anybody knows where to get one of these and how much they roughly are. I want to extend my 460 at the top to make a 490 or thereabouts. cheers
Unless he means a turban top...which is effectively an extension at the top.
I have 2 x turban top sails.
I'm still procrastinating about doing the same thing if I get a larger sail, that is make a 460 into 490. You can get them, I was enquiring about them a few months ago, there is an aluminium one that fits on to the top. Haven't seen it but was described as tapered with a spigot that fits into the top of your mast.
Good for lighter sailors but not so good for heavier, it softens the mast from what I've researched and for heavier sailors it means it will spill more air due to the twist. I'm in the neavier class at 100kg and the idea is OK as I'm thinking of a 8.5-9.0 as a very light wind cruising sail on a longboard and I'm not looking for blinding performance.
Contact Dieter at Sunshine Sailboards - Caloundra, he might still have one.
I've got a spare to section mast. Can anyone explain how I could turn it into a top mast extension? It would be great to be able to extend my 460 mast to rig bigger sails.
MY PLAN NOW IS TO FIT AN EXTENSION 'OVER' THE TOP END OF MY 460. mIGHT TRY WITH ALLUMINIUM FIRST OR MAKE SOMETHING UP OUT OF FIBREGLASS ONLY.sorry for caps noticed too late. or cut of a 300mm length top of a spare/broken mast and adapt it.
and i reckon it doesn't change the curve as such but the stiffness. So my theorie is if you have a flex top sail with a constant curve mast or similar you should actually just get the right result. anyhow try i will
Hi guys I was crusing on the net and discovered this mast extension has anyone tried one or willing to give it a go and let me know ,It's gotta be cheaper than a
Yeah I know there expensive in pommy land . If you can buy them there you should be able to buy them here ,maby a bit cheaper?
Another option is build you're own, get hold of a snapped bottom section and follow;
Also the chaps at 'Wind, Surf n Snow' should have them too.
back in the old days we cut a section out of an old boom and slid that on the top of the mast ,crude but affective but a bugger to get off.
Severne make a 490 Tip Extention to suit a 460 mast. They are available from Windforce or Second Wind in WA, or Windsurf n Snow if you're in NSW. The RRP on this is $125.
shame to admit it but have a 25 cm extension from vacuum cleaner tube with timber whacked in as a stopper, top shaped to fit sail head.
that makes my 460 and extension into a 510 and now I run a 9, 7.5, 6.6,5.5 and 4.5 on 1 mast !
I haven't tested it in a non-Severne SDM mast but I can tell you though that the diameter of the ferrell is 26.6mm. A slight bit of sanding may be required to get the correct fit for a different branded mast.