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Windsurfers at Lancelin

Created by Mads > 9 months ago, 24 Dec 2008
WA, 28 posts
24 Dec 2008 11:27AM
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I was out on Tuesday at South Passage at Lancelin in the waves. It was blowing around 25 knots and was excellent conditions for both kiters and windsurfers.

There was about 20 windsurfers on the break and one other kiter. A mate and I kited out to get into the waves which we had been doing every day. We had been on the same break earlier in the day when it was less windy and the three of us out there were having a blast by outselves.

Because the wind was up and the windsurfers were out I was astounded at the level of abuse that my mate and I were getting off some of the windsurfers.

My mate and I had done at least 20 years of windsurfing before we got into kiting. Kiting has now taken over our lives and we are happy to go to our old breaks and carve up the waves.

I could not believe what went on, I was very angry and disappointed. There are two basic sets of rules, one is surfing rules as who gets the wave and the other is boating rules which determines which sail craft needs to give way. The windsurfers giving the most lip did not seem to know either of these sets of rules and were placing themsleves in the wrong spot then blaming other people for their lack of knowledge and skills.

Eventually they won, my mate and I left because it just was not worth taking **** over. We had a house on the beach and could go out when we wanted to the following day.

I still like to go windsurfing but following this incident it was damaged my impression of those who do the sport that I loved.
If I was angry and young I could have easily jumped my board through the masts and sails to get back at these people as they are far more vunerable then we are.
Don't be silly if you windsurf, this type of behaviour is totally unacceptable on the water and off the water. What goes around comes around and one day if you act like that in the waves someone with less tolerance will seriously damage you and your equipment all of which does no good for anyone.


WA, 6277 posts
24 Dec 2008 12:19PM
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QLD, 5610 posts
24 Dec 2008 1:38PM
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WA, 1916 posts
24 Dec 2008 12:46PM
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if everyone did a circuit rather than parking on the peak, turning in front of the wave to get it when someone else is on it from out the back(a favourite for kites), blocking (a favourite if theres a few mates out), cutting to the inside, dropping off the wave in front for the wave out the back, droppin in or snaking then it works fine.

I hate it when your on a swell coming in to the break when someone speeds in from out the back, onto the wave cutting to the inside of you, then calling you off the wave.

you obviously know the rules of the road so sounds like a bunch of aresholes out there, I thought it was just guys on cabrinha's who didnt know the basic rules in the surf.

WA, 6277 posts
24 Dec 2008 12:46PM
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You're a classic Richie

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Dec 2008 12:58PM
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so Mads what rules do you abide by when picking up a wave?
Please tell

WA, 7608 posts
24 Dec 2008 1:25PM
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Im all for the circle work rule
Kiters need to abide by this rule too. I have absolute no dramas with kiters. Some of my good mates are kiters (I feel so sorry for them) and I enjoy being out with them because they are sharing the stoke and want exactly what Im out there wanting... WAVES!
Its simple. Head out the back, be the last one to gybe and ride a swell in until it breaks. Only drop back if no one is behind you. If you dont get a wave, head all the way in, turn around and join the line. When your the furtherest out the back its your turn to gybe and try again. This should work yeah? Sounds fair?
Simple. Its been around for years even in the surf rules. If anyone doesnt know, its called a LINE UP

VIC, 600 posts
24 Dec 2008 3:30PM
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just get back into windsurfing and everyone will ba happy then

WA, 877 posts
24 Dec 2008 1:31PM
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Not that I have a problem with kiting... but,

Sure way to get kiting banned --> jumping through someones sail deliberately... and end up in court after being hit with assault/malicious damage charges...

WA, 216 posts
24 Dec 2008 1:38PM
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your comment about i could of easy jumped my board through his mast and sail .i think that sums up most kiters attitude.Most but not all kiters dont seem to want to understand the rules or dont give a stuff about anyone around .This not only happening at lano with more kites out on the water now i see more agro between kiters and windsurfers than in previous years.I can only see this getting worse .On a positive though was good to have a kiter on tuesday at my local spot ask what the local rules rigging area etc are ,dont wont this to turn into them and us but attitudes need to change

WA, 814 posts
24 Dec 2008 2:35PM
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Mark _australia said...

so Mads what rules do you abide by when picking up a wave?
Please tell

Did you bother to read his post!!!

There are two basic sets of rules, one is surfing rules as who gets the wave and the other is boating rules which determines which sail craft needs to give way. The windsurfers giving the most lip did not seem to know either of these sets of rules and were placing themsleves in the wrong spot then blaming other people for their lack of knowledge and skills.

So he is abiding by the rules of surfing as well as applying the rules of sail craft starboard having the right of way which in WA means the guy on the incoming wave has the right of way.

Here's betting the windsurfers were a bunch of blow-ins from fields afar...

VIC, 600 posts
24 Dec 2008 4:52PM
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Well in melbourne we have windsurf police. they go around on blue starboard carves 150 liters with disco lights and have blue neilpryed V8 7m sails. so they can tow back naughty kite surfers and naughty windsurfers. It seems to work ok. Thease windsurf cops fine you if you dont give way and stop a tone of fights. Steve bracks thought of the idea. He was even thinking of putting some speed cameras in the water to catch speeding kiters an windsurfers going over 30 knots near people.

I think you guys need the windsurf police up there

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 Dec 2008 2:54PM
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Greenroom said...

Im all for the circle work rule
Kiters need to abide by this rule too. I have absolute no dramas with kiters. Some of my good mates are kiters (I feel so sorry for them) and I enjoy being out with them because they are sharing the stoke and want exactly what Im out there wanting... WAVES!
Its simple. Head out the back, be the last one to gybe and ride a swell in until it breaks. Only drop back if no one is behind you. If you dont get a wave, head all the way in, turn around and join the line. When your the furtherest out the back its your turn to gybe and try again. This should work yeah? Sounds fair?
Simple. Its been around for years even in the surf rules. If anyone doesnt know, its called a LINE UP

This ^^

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Dec 2008 3:25PM
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airhead said...

Mark _australia said...

so Mads what rules do you abide by when picking up a wave?
Please tell

Did you bother to read his post!!!

There are two basic sets of rules, one is surfing rules as who gets the wave and the other is boating rules which determines which sail craft needs to give way. The windsurfers giving the most lip did not seem to know either of these sets of rules and were placing themsleves in the wrong spot then blaming other people for their lack of knowledge and skills.

So he is abiding by the rules of surfing as well as applying the rules of sail craft starboard having the right of way which in WA means the guy on the incoming wave has the right of way.

Here's betting the windsurfers were a bunch of blow-ins from fields afar...

Yes I read it.
My point is WHO gets a particular wave?
1st on it? Upwind guy? Closest to the peak?
BEFORE I give any creedence whatsoever to his story, I'd like to hear his take on the rules for who owns any particular wave. If one guy out there is continually being yelled at maybe he has the rules wrong? Not saying he does, just that I don't know him from a bar of soap do I?

WA, 28 posts
24 Dec 2008 3:58PM
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Everyone is out there to have fun and emjoy the wind.

I have been wave sailing for almost 20 years as a windsurfer at many spots around the county, before that I surfed and in those 35 years on the water I have never seen the system break down so badly or experienced such silliness.
Starboard tack has right of way, bear away if in doubt.
Avoid accidents at all cost
Line up for the wave and take turns
If there is a peak with no one likely to get on to it because they are all heading the otherway then gybe and get on the wave as it was no bodies.
If you are on the inside of the peak and aready on the wave then the wave is yours, dropping in out the outside of the wave and pushing people into the white wash is not acceptable.
Shooting behind some one lining up a wave shouldn't be done as the person lining up the wave is already picking the best spot for his maneovers.
If someone drops in then just go round and don't worry, everyone is out there to have fun and some just don't know the rules
If someone is in trouble help them out
If someone is down in the water safety comes first not the wave

Will the behaviour shown on the wave or in this email responses make the next experience on your favourite wave better or worse.

Winds up and I am going out to enjoy it, hopefully you can do the same and have a good time on the waves.

For me when I experience any agro I will just find another wave to ride, I'm out there for fun how about you?

WA, 4564 posts
24 Dec 2008 4:28PM
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Werner's asleep on the job..... again!!! tsk tsk.
Seriouse note;
Mads you took the best option, best to just ignore the agro and have a good kite session some place less crowded
Just a moot point, your profile isn't quite matching some of you achievements

TAS, 40 posts
24 Dec 2008 6:32PM
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I sailed Lancelin in the pre kite era and it was a mad bun fight. Doesn't sound like much has changed.


WA, 7608 posts
24 Dec 2008 4:56PM
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mineral1 said...

...your profile isn't quite matching some of you achievements...

Busted Mads hahaha

WA, 108 posts
24 Dec 2008 6:24PM
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Nebbian and Richiefish, as I am sure you know, South Passage is about a kilometer away from Werners illegal sign and windsurfing area –to what distance from the sign are you making claim to the sea?

Last year (or year before) when I was called to drag in a windsurfer who had broken his arm at the break directly offshore from the kiting area I didn’t hear much bleating about no kiting or “ownership” of the windsurfing area from any of you guys.

WA, 108 posts
24 Dec 2008 6:27PM
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Sorry - last post was supposed to read offshore from the WINDSURFING area - not offshore from the Kiting area.

WA, 4564 posts
24 Dec 2008 6:43PM
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Johnt said...

Nebbian and Richiefish, as I am sure you know, South Passage is about a kilometer away from Werners illegal sign and windsurfing area –to what distance from the sign are you making claim to the sea?

Think you missed it by that much, Johnt[}:)]
Looking at the post, the two lads are pulling the pizzzzzz and haven't taken it very serious. (the complaint)

WA, 1588 posts
24 Dec 2008 7:05PM
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we need a bouy out the back to turn around for this circuit work is the only way to go

QLD, 580 posts
24 Dec 2008 8:13PM
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Mads said...

Everyone is out there to have fun and emjoy the wind.

I have been wave sailing for almost 20 years as a windsurfer at many spots around the county, before that I surfed and in those 35 years on the water

Did you start wave sailing and surfing when you were a 1 year old

WA, 4263 posts
24 Dec 2008 7:43PM
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Mads said...

My mate and I had done at least 20 years of windsurfing before we got into kiting. Kiting has now taken over our lives and we are happy to go to our old breaks and carve up the waves.

You and your boyfriend come across as a couple of try-hard kite gumbies. ^^^
Dudes, take your place in the pecking order and accept what crumbs you're given.
Be thankfull for small offerings.

QLD, 5610 posts
24 Dec 2008 9:27PM
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mineral1 said...

Johnt said...

Nebbian and Richiefish, as I am sure you know, South Passage is about a kilometer away from Werners illegal sign and windsurfing area –to what distance from the sign are you making claim to the sea?

Think you missed it by that much, Johnt[}:)]
Looking at the post, the two lads are pulling the pizzzzzz and haven't taken it very serious. (the complaint)

correct..I live in no idea of this spot . just ribbing ya mate.[}:)]

WA, 6277 posts
24 Dec 2008 8:47PM
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Johnt said...

Nebbian and Richiefish, as I am sure you know, South Passage is about a kilometer away from Werners illegal sign and windsurfing area –to what distance from the sign are you making claim to the sea?

Last year (or year before) when I was called to drag in a windsurfer who had broken his arm at the break directly offshore from the kiting area I didn’t hear much bleating about no kiting or “ownership” of the windsurfing area from any of you guys.

I didn't make any claim Johnt

I just threw out the lure

I reckon that to gain respect, you have to give it. If you are sailing a new spot, and think that everyone there doesn't know the rules of the water, and you get yelled at...

...then stop and have a good hard think about what it is that you're doing

WA, 1916 posts
24 Dec 2008 10:01PM
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waveslave said...

Mads said...

My mate and I had done at least 20 years of windsurfing before we got into kiting. Kiting has now taken over our lives and we are happy to go to our old breaks and carve up the waves.

You and your boyfriend come across as a couple of try-hard kite gumbies. ^^^
Dudes, take your place in the pecking order and accept what crumbs you're given.
Be thankfull for small offerings.

thats funny, and partly true

sounds like you are from triggs point school of surf etiquette?

VIC, 600 posts
25 Dec 2008 12:14AM
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i think we better call the st kilda windsurf cops looks like a fight coming up wellif its a fight against kitesurfers cool i like to see a good fight in a ring

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Dec 2008 11:21PM
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Well I'll give Madds the benefit of the doubt and assume he knows the rules (seems to have a handle on it maybe).

I think I have figured out what causes a lot of right of way problems in waves between kiters and windsurfers.

Windsurfers- we run out in a straight line, turn around on a swell and come in ... in a straight line, often running upwind using the assistance of that swell, before making the drop and riding down the line.

Kiters- well they are just bl00dy hard to read. Yes they go in and out like us but you can't tell when they are going to turn.... they just (excuse lack of technical terms here) fly the kite back over their head and change direction on a dime and sail back the other way switch stance in a fraction of a second.
When they ride a wave you can't tell if an arc is a bottom turn or if it is going to be a really rapid gybe.
Because they have that ability and the slidy style of riding, they
(1) slide sideways sometimes and (2) tend to do short runs through the break.... they don't go out 100 - 300m past the waves like we do... and they often gybe onto a wave when it is just about to break ... whereas we pick it up outside.

Now I don't agree with Madds necessarily.... as I said if 20 ppl were yelling at him maybe he is the problem ???? BUT I think a solution, in part , is for kiters to ride like we do..... (Not saying Madds did this!) but: pick the wave up on the outside and don't turn onto somebody else's wave. Don't get downwind of a guy who is just about to run down the line.

KITERS MAKE YOUR INTENTIONS OBVIOUS. Run straight out.... don't turn in the break unless you are riding a wave.

WA, 150 posts
25 Dec 2008 1:38AM
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just stay out of the way, get back to your own forum and stop your crying and whinging [}:)]

WA, 391 posts
25 Dec 2008 10:34AM
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All I see at South Passage is ramps. That's me heading out straight up the face and pulling a "General" at 50 feet then snaking back to ride it right over the reef. Suck it up girls. LOL


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Windsurfers at Lancelin" started by Mads