albers said...needsalt said...albers said...
I think needsalt needs counselling, as NONE of the female windsurfers highlighted by e0422713 were children.
Sorry - dirty old men leering over young women doesn't do it for me. And I have no idea why anyone would come to Seabreeze to look at ass when there's a billion other sites set up for that purpose. But each to their own I guess. Chill out depraved old dudes.
Thanks for all the awesome windsurfing photos in here!

I responded to you using the term "paedophilic" to describe e0422713. It's a pretty insulting word.
I didn't use that term to specifically describe e0422713. I suggested it had been left out of Dr J's post:
DrJ said...
Doesnt that just reflect the desparation and pubescent nature of kiters, together with some mysterious need to pretend not to be gay?
Name of thread 'Windsurfing
From the dictionary:
1. a female child from birth to young womanhoodNo matter. You can dream about ass you'll never get to tap and I can dream about wave sailing moves I'll never be able to do. Something for everyone in this thread