both are great clips with good music...
...great, even the girls are doing tricks i can't even understand!
cool vid's scotty, are you showing us the new gear are just showing us what we have been missing out on in the last few month..
Fantastic vids.
Thought the first one missed a bit to advertise severne sails, I find a lot of ads using pro sailors dont represent me me as a sailor ie:
1. ability to survive being rolled in the shorebreak
2. ability to jump/sail over large walls of whitewater
3. repeat point no 1
4. have an automatic gybe/loop/style setting
just a couple of thoughts when planning the next ad campaign
yes I am available for photo shoots if needed
i don't get it? looks like your typical goldcoast mush but makes me feel better (that i'm not the only one getting trashed in onshore crap)
enjoyed the other vids too was ricardos triple attempt the closest yet to getting a tripple on video? I downloaded the 250mb boards version of the footage which was pretty impressive. looked like they got more endo each successive loop
has anyone ever managed to sail out of a triple yet? i saw a clip of robert terrytowling talking about pulling off a triple a couple of years back, but there was no one about to witness it