So say, for instance, if a person did a neat catapault and gently rested to mast/boom into the nose to a resounding crack, would there be a way to fix said crack (if it did happen, which i'm not saying it did...)
But really, I've cracked the nose of an old drops formula (i think it's carbon). I'll get some pics up later in the week. THough there's not much impact mark, it seems to have sent one split about a foot long straight down th eboard, and one along the underside edge. I'm not looking for racing spec fixes, just looking to get it back on the the aqua. Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!
useually there is more damage underneath than the initial impact i would be haveing a good look at the bottom
Given your other thread, this is going to be a learning period huh? So condolences to you, but we all go thru this phase and it is the ideal time to learn to do your own repairs on a cheaper board.
I suggest do a bit a reading about board repairs, like on go buy yourself $30 of resin, some q-cell and some fibreglass. NOT anything from hardware stores it will melt your core. Make sure you use epoxy resin.
That Drops will be so fragile as to be almost asking for broken noses in a catapault. So you won't make it any worse by beefing it up a bit.
Keef is right though, it may look like just a crack but there will be all kinds of stuff going on inside if it is a foot long so don't just fill it.
cracked nose that reappears is common with oldish boards. Starts with a bad repair that just fills the dent instead of re fiberglassing around it. After you fix it I suggest to get a pool noodle, cut it in half longitudinally and stick it to the nose, will help not cracking it again. I tried the nose deviator and still managed to do some damage, plus it interferes with the uphaul line.
Just be careful with the pool noodle method, they can only absorb so much energy and given a big enough hit you'll still crack it. The issue is, you now can't see the crack because it's covered with pool noodle. Just something to keep in mind (it happened to me many moons ago when I was learning).
Only today, i had a nasty catapault that caused some worrying damage to my new Rocket. Heartbroken!
It's about 150mm straight down the board from the nose, through the graphics dammit.
Problem is, i live 3.5 hours away from any known repairers, and there is a good wind forecast tomorrow, so is there any quick temporary fix, until i can get to Melbourne or Sydney?
if the crack is only topside of the board u could use aqua Knead-It from your local hardware and temp repair to keep water out, stand board on cracked end in the sun in the morning for 1/2 hr ( or until moisture stops comin out) before sealin up, apply Knead- it and leave until it sets (approx 30min)
^^ Also give the area around the crack a sand, if you don't as soon as you knock it the knead it will just crack straight of. You can get Aqua knead it at Bunnings.
Or - Solarez. I can't imagine not having Solarez and Knead-It in the kit box in the car. Maybe soem sandpaper too to rough up first. For that matter, some good duct tape also for a sail repair.
With those, about the only thing that would keep u off the water is lack of wind or alien invasion.
Ok got some pictures up finally. if anyone's still interested.
this is what she looks like... it was fun though, a good day ;)
do you think there's any salvation?
I did chop of my board nose three times!
Every time is stronger and cracking behind repair.
No not any more
, I do not catapult recently.
The point is that repair is usually stronger the original piece so next time board will crack in new place if you keep doing the same mistake.