Forums > Windsurfing General

queens beach redcliffe

Created by lungs > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2012
QLD, 492 posts
7 Sep 2012 11:00PM
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went to my local for a sail today expecting a similar day to yesterday but the wind didn't eventuate. however there was still a bit of entertainment, anyone need a jeep

QLD, 2995 posts
7 Sep 2012 11:07PM
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LOL - I've seen that a few times on that ramp.

QLD, 1667 posts
8 Sep 2012 2:27PM
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Its not windy but he is using the wrong kind of motor........
....... which he flooded

QLD, 3424 posts
8 Sep 2012 2:39PM
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QLD, 3417 posts
8 Sep 2012 3:15PM
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Gps said that was the way too Moreton Island

WA, 3480 posts
8 Sep 2012 6:15PM
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he just wasn't going fast enough. didn't they tell him that when you cross river you need to go fast enough that your floats over the top of the water.

QLD, 492 posts
8 Sep 2012 9:48PM
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vando said...

Gps said that was the way too Moreton Island

they might be related to those japaneese tourists who tried to follow their gps to straddie, in a rental car and got stuck on the mud flats

QLD, 27 posts
8 Sep 2012 10:50PM
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So thats what they mean by- "Its a Jeep wouldn't understand"?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"queens beach redcliffe" started by lungs