Forums > Windsurfing General

Would you use a blow up?

Created by K Dog > 9 months ago, 17 Dec 2013
K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
17 Dec 2013 5:28PM
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Who has thought about getting one?

I wonder how good they are to ride..........

Are there many with the required hole to stick your mast in?

Would you bother? And why?

I do like the idea of throwing it into a car / van and not worrying about space.... but the cost vs durability would have to stack up.

NSW, 1104 posts
17 Dec 2013 6:12PM
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(1) Who has thought about getting one? "Only after 10 bourbons".
(2) I wonder how good they are to ride.......... "Not sure, but at least they'd be quiet".
(3) Are there many with the required hole to stick your mast in? "Better have a hole, or you'd want your money back!"
(4) Would you bother? And why? "Not too sure, depends how long I was stuck on a deserted island"

(5) I do like the idea of throwing it into a car / van and not worrying about space.... but the cost vs durability would have to stack up. "True, best place to keep it away from the missus" As for cost and durability, meh, just go back online and order another one..."

I'm sure we're talking about the same thing right?

NSW, 133 posts
17 Dec 2013 6:22PM
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I guess if you were really desperate like stuck on a desert island and there was no one around to watch or tell your mates.
Surely if you are getting that desperate you can just go out the appropriate venue and get a real one even if it is only for an hour. Which is I believe how you rent them, but I wouldnt know for sure. Some of my new single mates tell me that is how it works. I understand that their protuberances are made of rubber and a bit soft with not a particularly good feel about them. Not quite like the real thing.
You know leaving them all scrunched up in the back of your van in between uses is a bit drastic maybe you could leave it in your bedroom in the corner blown up to its full glory. I sure your mum /wife would not mind.
Still on the other hand and you should change hands now and then or you will get RSI. The stand up guys swear by them for travelling as they wont get you into any trouble, dont drink anything and are free on most planes. They do reckon the use of a good stiff carbon paddle enhances the performance.
Good luck and post some pictures


Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
17 Dec 2013 3:35PM
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Most of the blowups only look slightly like the real thing. Yes the slots and the hole for the mast are in the same places and a young fella may like riding it due to lack of experience on the real thing.
But I'd rather have something that I know I can really go hard and it will reward me with a good ride.

VIC, 1579 posts
17 Dec 2013 7:49PM
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Mark _australia said..

Most of the blowups only look slightly like the real thing. Yes the # and the hole for the mast are in the same places and a young fella may like riding it due to lack of experience on the real thing.
But I'd rather have something that I know I can really go hard and it will reward me with a good ride.

Yes, very true, but conversely, there is a chance that the one Kdog is considering,
may eventually go down on him.

QLD, 557 posts
17 Dec 2013 7:05PM
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As a cheap sailboat on a dam maybe, not sure about a windsurfer though. but for teaching kids the basics before putting them on an expensive board it maybe ok.

QLD, 484 posts
17 Dec 2013 8:45PM
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PhilSWR said..

(1) Who has thought about getting one? "Only after 10 bourbons".
(2) I wonder how good they are to ride.......... "Not sure, but at least they'd be quiet".
(3) Are there many with the required hole to stick your mast in? "Better have a hole, or you'd want your money back!"
(4) Would you bother? And why? "Not too sure, depends how long I was stuck on a deserted island"

(5) I do like the idea of throwing it into a car / van and not worrying about space.... but the cost vs durability would have to stack up. "True, best place to keep it away from the missus" As for cost and durability, meh, just go back online and order another one..."

I'm sure we're talking about the same thing right?

Bahahahahaha. Funniest post I've read in some time now.
Good on ya Phil.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
18 Dec 2013 11:19AM
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The thing I like it about it is, its compact, no body needs to know you have one.... but then you might run into someone and they will be like "I've always wanted to give it a go".... and I think in our sport its important to boost the numbers..... so you can take them somewhere public and safe, let them get on it and give it a real good go without injury, because its soft.....

But for the cost, I wonder just how durable it is..... I know most of them are made in Thailand, and we all know they are good at that stuff, but you do worry about anything that has air in it... it might pop....

Does anyone have one that doesn't allow a mast connection.......... hmmm....maybe its time to speak to the SUP guys, they seem the type to ride anything after all.

NSW, 8088 posts
18 Dec 2013 1:03PM
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deejay8204 said..


As a cheap sailboat on a dam maybe, not sure about a windsurfer though. but for teaching kids the basics before putting them on an expensive board it maybe ok.

Don't think they'd rate very well in the GPS Team challenge

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
18 Dec 2013 1:10PM
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I have the SUP version and its great. Nice and light and more resistant to damage than a standard epoxy SUP. I have only had the board for a year so long team wear and tear is hard to guess but the construction is similar to Surf Club RIBs which seem to take a lot of punishment.

VIC, 3455 posts
18 Dec 2013 7:19PM
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The Inverloch Windsurfing Club has just purchased a Fanatic Fly Air 10' 8" with the help of RPS and a grant from Toyota.
We will use this craft for our Disability Access Days giving people an opportunity to try some water sports

First impressions are
Looks nice and the rubber stuff looks very strong and it has a real fin not just a rubber fin in the back end.
Pumped it up until our junior assistant got tried and wouldn't pump anymore. Slaves aren't what they use to be He got it to 16psi which is a bit low.
We all took it for a paddle and it tracked very well into and off in the very light wind.
Felt very light under foot and it does have a mast insert so it will be very interesting to try sailing with it.

The advantage for us is. not as hard to fall onto if your not confident in the water

Light to carry and won't cause much damage if crashed into people/equipment

Perfect as a rescue craft and it packs up into a back pack so we can easily store it as we don't have a clubhouse yet

QLD, 209 posts
19 Dec 2013 5:09AM
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the latest from naish has the lot


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Would you use a blow up?" started by K Dog