as it helps to keep your centre of gravity low. You do need to change to overhand before initiating the next gybe though.

Personally I find the underarm grip uncomfortable for sailing, so I switch straight after gybing. I occasionally use it during a reach if my arm is getting tired.

NSW, 9029 posts
14 Apr 2012 2:21PM
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I prefer using the overhand grip as I am trying to keep a light grip on the boom and let the harness lines do most of the work.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
14 Apr 2012 2:33PM
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Come on someone has to say it... (this time around)

SA, 3590 posts
14 Apr 2012 3:27PM
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Kite boarders use the "reach around" grip

NSW, 154 posts
14 Apr 2012 4:39PM
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I mostly sailing underhand grip, I find it's easier to keep front arm straight and locked in with rig away = more power and speed. Overhand for jybing and when wind is a bit on the light side..? Maybe to stay a bit more upright.? Not sure

VIC, 1121 posts
14 Apr 2012 6:46PM
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I use under hand most of the time, except when doing any type of back wind moves like upwind 360, helitack, etc. I use underhand for jumping, gybing and wave riding. Go with what you feel comfortable with, there is no right or wrong IMO.

Check this thread, KOTP uses underhand also:

TAS, 625 posts
14 Apr 2012 7:52PM
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I use underhand but will switch to overhand to give the muscles a rest. I don't think it makes a great deal of difference, just do what you find most comfortable.

WA, 12441 posts
14 Apr 2012 7:34PM
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depends how my rig is raked, upright groveling, overhand, raked back flying, underhand.

WA, 1463 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:48PM
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I'm an under arm except in gybes, missing summer already after watching this.

WA, 3223 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:29PM
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I find if im just burning round doing bump n jump overhand's good, Raking the rig back/going for speed underhand really helps

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
15 Apr 2012 12:13AM
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Isn't it a bit awkward holding the boom with your underarm?

NSW, 1739 posts
15 Apr 2012 9:17AM
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As a recent convert to the deadlift, I found that the recommended grip to help lift larger weights is the alternate grip.

This is similar to the combination of an overhand backhand and an underhand front hand when holding a boom.

The alternate grip is supposed to give you more stability when you lift.

This may be why some windsurfers use it.



Forums > Windsurfing General

"Underarm grip" started by Bart1