Looks like the PD board has the same ventilation pipes that the F2 had! The Apple doesn fall far from the tree I suppose.
so could I split a 90l board, fit in a slab off foam packing and reinforcing, laminate and sail.
could be a great summer project
All that space and you can't read the names. Surely you could sell it for advertising.
Not just "Coke" but "Dr McKenzies Menthoids, M e n t h o i d s"
1m wide and 70cm fin.
Check out www.storm-riders.com.au and look in the photo galleries.
Formula boards allow you to get huge TOW because they plane so early. And they carry on being usable way up into the wind range.
Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts (but I cannot).
Last weekend on Botany Bay we had 2 races on Sat and 2 on Sunday. Check out the weekends windstrength and you will see it was really windy.
Yes - they are ugly (doors, tables etc), but then again so are most windsurfers.
Laurie - next time you are in Syd I will give you a burn on mine.
As JB and Rick have already stated these things can race in 20 knots plus easily - "Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts" - I am not that skilled, but had a ball - so there not just for light winds
the sight of Mitch S flying downwind launching off the back of waves will remain forever - FUN
your modesty becomes you, but will not stop my campaign for you to race with the 2 lappers at the nats ;-)
You can do it - you kow you can.
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
Dont feed the Troll
yes yes i know dont feed the troll
windsufering - my budget to go racing was $3k - less than i spent on slalom gear in the mid nineties - i did a comparison between slalom kit vs formula kit on the second hand market along with the amount of TOW both would afford - formula wins both ways
I am hardly cashed up - but i accept the bogan tag - i still laugh at fart jokes
I couldnt think of a better way to spend my money and (limited own free) time
with many thanks to both the marmong and storm riders crew who have helped out, encouraged or suggested I race in a different division
There has been some discussion as to whether the black boards would fare well in the Australian heat. A couple of the Sydney sailors have sailed the Exocet for a few years and they are still in one piece. They didnt take any extra precautions (that I saw anyway) to protect their boards from the sun and they fared just fine.
The black board wil certainly get hotter and run a greater risk of delamination but it doesnt appear to be any more an issue then any other colour board.