How hard is it to get additional weather stations to report to seabreeze?
for example, hawks nest surf life saving club would be a great location for accurate Jimmys beach wind readings. one would think it would not be too hard for them to set it up. would it cost much to do and to run internet costs etc?
Anyone know someone at Coal Pt on the waterfront who can do the same?
nobbys and norah head dont always give an accurate indication for lake macquarie
not asking for much i know but worth thinking about
It can be done. The northern beaches graph gets its data from a non BOM weather station.
I set up a weather station at my work that feeds data to a webpage on the work intranet. I think the station cost about $2000. For it to work it needs a computer connected to the weather station and a network connection of some sort.
Here is a screenshot of it. I think Laurie said this weather station's data can be utilised by Seabreeze.
I wonder if the coast guard..(?) in Swansea channel at Pelican keep stats..? Although they are in a bit of a lee for NE's theyd still be a better indication for the lake than Nobby's or Norah Head.