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Forums > Windsurfing General

catamaran windsurfers..I have one help on history

Created by rustbucket > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2010
NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 9:41AM
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Just been googling around today and found a link to a thread here on Starboards catamaran windsurfers...on the Victorian threads..

unfortunately it was only 3 months old and it said cannot posts as old news...what the heck..I've been gone a while and you cant post on slightly older threads..

anywho...It was on cat windsurfers..

As it is I have a fibreglass cat windsurder, was deciding to list it on ebay today with my Starboard Go as I need room although I didnt really want to sell it, but space is needed to relocate my vintage cars and parts from my dads deceased estate, upon googling this morning I found this link here to cat windsurfers...but maybe I should still keep it, I am yet to sail it , and like collecting vintage anything anyway..

I found a longboard with the same mast base system, which was missing on the cat...seen in the photo the too has the same non slip top as the cat, and can assume it was manufactured by the same company.

anyone know history of cat windsurfer called

SUN TWIN by Windspeed

all fibreglass, all moulded in one piece, have photos

I am trying to stop myself selling it off with my other windsurfers...

any history or thoughts

VIC, 871 posts
23 Dec 2010 10:07AM
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don't sell it, keep it and the glass mini front too!
It would be great to see it up and running.

For the $50 bucks you'd get on ebay, I'm sure you could have a bit of fun with it.
Novelty value alone.

2c spent.

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 10:28AM
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hee hee

this windsurfer is rare and I'd love to find out more but .... as crustysailer remarked on the car I realise the car in the background is probably kookier than the windsurfer to you, I am used to fibreglass cars littering my property...

Just for those wondering..."the glass mini" rarer than a mini as it is an australian car...does anyone know what it is...just curious of the old car freaks on here...

it is australian, it was made in SA, it completed the 1964 ..7,000 mile around Aussie Ampol trials to the humour of Australians at the time.

now any idea of the cat windsurfer...has anyone sailed one.?

NSW, 1412 posts
23 Dec 2010 10:50AM
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Classic cat & car

It (the car) is a Lightburn Zeta.

Besides its unusual shape, the Lightburn Zeta was very much a mechanical oddity also. It was powered by a Villiers 325cc twin cylinder two stroke engine which drove the front wheels. A novel feature was that it could go as fast in reverse as it could travelling forward by reason of the simple design of the drive train. It has four gears in each direction, which was hardly a safety feature considering it had a top speed of around 95 km/hr. . Neither was a fuel gauge - it was in fact a clear glass section of the fuel line that Lightburn marketed the car through a network of Alfa Romeo dealerships he owned.

VIC, 456 posts
23 Dec 2010 10:52AM
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the mast base looks like an old tyronsea one which was generic in that area. you can still get parts on ebay for them.

I remember several old articals of people doing long hauls on them especially one punter who did an antartic or an an artic cat run. Also vaguely (very vaguely) recalled someone trying to do a Vic to Tas run (dont know of any success on that one)

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:15AM
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thanks h20

h20 said "the mast base looks like an old tyronsea one which was generic in that area."

unfortunately it isnt [well not the tyronsea ones I found ]...I have been buying up mast bases for a while to try and find one..I have many old mast bases, and none fitted till I bought that wont believe how many old style mast bases I bought online trying to find one...for this and my other vintage boards.
so many looking a like but with different diameters...

never the less I have one now and a matching longboard to take up more space...damn.[this was probably the reason I thought about selling it, for as a collector I wont dispose of the longboard due to it being...well old and collectable too me at least..[I love refitting old rigs back to original], I only wanted it for its mast base..but now its useleess without it so I gotta hold onto the board too..damn I hate obsessions. If you are a collector or like me a hoarder you'll understand the passion..or stupidity.

h20 said "I remember several old articals of people doing long hauls on them especially one punter who did an antartic or an an artic cat run. Also vaguely (very vaguely) recalled someone trying to do a Vic to Tas run (dont know of any success on that one)"

wow that would be interesting if its the same hull

wow wineman

got it in one

but i guess i gave enough googling info to find this

can you give me its actual model name

a Lightburn Zeta ..........?

and what was the company famous for making , that actually turned off people buying this car...

Also I have a complete Lightburn Zeta Sports [an actual sports car made by this company, different body, different engine, far rarer.]

NSW, 1412 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:38AM
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Rusty.... just click on the link - it's all there. History, photos, all models etc

Such a dreamer was Harold Lightburn, whose Lightburn company of Camden near Adelaide, made of tools, cement mixers, washing machines and fiberglass boats.
...Called the Zeta, the car was a hideous assemblage of jutting, ill-conceived shapes and angles, with tailfins on the roof. There was no tailgate. In spite of its awkward shape,

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 4:27PM
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thanks wineman for the link

but i already know the cars history hee hee..
all this is an aside to the first posters comment of the mini in the background..

I was just seeing who knew its history as an interesting sidebar while awaiting any info on the twin hull...infact the car company was famous for making washing machines and cement mixers..hence a public's reaction to a car made by a washing machine company was to shun it [even if not for its smelly little 2 stroke ]...the actual car was called a Ligthburn Zeta Runabout..mine has the first model which had the fins on the roof and bulbous front corners, the next model, these were removed to tone it down.

now if only there was info like this about the twin hull windsurfer , I could somehow justify keeping another space stealing hull.


VIC, 1508 posts
23 Dec 2010 5:12PM
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Details of lapsed US Trademark Appplication Serial Number 73475907

FIRST USE: (In USA) 19820100. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19820100
Filing Date April 17, 1984
Current Filing Basis 1A (Based on actual use in commerce in US)
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Abandonment Date April 22, 1985

Source: USPTO TESS database

Couldn't find any US patent or design protection in the name Windspeed, and no other trademark registrations/applications.

VIC, 871 posts
23 Dec 2010 5:20PM
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why don't you drag it down to the local sailing whole and see if anyone has anthing to rig with it? consider it a group project. Surely there's the resources here to rescue it?

I want to se it go

(oh yeah, this is coming from someone who still has the first car they ever bought at 18, 71 a horder)

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 5:59PM
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wow mikey

thats great info googling bought up nothing, other than a company in Qld building composite cats but looks totally unrelated..just the name. Windspeed

crusty..I have everything for it to sail..

I bought the longboard to get the missing mast base and it came with original I can use any of my rigs with it. I have some matched fins too, I managed to find for it.

what I have been lacking is the time to trailer it, manhandle it and gumtion to get it to the water

due to only having half my lungs working [50% damaged] getting a longboard to the water knocks the ****e out of me let alone a catsurfer...and I am sailing less and less each year..because of it. But I havent given up yet..but definately getting less due also to a 2 hour drive to my sailing spots.

and I'm wondering whether in a capsize this will act like all cats and simply blow away..due to my lungs my swimming ability is now very poor, a downed windsurfer in a lake..stays within grasp for me, fortunately I spend less time in the water on my selected rides so I feel safe sailing...but a cat just blows away in the wind, . Will a windsurfer cat do the same leaving me in deep trouble [although I would sail it in shallow lake for my own safety.]although I think it should be very stable..but if it did capsize I could be in trouble

Unfortunately having damaged lungs reduces manhandling a large board like this..although for its size it is very lightweight..

I am keeping it now...and hope to fly it sometime when I can get a suitable trailer for it.

crusty...a 71 capri...good them a lot

I am after the first capri [around 63 / 64], before your shape., called a consol has fins and looks like a small yank tank. a bit like a cortina streched and americanised I guess. Pretty much small ford mechnicals.

i'll bet there is a lot of classic car owners on here?

WA, 4642 posts
23 Dec 2010 5:25PM
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Wineman said...

Classic cat & car

It (the car) is a Lightburn Zeta.

Besides its unusual shape, the Lightburn Zeta was very much a mechanical oddity also. It was powered by a Villiers 325cc twin cylinder two stroke engine which drove the front wheels. A novel feature was that it could go as fast in reverse as it could travelling forward by reason of the simple design of the drive train. It has four gears in each direction, which was hardly a safety feature considering it had a top speed of around 95 km/hr. . Neither was a fuel gauge - it was in fact a clear glass section of the fuel line that Lightburn marketed the car through a network of Alfa Romeo dealerships he owned.

the simple design of the drive train. is an understatement.
It didn't have a reverse gear.
To go in reverse, you stopped the engine and started it up backwards. That's why you had 4 reverse gears. They were the same gears as the forward gears but with the engine running backwards, you got 4 reverse gears.
You can do that with two strokes. All you need to do is alter the ignition timing to the other side of top dead centre and then you can start them up backwards.

Someone I knew back in the '60s had one.

What really killed them was the stinky two stroke motor.
As with all two strokes, they belched lots of smoke on take off, were erratic on the idle, and the exhaust stinks from burning two stroke oil.
They are also not as efficient as 4 strokes and nowhere near as reliable.

WA, 6277 posts
23 Dec 2010 5:39PM
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pweedas said...

To go in reverse, you stopped the engine and started it up backwards. That's why you had 4 reverse gears. They were the same gears as the forward gears but with the engine running backwards, you got 4 reverse gears.
You can do that with two strokes. All you need to do is alter the ignition timing to the other side of top dead centre and then you can start them up backwards.

You serious? Geez you learn something new every day.

Presumably you'd have to do something clever with all the other gumf that runs off the fanbelt.. like... um... the fan, the a/c, the oil pump... alternator would be OK I guess.

Ouch. My head hurts just thinking about it.

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:04PM
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yes that is correct, you simply turn the key backwards reversing the electricals..and simply running your two stroke backwards.

I have a few cars that do that, my messerschmitt,my isetta , but my goggomobils although 2 strokes cannot do that, they actually have a four speed gearbox that shifts is the quickest gearshift I have ever encountrered, that with a [400cc motor ] a car of only 350kg's and like a motor bike I have beaten V8's, and a porsche at take off...its power to weight is incredible..but within seconds they were off and I had to look quick to see the surprise on their faces..

I stopped doing it because I was concerned how the clutch would take it [especially as I hadnever rebuilt the motor and it was a good chance the motor had not ever been rebuilt in its 50 years of is not like a normal clutch plate...but that initial takeoff surprised the pants off will go around roundabouts virtually at 60k's on its little 10" wheels.

NSW, 290 posts
23 Dec 2010 11:11PM
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Presumably you'd have to do something clever with all the other gumf that runs off the fanbelt.. like... um... the fan, the a/c, the oil pump... alternator would be OK I guess.

Ouch. My head hurts just thinking about it.

I'll generalise here on many 2 stroke cars.

no fan belt as it is air cooled, a'c on a 1959 two stroke car...hmmmmm, in a goggo I simply take the roof off

oil pump...two stroke either is a pre mix of petrol and oil, or a seperate oil feed pump needed because the oil is in the fuel..hence the smelly smoke.

alternator....generally whats called a dynastart

its a generator and starter motor in one [ie; run a starter motor backwards and it becomes a generator], it is run as part of the it is inline with the crank.

hope this makes it even more a mystry?

VIC, 871 posts
24 Dec 2010 2:02PM
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something older than a dynamo?..
sorry before my time.

no airbags then? Abs? traction control?dsc?hill descent?

NSW, 9029 posts
24 Dec 2010 2:41PM
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I experienced the reverse stroking of a two stroke motor when once riding my motorbike. I was riding up a hill and stalled in a rut. I pulled the clutch in and the bike started rolling backwards, the clutch was released to stop it rolling down the hill. Upon releasing the clutch the motor started. The clutch was engaged again and the bike stopped but when I gave it some gas the bike took off in reverse!

Scared the hell out of me. The bike was a Kawasaki KDX 200.

NSW, 1353 posts
24 Dec 2010 6:51PM
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Where is the hysterical laughter icon when you need one ??
I've done crap like that, piss funny !!

Mobydisc said...

I experienced the reverse stroking of a two stroke motor when once riding my motorbike. I was riding up a hill and stalled in a rut. I pulled the clutch in and the bike started rolling backwards, the clutch was released to stop it rolling down the hill. Upon releasing the clutch the motor started. The clutch was engaged again and the bike stopped but when I gave it some gas the bike took off in reverse!

Scared the hell out of me. The bike was a Kawasaki KDX 200.

QLD, 13 posts
24 Dec 2010 8:03PM
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Anyway, back to the question.
I remember a windsurfer cat design released by New Zealander Ron Given, who designed the Paper Tiger Catamarans and many cruising and racing cats since. Couldn't find anything on Google about it, but it was a long time ago.
The Hulls look very much like the Paper Tiger cat hulls.
I hope that leads somewhere.

NSW, 290 posts
26 Dec 2010 8:52PM
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thanks peter

that sounds promissing

I will keep that info and do siome searching.



that was really a two stroke car owner I think in terms of cars

but finding ouit that someone can come across it by accident is interesting...makes sense though

on the car side just so people know the motor must be completely shut down...then the key turned in the opposite can actually be a pain in the exhaust if your motor is sick and you're trying to keep it running, turning it off inevidably leaves you stranded..


Forums > Windsurfing General

"catamaran windsurfers..I have one help on history" started by rustbucket