I got fined/flashed $100 on Albany Hwy Traffic lights under Leach Hwy overpass for doing only 68km/h. The red light cameara doubles up as speed camera.They are watching you.
Here's a tip I picked up for dealing with speed cameras etc.
First, take note of the posted speed limit - there are lots of signs around so you should be able to find one easily. Then use the speedometer on your dashboard (it's usually in the middle somewhere) in combination with your accelerator pedal to match your speed with the posted limit. This prevents the triggering of speed cameras.
Works like a charm!
Thats what i hate about speed cameras. No qualms about being caught and paying the fine, if im in the wrong im in the wrong but they claim they save lives when the offending person is still going on his merry way with out slowing down and no knowledge theyve been caught till two or three weeks later. More patrol cars are whats needed not cameras, at least you know youve been done when your pulled over. Instnant result off reduced speed. But yes it is easier to stick to the speed limit so we dont get caught
Have to agree, these cameras are not about safety but money. They are ususally stuck in places where the road is straight and there is good visibility. Rarely are they placed in areas where motorists naturally slow down such as sharp corners where if its taken at too high a speed in wet weather its possible to lose control and have a head on with a semi trailer coming the other way.
There is easy and obvious solution to all speed camera problems.
GPS logger implemented into your car recording constantly all your trips.
Once a year your data are downloaded to local authorities compared with road maps and you will be issued with one massive bill.
Possibly even need to sell your car to cover.
Then you switch to push bike, that is much cheaper to run and avoid speed limits infringements worries.
GPS Gt 31 will alarm for 60km/hr might have solved all this hulla baloo!
Have you checked your house on street view ?