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Forums > Windsurfing General

Winter wetties

Created by Sputnik11 > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2013
NSW, 1222 posts
11 Jun 2013 9:59PM
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I hope your pryde one lasts more then a season , I was so close to getting one myself but after seeing some of the guys that got theirs last season tear them in more places then one...I was put off.

...I settled on a new Psycho 3 3/2, Picked it up last week for $490 and tried it out on Sunday. Best wetty I've worn, just like a second skin and so light, After being in the water for 2 hours I took it off and my undies were still dry and I didn't notice the cold at all. Highly recommended and well worth the coin, I thought the Psycho 2 was awesome but this is way better. This 3/2 will be good enough for the Aussie winter as its warmer then the previous model, The old one was even good enough for winter sailing on lake Jindabyne. Bring on winter I say....

NSW, 3082 posts
11 Jun 2013 10:36PM
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Have to agree with Daffy on this. Age is an unfortunate reality. Ive had bucket loads of wetties over the years including an Oneil 3/2 very basic s/s steamer that Ive worn at Sandy Pt. I ******* froze. Its great for most of Sydneys cooler days but for what the old body needs is my 5/3 Series 3 Neil Pryde steamer. Toasty as and made easier to get into with wide calves/ankles with Velcro closures. Also slightly bigger arms so no arm pump.
Sandy pt is colder than Sydney but we do get some freakin' cold days here sometimes.

WA, 4017 posts
11 Jun 2013 10:50PM
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Mark _australia said..

Windxtasy said...
Mark _australia said...
I am in the market for a new wettie and will probably buy F.O simply because it is aussie and their sales service is spot on.

But Marco is there a flux 3/2 with back zip? I think my shoulder injuries may make a chest hard to climb out of

$600 for a wetsuit is fkn madness, I use the cheapest Ripcurl 3x2 from 5 years ago, about a $250 suit then, and am plenty warm enough windsurfing in it. Maybe if surfing anywhere south I'd want warmer but bloody hell $600+

But what is single and double lined? You can have neoprene, or neoprene smooth skin used in some panels. ?? does double refer to the neoprene that is like cloth both sides, and single is what we always called smoothies?

Only the latest model of flux wettie has the shoulder zip. The "current until very recently" model has the back zip. The neoprene feels so soft I imagine it feels like a snug pair of pyjamas to put on.

Double lined means fabric on both sides, and single is just rubbery on the outside.

So you would have them in the shop now, and being the old model, a bit cheaper....?

Some amazing superceded pricing on last year's Flying Objects wetsuits - available while stocks last. Even 4/3 wetties for under $300. 5/3 available too for those who need that extra warmth.

NSW, 8088 posts
12 Jun 2013 8:49AM
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ka43 said..

Have to agree with Daffy on this. Age is an unfortunate reality. Ive had bucket loads of wetties over the years including an Oneil 3/2 very basic s/s steamer that Ive worn at Sandy Pt. I ******* froze. Its great for most of Sydneys cooler days but for what the old body needs is my 5/3 Series 3 Neil Pryde steamer. Toasty as and made easier to get into with wide calves/ankles with Velcro closures. Also slightly bigger arms so no arm pump.
Sandy pt is colder than Sydney but we do get some freakin' cold days here sometimes.

Love my 3-4-5mm Serene Neil comfy and warm..2nd seasons use and no issues yet.

NSW, 8088 posts
12 Jun 2013 8:52AM
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mathew said..

Hirarious to hear from NSW folks on how you dont need a 5/3 wetsuit...

Also worth mentioning that the Tassy folks sail when it is snowing... and Port Philip Bay gets significantly colder that the ocean.

What I want to know is, why does every wetsuit wear out in the shoulders?

Do they have stats for NSW lakes..? Tuggerah Lakes + Lake Macquarie..they'd get a lot colder than these stats..

TAS, 2343 posts
12 Jun 2013 9:47AM
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Windxtasy said..

Having used a single lined dryskin suit in winter (The dryskin makes such a difference to warmth, I loved it!), I now have one for summer too -a shorty. I get cold easily and I really don't like wind chill, and it's nice being able to drive home in my wetsuit without getting chilled. No need to strip off in the car park!

Surf shops have poncho's, they make life a lot easier for us girlies getting changed and keep you toastie while changing in the ice cold winds in winter.

TAS, 2343 posts
12 Jun 2013 9:51AM
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Darvio said..

Oneil physco freak and physco 2 are the 4/3s that I have been most impressed with. They are not the cheapest but like a lot of things, you get what you pay for.

Totally agree. I think wetties wear out in the shoulders first because that's where all the sun exposure is and then we hang them up on coat hangers to dry, they never get a break from shoulders

NSW, 2016 posts
12 Jun 2013 10:32AM
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ka43 said..

but for what the old body needs is my 5/3 Series 3 Neil Pryde steamer. Toasty as and made easier to get into with wide calves/ankles with Velcro closures. Also slightly bigger arms so no arm pump.

I have a 3/4 3 series and its real toasty, basically the whole suit is a smoothy with glued seams the only stitching is the zip and Velcro ankles and wrists, the only problem with the suits is you get little nicks allover the place , these nicks don't happen in certain areas they can pop up everywhere , so what you need is a repair kit too sort them out
also if your really unlucky you can have an entire seam pull apart, seen a guy putting his new 4/3N/P on and the seam let go from his neck to his naval
other than the nicks everywhere and the suit falling apart there a great suit, you don't feel the wind chill like other suits , my suit is starting to look like my board with repairs everywhere, I also had a seam let go around the neck but repaired it with

NSW, 939 posts
12 Jun 2013 4:34PM
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Kazza said..

Surf shops have poncho's, they make life a lot easier for us girlies getting changed and keep you toastie while changing in the ice cold winds in winter.

I need to get one of those, it's much harder for girls getting changed in the car park

Now we know jh2703 keeps his undies on under his suit, I thought all guys went commando ( not that I've been looking)

TAS, 2343 posts
12 Jun 2013 7:46PM
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Dezza said..

Kazza said..

Surf shops have poncho's, they make life a lot easier for us girlies getting changed and keep you toastie while changing in the ice cold winds in winter.

I need to get one of those, it's much harder for girls getting changed in the car park

Now we know jh2703 keeps his undies on under his suit, I thought all guys went commando ( not that I've been looking)

I got mine from this website


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Winter wetties" started by Sputnik11