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Forums > Windsurfing General

sailing with the plug out !!

Created by DunkO > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2012
QLD, 14491 posts
28 Jan 2012 3:25PM
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that's fixable,

i ripped the tail nearly completely off my formula board when i ran aground riding a small bay wave over a sand bank,

sounded like a gun when it broke.

took it back to the shaper, he repaired it and i got another 3 years out of that board before it was dead.

DunkO said...

sorry about my last post few too many shandies yesterday.

anyway here is photo of some of the damage. the crack runs all the way round and half way across the top. there is also a smaller one on the tail.

this looks repairable sure, but worse is the fact the whole board is warped and delaminated.

once again pretty stupid

thanks for the board loan offers but i yesterday purchased a second hand fanatic quad, which im looking forwrd to giving a go this weekend at the NSW wave comp, seen plenty of good comments on these boards.

i do recommend a nude chopper to anyone considering one of them. really surfs well and carves hard. works well as quad or twin.

NSW, 1147 posts
30 Jan 2012 5:24PM
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I've had a closer look at things and maybe there is some small hope for the board.

all the shaded area feels as though it has delaminated

i have left the board on it side and there is STILL water pouring out

she is a looker so i feel i should do all i can to save her

The top feels all intact still so I figure if i could just re glass the bottom?

At this point i'm thinking i could cut away all the delaminated section and let the core dry out. then look at re-laying a few sheets of carbon and epoxy.
i was going to cut some of theglass away from around the crack and repair that also.

any ideas would be welcomed, as will criticisms.

i have nothing to loose.

QLD, 455 posts
30 Jan 2012 4:56PM
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If it was me i would see how the "Nude" wants to repair that board and you might get it back good as new. I would at least ask the question because it might not be a lot different in price than you getting hold of all the materials and the time you spend and you may still not get it right. That is not a judgement on your abilities by the way it's just what they do for a crust and they obviously know the board construction and it is a **** hot looking board so i would want to try and fix it properly

NSW, 8094 posts
30 Jan 2012 6:05PM
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yep a b nice looking board.I bet you shed a few tears when it blew!

NSW, 1489 posts
30 Jan 2012 10:35PM
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Hey Dunko, I'm sorry to see your board like that, I was pretty stoked with the way that board come out, I'm sure it could be returned to it's former glory to destroy some more waves, if it gets back to paint stage get in contact with us, I know all the paint colours so they will match perfectly.

It's well worth a rebuild, it was a sweet board, Hoops had to get it out of the factory before I stole it from you..

Good luck, cheers Jas..

WA, 12464 posts
30 Jan 2012 9:08PM
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Dunko, at the moment I'm repairing a board with a delamned bottom.
It may not be as easy as you describe.
It's fairly easy, if it's a dry glass job and the bottom sandwich has come away from the core foam cleanly. But I bet that nude doesn't have a dry glass job!!!

In this case, you'll probably find the weakest link has given way, the core foam under tension.

Here's a pic of what's in my shed.

(for anybody who thinks their bung is just for show, this could happen to your board!!!!)

As you can see, there's a lot of foam attached to the bottom sandwich, and what's left in the board is a big mess.

My approach will be to route out the damaged foam. Then replace it, in this case I think I have some 10mm closed cell blue foam, that should do the job. Re-shape it to 5mm below the rail line, then vacuum a new sandwich on.
Yep, a big job, but it should come out stronger than the original.

An alternative approach, is to just glue the old bottom back on. Some people report success with various ways of doing this, but the one I tried was far from satisfactory.

You won't know exactly what's under the sandwich until you take it off.
set a router, with the narrowest blade you have, to 3mm and see if it goes thru to the white foam underneath. if not slowly increase depth till it does, probably about 5mm, then go round the delamned area with it.

1979 posts
30 Jan 2012 9:28PM
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Looks like it needs to come back to the Nude hospital. It was born there and I'm sure it can be reborn there. Not a small job by any means but with the right rocker jigs and foam replacement it should be able to lead a normal happy life.
It's a sad thing to see one of your creations in that condition, it would make me happy to see it repaired nicely.
Maybe we can do a journal of the repair process and put it up here.

WA, 4017 posts
30 Jan 2012 9:35PM
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hoop said...

Looks like it needs to come back to the Nude hospital. It was born there and I'm sure it can be reborn there. Not a small job by any means but with the right rocker jigs and foam replacement it should be able to lead a normal happy life.
It's a sad thing to see one of your creations in that condition, it would make me happy to see it repaired nicely.
Maybe we can do a journal of the repair process and put it up here.

Spoken like a true artist, Hoop.
There is a little bit of yourself invested in every creation.

WA, 12464 posts
30 Jan 2012 9:40PM
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Windxtasy said...

Spoken like a true artist, Hoop.
There is a little bit of yourself invested in every creation.

You hit the nail on the head Anita!!

Sounds like the best idea and we could all learn from it.

NSW, 2016 posts
31 Jan 2012 10:35AM
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hoop said...

it would make me happy to see it repaired nicely.
Maybe we can do a journal of the repair process and put it up here.

great idea hoop give us backyarders an insite on how it should be done properly and also see what the repair $ would be, it could be like opening a can of worms , remebering styrene foam & epoxy both have memory there could be hidden area's where the core has been sucked from the laminate, for pressure to do that much damage i would imagine there is belam elsewhere

WA, 12464 posts
31 Jan 2012 8:02PM
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Good point keef, but the convex deck is much less likely to blow out, maybe the area in front of the mast track, that is a bit flatter, might bear close scrutiny.

WA, 725 posts
31 Jan 2012 8:54PM
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I'll donate $10 to the fighting fund for this board - with the hope that we get the fulll surgery graphics on here.

NSW, 2016 posts
1 Feb 2012 8:55AM
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quote]DunkO said...

sorry about my last post few too many shandies yesterday.

anyway here is photo of some of the damage. the crack runs all the way round and half way across the top. there is also a smaller one on the tail.

decrepit said...
[be]Good point keef, but the convex deck is much less likely to blow out, maybe the area in front of the mast track, that is a bit flatter, might bear close scrutiny.


from my experience styrene foam is made of balls of foam,a deLam is where the sandwich has separated from the core mainly because of bad laminateing, what i see is a fracture in the core and fracture is a separation of the balls and can run along ,down, and across, dunkO mentioned there's a fracture in the tail, the tail has more glass and would be the most unlikely place you would expect to be any damage, i'm looking at decrepits pic and what i can see is there was delam to the front or the board and a fracture in the core at the tail where the foam is thicker

my opinion is hoop is a professional designer and time is money+reputation invested , if there is a fracture in the core there will more than likely one or more toward the front and how do you detect where they are
has any one seen styrene foam dried out after being saturated with water, well the balls separate and if you had the time you could make a bean bag have fun with your project hoop and hope you don't loose to much time and money in this project

WA, 556 posts
11 Feb 2012 9:57PM
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DunkO said...

this afternoon i resumed vacuming the board. replaced the filthy oil from yesterday. due to the high humidity i devised a plan to very cautiously let dry nitrogen through the hole i had drilled. dry nitrogen is great at absorbing moisture. i had the nitro set very low through a regulator.
i had the system up and running and it was working perfectly, heaps of vapour coming out of the pump.

see my set up below

well i totally f#c!ed it up.

went to the loo, then took a phone call and on my return some how the nitogen pressure had gone up. basically it prssurised the board and blew it to pieces.
totally gutted...

i can't get how the thin bits of blue tack didn't give way first.

pretty stupid really.

sorry to hoops and jas at nude for destroying a piece of art work that really ripped in the waves. i would get another in a heartbeat but time and funds are not on my side.

two very tough lessons learnt.

Any photos of the blown up boards..

WA, 12464 posts
11 Feb 2012 10:59PM
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Hooksey said...
Any photos of the blown up boards..

If you go to the top of this page, there are a few pics.

NSW, 1871 posts
12 Feb 2012 9:08AM
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Carefully dissected it would make a good cadaver for the Nude boards museum!

1979 posts
12 Feb 2012 9:09AM
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It's on it's way back to see if it can be saved. Hopefully it won't have to go to the museum.

NSW, 2016 posts
12 Feb 2012 3:10PM
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hoop said...

It's on it's way back to see if it can be saved. Hopefully it won't have to go to the museum.

is this a new policy hoop you trash it we'll fix it, i can understand you fixing it because of a manufacturing fault, but because he left the bung out and then trashed it is beyond the call of duty, didn't he say the core was fractured from the middle to the tail and that's only what you can see , who knows whats in there you cant see, don't expect you to show us how its repaired but some pics and the end $$$.00 would be good
i'm doing a delam repair at the moment and i would hate to think the cost would be if it was done by a professional

WA, 2960 posts
12 Feb 2012 3:27PM
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I could fix it, I'd take my trusty dremil and extract the finboxes, mast track and strap inserts and start MkII..

This is the Pro Abortion stance..

I once began to completely replace the bottom of my last freestyle board but I just got the sh1ts with it all when I overtook the repair with a board I'd started from scratch..


Hey, does anybody want to watch the video I made a while back explaining the awesome science behind using a vacuum to extract water? Nobody seemed keen but I think It's fairly gripping..

David "I'm giving that half a star"

Margret "I thought that was simply brilliant David, I'm giving it 5 stars"

WA, 14921 posts
12 Feb 2012 4:07PM
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barn said...

I could fix it, I'd take my trusty dremil and extract the finboxes, mast track and strap inserts and start MkII..

This is the Pro Abortion stance..

I once began to completely replace the bottom of my last freestyle board but I just got the sh1ts with it all when I overtook the repair with a board I'd started from scratch..


Hey, does anybody want to watch the video I made a while back explaining the awesome science behind using a vacuum to extract water? Nobody seemed keen but I think It's fairly gripping..

David "I'm giving that half a star"

Margret "I thought that was simply brilliant David, I'm giving it 5 stars"

Noooooooo...... You will start a trend. Now instead of justing posting conspiracy theories, 'others' will start reading them out to camera.... oh no!

Sorry Barn, you need to make it 'Curiosity Show' type entertainment for me to maintain my 5 second concentration span.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"sailing with the plug out !!" started by DunkO