Nothing like keeping up with the Joneses.. or whatever that translates to in Arabic..
This guy has had his for a while, but it's only _ordinary_ yellow gold..
I'd be a bit worried about the guy with the shopping trolley here:
Aparently over in Saudi Arabia, due to the way they segregate males and females, its difficult for the young man about town to meet up with a girl for a good time. What they do is buy very fancy cars, heavily customise them and then spraypaint their email address on the side of the car. They then cruise up and down the streets of their city hoping to get lucky.
This of course is a very expensive way to get your message out. Unfortunately if a young man speaks to a young woman in the street in Saudi Arabia the moral police will arrest you and whip you if you are lucky.
What a crazy country. They get foreigners in to do all the work while the locals spend their time either studying their Koran or wasting their cash on idiotic pursuits. No wonder Osama Bin Ladin got fed up with the place and moved over to Afghanistan. Remember the Saudis are one of our allies in the war on terror. Love fighting those nouns.