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Forums > Windsurfing General

Why so serious?

Created by Mr Abe > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2009
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Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
9 Sep 2009 12:13PM
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Why are windsurfers so serious out on the water?

Long story, dot point version:

- Windsurfer crashes into sandbank,
- I offer help,
- He abuses me,
- I leave him to his misery,
- He later attacks me on the beach,
- He goes home sore and sorry.

Second question: Why do windsurfers punch like little girls?

WA, 108 posts
9 Sep 2009 10:23AM
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dont worry that guy was kook

WA, 344 posts
9 Sep 2009 10:40AM
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why do all kiters put windsurfers in one basket...

QLD, 277 posts
9 Sep 2009 12:56PM
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There are KOOKS in all sports and anyone will agree there's S%%T loads more in kitsurfing then windsurfing.

QLD, 3 posts
9 Sep 2009 12:57PM
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^^^ monkey see monkey do. Windsurfers favourite past time is stereotyping kiters!

WA, 344 posts
9 Sep 2009 11:20AM
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Tardis said...

^^^ monkey see monkey do. Windsurfers favourite past time is stereotyping kiters!

I can't tell if you are being ironic or not, good disguise if you are.

Don't know why i am getting involved, crappy day at the office will do that to you.

WA, 4642 posts
9 Sep 2009 12:46PM
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Mr Abe said...

Why are windsurfers so serious out on the water?

Long story, dot point version:

- Windsurfer crashes into sandbank,
- I offer help,
- He abuses me,
- I leave him to his misery,
- He later attacks me on the beach,
- He goes home sore and sorry.

Second question: Why do windsurfers punch like little girls?

I can sort of guess why.
The reason probably was that you and your kite strings rounded up the poor bugga leaving him nowhere to go other than onto the sandbank.
It has happened to me a few times that kiters have put me in places that I certainly didn't want to be simply because they cut off the exit points with their strings and projected track.
The same thing can happen even from another windsurfer but not as often because with a much smaller profile they can only block off a small area.
Kite strings plus their projected track can cut off 50 to 100 meters and often leaves the other poor guy with nowhere to go, except onto a sandbank, or into a weed patch, or onto the beach, or some other place that you don't want to be.

There is not really any way to eliminate this while the two sports are done in the same area. Windsurfers just have to accept that if there are kiters in the area things will happen that they don't like. Just accept it and don't let it ruin your day. And there is certainly no need to resort to abuse or fisticuffs. In almost all instances the kiter or other windsurfer is totally unaware of the other guys predicament and is just having a great time, until you mouth off at him.

Oh, and in answer to the last question, windsurfers only punch like little girls after 2 or 3 hours windsurfing. Otherwise they all punch like Tyson. [}:)]

Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
9 Sep 2009 4:06PM
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^ Who said I was kitting? Everyone has been very quick assume that point![}:)]

I was walking along the beach - thought I'd be a super guy and lend a hand!

There was no one else around that he could blame.. I'm an ex-windsurfer, so am aware of the perils others inflict!

Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
9 Sep 2009 4:08PM
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... and really, all the red thumbs?

WA, 877 posts
9 Sep 2009 2:11PM
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Mr Abe said...

^ Who said I was kitting? Everyone has been very quick assume that point![}:)]

I was walking along the beach - thought I'd be a super guy and lend a hand!

There was no one else around that he could blame.. I'm an ex-windsurfer, so am aware of the perils others inflict!

Your profile
"Sports: Kitesurfing, Surfing, Fishing, Cycling, Wakeboarding and Scuba Diving"

I might be wrong (sorry if I am), could this be another forum troll, He has had 5 posts and already starting flaming topics???

WA, 4642 posts
9 Sep 2009 2:37PM
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Mr Abe said...

^ Who said I was kitting? Everyone has been very quick assume that point![}:)]

I was walking along the beach - thought I'd be a super guy and lend a hand!

Sorry, but you have just crossed the boundary of the believable.
Not even a kiter would bad mouth someone who was just walking along the beach and stopped to help. Well, maybe they would. OK, so a kiter would, but DEFINITELY NOT a windsurfer, 'cos we're all such super guys. Even the old saline, crusty and cranky ones.
Me thinks you're telling fibs! Shame on you!
Now go and stand in the corner for an hour and just think about what you have done!

Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
9 Sep 2009 5:11PM
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I've been on here for a couple of weeks now, reading, learning, shopping. I'm a refreshed water baby - so I've been out of it for awhile, and am new to the world of forums!

Am I meant to be sheepish and just reply to other people's posts until I reach a magic number?

@ Filthy > I know this is probably obvious > but, what's a forum troll? Oh, and there was no box to tick in the profile set-up for "ex windsurfer".

@ Pweedas > You might not want to hear this, but even the windsurfing community has ars*holes! I got the pleasure of meeting one!

QLD, 277 posts
9 Sep 2009 5:14PM
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pweedas said...

Mr Abe said...

^ Who said I was kitting? Everyone has been very quick assume that point![}:)]

I was walking along the beach - thought I'd be a super guy and lend a hand!

Sorry, but you have just crossed the boundary of the believable.
Not even a kiter would bad mouth someone who was just walking along the beach and stopped to help. Well, maybe they would. OK, so a kiter would, but DEFINITELY NOT a windsurfer, 'cos we're all such super guys. Even the old saline, crusty and cranky ones.
Me thinks you're telling fibs! Shame on you!
Now go and stand in the corner for an hour and just think about what you have done!

I DONT CARE how good kitsurfing EVER gets I will never do it for the reason of the mentaity behind it.

Windsurfing mentality is better in most respects.

NSW, 1500 posts
9 Sep 2009 5:16PM
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Shame on you!

NSW, 9029 posts
9 Sep 2009 7:26PM
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Hey Abe,

why don't you give us a time and place for when this event happened?

Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
9 Sep 2009 7:54PM
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@ Mobydisc - Tuesday last week, about 3pm. Golden Beach, Caloundra. I was up there for the day (live in Brissy). Don't know the guys name - 5ft 9', stocky, short dark hair, drove a white single cab Rodeo with full body length roof racks.

WA, 1104 posts
9 Sep 2009 7:18PM
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I'm an ex-windsurfer, so am aware of the perils others inflict!

Ex Windsurfer? Ergo, you punch like a little girl.
A girls fight. It's a shame no one got it on a camera.

I presume the guy was embarassed that you saw him in such a sitation, so he tried to protect his reputation and kill you on the spot.

BTW, are you sure it wasn't a girl?

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Sep 2009 9:21PM
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Mr Abe said...

@ Mobydisc - Tuesday last week, about 3pm. Golden Beach, Caloundra. I was up there for the day (live in Brissy). Don't know the guys name - 5ft 9', stocky, short dark hair, drove a white single cab Rodeo with full body length roof racks.

And I'm guessing a fat lip?

3777 posts
9 Sep 2009 8:18PM
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I play video games and record dull people its funny and they cant punch me lol..

its good that you asked him if he was oakies mabe is was startled.
i have helped kite surfers before got there board i think that this guy may of been having a bad day.

820 posts
9 Sep 2009 8:49PM
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For beach kooks, use one of these:

Don't leave home without one.

WA, 7608 posts
9 Sep 2009 9:05PM
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Mr Abe said...

...I'm an ex-windsurfer...

Couldnt master the gybe? Too hard? A real windsurfer never becomes an ex-windsurfer

Mr Abe
QLD, 11 posts
10 Sep 2009 9:26AM
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^ Was stationed overseas for too long. Not much water in the desert.

Since I've been back I thought I try out the kite side of things. There's no point going through life not learning new things!

WA, 3856 posts
10 Sep 2009 9:56AM
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Oky doky.

Sorry guys, but discussing beach assaults is not what these forums are about, as it tends to incite folks taking sides/looking for some guy/over some incident that did/didn't happen.

Never ends well.

Sorry .. topic locked.

WA, 3856 posts
10 Sep 2009 3:21PM
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Also ... confirmed that "Mr Abe" & "Tardis" where both troll accounts created by the same user, so please disregard this whole topic.

Topic Is Locked

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Why so serious?" started by Mr Abe