I am just going to Europe for long holiday and considering a week or two at windsurfing spot. I think about Greece - Rhodes or Egypt - Dahab ?.
Somebody been there and could recomend a spot or location, hotel , equipment hire hire etc?
I am looking for warm flat water, good wind condition in early October, reasonable costs.
If you have to choose between those spots, you have to go in Egypt.
Absolutely. We have been in Mars Alam a while ago and it was a very nice place.
Otherwise, I would personally go in Spain, Tarifa ...
Dude, forget bloody Europe, with all the riots and racism and kitesurfing and peadophile rings- come to Singapore instead! 10 knots of wind, possibly for half an hour at a time, 0-3 times a week. Almost guaranteed!!!!!
Awesome food and moderately taxed beer!
October is probably a bit late for the med, You might be Ok in tariffa, but I think your best bet is egypt.
Thanks Bristol, I found your post 6 month old about sailing at Dahab.
Interesting reading and I am almost ready for Egypt.
I am sure nothing match my Queensland windsurfing conditions but it looks like fun.
Any recommendation re accommodation ? I heard that I should be looking at 4 stars hotel since pests are all around in any cheaper...Have you had any cockroaches in your place?
Indeed I found flights from Berlin for around A$500-550 both ways so more money left beer :)
Mate just returned from Club Vass in the med. Cost him 799 pound for accom, transfers, gear hire etc. All latest NP & JP gear ready to go. Thats a week but for 899 pounds you got 2 weeks. said it awesome sailing but quite crowded some days. mega flat water and top wind.
Yeah,Dahabs the place to go stayed at the Swiss Inn excellent accomodation and very good food.
Rental places all along the beach,but try and rent from the southern end,means you can get straight out and back without having to work back upwind.
If going to Dahab, pre-book your taxi, I used this site www.dahabholidays.com/
Toby and Fi, they were great! They even followed up with me after I returned home to Aus to make sure I was happy with everything.
I had a driver with a sign with my name on it waiting for me in Sharm airport, and when leaving Dahab the driver was there right on time.
I spent two weeks there in June and it was really good. No problems with thieves or sus people lurking in Dahab. I can recommend Harry Nass for gear hire, all the latest gear and lots of it so you can come and change your board and sail any time during the day if the wind changes.
During my stay it was around 34 degrees and sunny every day and I used the 5.0 on 12 of my days there, the other two I grabbed a larger sail and slalom board and cruised around in the speed course. Highly recommend going there! It wasn't very crowded when I went due to the revolution currently going on.
October is a real hit and miss in most European locations. I think your best bet for wind is Dahab. They have some good diving there as well if you are into that.
Despite of what people have said here you should go to Cairo while in Egypt. Go and see the pyramids as well as the Egyptian Museum.
You can do the trip out to the pyramids yourself. Just get a taxi for the return trip from your hotel. Negotiate the price before you commence the trip. Be prepared that they want to take you to a carpet shop but politely decline. There is a certainly level of hassle factor when travelling in Egypt. Just be polite and firm when you say no to any taut. It's quite amazing how far you get when you say no with a smile on your face.
I went to the pyramids with an organized tour and then again alone to watch the sunset. The organised tour was during the day and pretty much forgettable. The sunset experience was incredible. The best spot for that seems to be near the cemetery with the sun setting behind the pyramids. check it out on Google Maps: www.google.com.au:443/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=Pyramids,+Giza,+Egypt&aq=0&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=74.133673,86.220703&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=Pyramids,&hnear=Al-Jizah,+Giza,+Egypt&t=h&fll=29.973069,31.136338&fspn=0.00921,0.010525&st=117288293809798721094&rq=1&ev=p&split=1&ll=29.97266,31.138204&spn=0.00921,0.010525&z=17
Remember these structures were build some 3,800 years ago. Whit that in mind it's a pretty awe inspiring experience to visit.
Yes the tauts are a pain but after spending 4 weeks in Vietnam with constant people in tow trying to sell me a hammock Egypt seems a lot easier.
Stayed in Paros (Greek Island) in April on my honeymoon many moons ago. Not much wind at that time but the hotel we stayed at (Hotel Philoxenia) was the site for whatever world cup sailing they used to run back then. They used to rent good quality gear, not sure if they still do.
Paros is a really laid back island with great food and beaches though the windy season may be over by October.
Go for Dahab !!!!!!!
It pretty much looks like this -
Dahab in October is the change over from the summer winds to the winter winds.. Not always reliable, will get weeks without wind.. Summer has wind in the morning, every day, while winter has less windy days but it blows longer into the arvo when it does..
While we are posting old videos..
You said you want flat water. Go to Lake Garda. Stay in Torbole. Great rental equipment. Reliable winds. Been there 7 times. More info. if you want.
Just reading about hotels. I am surprised that standard price for accessing internet there is about $10 / hour ! Pity, I will not be posting direct reports to you my friends everyday I am afraid once there.
Say nothing that my favorite work/hobby -playing forex once laying on the beach or hammock is not an option in Egypt.
This is actual map of Dahab. Could somebody tell where windsurfing spot and gear hire is? at the top? middle or bottom?
I wish to find hotel close enough for walk - no taxi or camels
any description of the run? how long? along the beach or perpendicular? chop or flat?
Its right at the bottom. All of the hotels are along the water there, and unfortunately provide a bit of a wind shadow for the off shore winds.
When you get out further it is much better, and the bit below the very last bit of land in your map is the speed strip. People go out there to get the cleaner wind until the wind drops at which point everyone wobbles back to shore.
I think there's another name for the actual town, which is where it says 'Dahab', or am I imagining that...
The hotels being right on the water mean that you don't have to walk far at all. I stayed at the Hilton and at the Coralia. I preferred the Harry Nass centre for its location, but it didn't have many cammed sails in the sizes I wanted, and I wanted cammed sails as it was so gusty.
If you do go, make sure you choose your board size carefully as it locks you into using that board all of the time, or fighting over whats left. Based on the wind strength I chose a smaller board than I actually needed. As it is gusty, you really want something floatier than you might otherwise want.
Dilema: Should I:
a) go for budget accommodation Dahab Plaza Hotel _A$750 including flights from Europe for 7 days and free internet - ** Hotel
b) Luxury (still affordable ***** Hotel - Hilton Resort $1100 , but internet $10 an hour :(((
c) something in the middle Four Stars - such as Coralia mate above recommend- where internet is free and cockroaches will not eat me alive