Intresting to get totally lit with a 4.2 again ,summer i did sail a half a dozen times with the 4.2 but a stormie 4.2 session is quite different.
Your mast makes so much difference especially when a 45 knot gust and squall hits.
I was using a 4m mast but would have loved to have a softer 3.7 to sofen the kit macking it spounger for a bit more control
Put a couple of photos up in windsurfing and u tude a bit of the storm if your intrested to see St Georges to Sunset beach cracking with log high waves in a 30 to 45 knot onshore. The SPEED track behind the waves is epic especially when the tide drops...........
try this if
Yep totally agree KOTP - Crazy Waves down here has similar fun with 50 metre 'skimmer zones' after a breaking wave has passed through - its bear away and put the pedal to the metal.
Totally overpowered on my 5.0m but. Think I'll get a smaller sail for days like this - I like the suggestion of a shorter softer mast.
Hi Langey,
I was sailing down south of Perth at a spot where the W whips across at a seabreeze angle. Rigged up my 4.2 tight as it could go on Monday arvo but only lasted 2 runs before changing down to a 3.7. I reckon I've used this sail about 3 times in the last 10 years, but even that was overpowered some of the time...
Cheers, Jens