Forums > Windsurfing General

Uni project

Created by cmrls23 > 9 months ago, 6 Dec 2012
king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
8 Dec 2012 8:52PM
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Chris 249 said...
king of the point said...
Noted your from SA (How is Curt Tippit)
Got a story

Back in the olden days 1988 -1990s a uni student did this project.
Cut loose surfboards Rod, Wessel, Shane Oc made a windsurfboard, with all the specifications the student had engineered ,which obviously included all the mounting points for the hydrofoils, which he designed and had made up.
I remember a fair bit of buzz surrounded the project at the time.

I did see the foils which were very expensive relative to a uni students budget etc etc spectacular to.

No one had even thought of such a thing before this

As i can remember one of the early test day was at Goowla lakes(shallow water) you know down the river mouth way .Things briefly went to plan before one of the hydrofoils struck the bottom and was lost in the muddy water .

Project foiled

Just a minor note, but people HAD thought of foiling windsurfers long before. Boards were foiling back in the early '80s, perhaps even late '70s.

Windsurf boards in the 70s..earlie 80 I dont think so ,
but hey provide some soild eviedence and ill agree

PS The board did hydroplan

Funny half the crew wouldnt have been smart enough to get into uni
Good Luck Post what you come up with

QLD, 2039 posts
9 Dec 2012 8:07AM
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king of the point said...

Funny half the crew wouldnt have been smart enough to get into uni
Good Luck Post what you come up with


Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
9 Dec 2012 1:11PM
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king of the point said...
Chris 249 said...
king of the point said...
Noted your from SA (How is Curt Tippit)
Got a story

Back in the olden days 1988 -1990s a uni student did this project.
Cut loose surfboards Rod, Wessel, Shane Oc made a windsurfboard, with all the specifications the student had engineered ,which obviously included all the mounting points for the hydrofoils, which he designed and had made up.
I remember a fair bit of buzz surrounded the project at the time.

I did see the foils which were very expensive relative to a uni students budget etc etc spectacular to.

No one had even thought of such a thing before this

As i can remember one of the early test day was at Goowla lakes(shallow water) you know down the river mouth way .Things briefly went to plan before one of the hydrofoils struck the bottom and was lost in the muddy water .

Project foiled

Just a minor note, but people HAD thought of foiling windsurfers long before. Boards were foiling back in the early '80s, perhaps even late '70s.

Windsurf boards in the 70s..earlie 80 I dont think so ,
but hey provide some soild eviedence and ill agree

PS The board did hydroplan

Funny half the crew wouldnt have been smart enough to get into uni
Good Luck Post what you come up with



See also

Speer's 1978 board is also pictured p 35 "WindSurf" magazine, Feb/Mar '82.

There's a 1.5 page pic on pp 126 and 127 of Peter van Wagensveld's "This is freestyle windsurfing", published 1982. It shows a Mistral Competition (the first Mistral, like a big One Design) on foils and using a pinhead sail.

It may be the same board seen on Youtube sailing '79/80 at

and may be the same board that can be seen in a very blurry pic, which uses a slightly newer sail, at

No one else had thought of hydrofoil windsurfing before? Not by a long shot!

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
9 Dec 2012 1:00PM
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I stand corrected ,may be im not as old as i think i am

Then on the other hand i know the MISTRAL COMPETITION board very well as i owned one and raced it for a number of years, very quick in light to moderate winds with a very big center board , very light for its size with tripple concave bottom ............Little bit slower off the wind than the MISTRAL equipt (i think was the other model) but $1000 more expensive .Both were the boards of the 80s to race on good strong fleets .......along with the F2 Lightning .....

Tar 4 the reply.............down memory lane

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Dec 2012 9:44PM
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Mark _australia said...
cmrls23 said...
sick_em_rex said...
hmmmm final year at uni, probably makes you around 21-22ish...Gen Y......

Geny Y the hell do I have to do it when someone else can do it for me [}:)]


well from your profile it says you're gen X, (even though from your pictures and lack of hair I wouldn't be surprised if you'd lied about your age and are actually a baby boomer) so every sentence starts with 'back in my day' or 'the youth today..'

why is it so unconceivable that a forum full of windsurfers might have more ideas as to how to improve the sport and equipment than someone who doesn't windsurf. I bet you'd be more than happy to buy or use something I designed if by some miracle it gave you a smoother or faster ride - irrelevant on whose idea it was

I agree - Gen"Y the hell do I have to do it myself"

Seriously you are a 3rd year uni student and you have to come here for ideas.???
OK you want to do a project about foils and combine your love of kiting with an engineering concept.

Blah blah blah...


The original post said , very clearly:

...but I can't really just make it - I need a purpose or aim for it.
Anyone have any ideas??
Basically Im trying to find a way I can go surfing or kiting for uni

Poster wasn't asking anyone to make it nor design it nor come up with or suggest any design ideas at all. Read.

Poster needs a purpose or aim for it. i.e. Light wind hyper efficiency, ultra low cost, top end speed, indestructibility, etc.

They are my purposes or aims for it. Speed might be the most fun, and for a project like this you can make a scale r/c model for it.

ACT, 548 posts
9 Dec 2012 11:18PM
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king of the point said...
I stand corrected ,may be im not as old as i think i am

Then on the other hand i know the MISTRAL COMPETITION board very well as i owned one and raced it for a number of years, very quick in light to moderate winds with a very big center board , very light for its size with tripple concave bottom ...........

yours was the Competition SST of the mid to late eighties.

84 posts
9 Dec 2012 9:11PM
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stehsegler said...
cmrls23 said...
How the **** do you think the best products get made - market research.

Actually, they don't. The most innovative products are those where the market doesn't' even know they need it. In other words someone comes up with an idea they think is super awesome. Then they develop a product based on that idea.

The personal computer, the smartphone (aka the iPhone), the tablet (aka the iPad), Facebook, the entire internet itself, etc were all developed that way. None of them did any market research first then developed based on what people want.

Actually, they did. Not one innovation could be achieved without market research. Market research isn't a tool for providing a customer specific product, it's a tool designed to understand costumer needs. And thereby invent a product that accomodates them. So if a person say's they want a fast horse, you don't give them a fast horse, you give them a motorbike.

Now i want an uphaulable board that feels like it's 25L. That doesn't mean that he should make a 25L board that is paper-thin with a huge area. It means that i have a need to get back in if the wind drops, and a need for a board that feels as small as possible.

That's how the most innovative products are created.

Mark _australia
WA, 22347 posts
9 Dec 2012 10:06PM
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evlPanda said...
Poster wasn't asking anyone to make it nor design it nor come up with or suggest any design ideas at all. Read.

Poster needs a purpose or aim for it. i.e. Light wind hyper efficiency, ultra low cost, top end speed, indestructibility, etc.

They are my purposes or aims for it. Speed might be the most fun, and for a project like this you can make a scale r/c model for it.

Exactly!!! you prove my point.
He needs to come up with the "aim" himself.
FFS it is university


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Uni project" started by cmrls23