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Forums > Windsurfing General

shearwater for friday & saturday arvo anyone?

Created by Haircut > 9 months ago, 27 Dec 2007
QLD, 6483 posts
27 Dec 2007 8:34PM
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another perfect tide

and vp for sunday for the meet

QLD, 2039 posts
27 Dec 2007 8:38PM
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I'll get out there on Saturday if Currumbin is no good.

QLD, 1064 posts
27 Dec 2007 8:51PM
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QLD, 1927 posts
27 Dec 2007 9:13PM
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i'll probably be at VP in morning tomorrow, and shearwater in the arvo.

probably VP for saturday, i don't think i can handle 30kts + shearwater chop

*edit*, damn, its a mission to get from viccy point to shearwater, lots of stupid roads, oh well, see how i feel tomorrow. Probably stick with shearwater, at least i know i won't get lost getting there

500 posts
28 Dec 2007 6:58AM
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Looks good

QLD, 6483 posts
28 Dec 2007 2:12PM
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i'm on me way

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:42AM
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hopefully tomorrow delivers some real wind

QLD, 1927 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:46AM
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what were you guys out on?

i had a pretty good little session at wello, working on chop hops and stuff, but yeah, it was nowhere near 20kts, maybe gusting up there at times, but generally nowhere near.

checked viccy point as well, but noone was there. i might come shearwater tomoz.

QLD, 14493 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:49AM
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when the wind didn't fill in i went shopping with the misses to score brownies for the following week.

hopefully tomorrow we get something decent.

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 1:00AM
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5.8, 5.8, 5.8, and 5.8 weren't we promised 4.5 weather

QLD, 14493 posts
29 Dec 2007 1:03AM
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Haircut said...

5.8, 5.8, 5.8, and 5.8 weren't we promised 4.5 weather

but what does it all mean

QLD, 1927 posts
29 Dec 2007 1:26AM
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weird, even the observation graphs were full of green arrows.. the wind just kinda wasn't there?

QLD, 2081 posts
29 Dec 2007 1:47AM
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swoosh said...

what were you guys out on?

i had a pretty good little session at wello, working on chop hops and stuff, but yeah, it was nowhere near 20kts, maybe gusting up there at times, but generally nowhere near.

Was an AWESOME sesh this arvy! I must admit I am envious of you fellas when the front hit you guys can just down your sails and you're fine and keep on riding. All of us came in, packed up and stood around talking in the rain! [}:)][}:)]

Gotta love Wello

QLD, 1927 posts
29 Dec 2007 3:16AM
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yeah i noticed, kiters are a pack of skirts hehe, jks.

btw, whats the deal with kiters pretty much staying on one side of wello, and windsurfers on the other? in a ne'er everyone tends to be at the same spot, but today i noticed most of the windsurfers were on the otherside to kiters, at least launching anyway. i saw a few windsurfers setting up on the west side, so i went over and set up there too. at least there was plenty of parking to be had.

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 8:23AM
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hope it's not so currugated today

QLD, 1479 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:06AM
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Might go to the train, only got a 6.5 and a 5m, do i need the 5.5 ?

QLD, 1064 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:34AM
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see you kids at shearwater around 12ish, the 5.0 is ready!

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:58AM
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i called in to currumbin this morning while dropping folks off at airport and took some photos. i'll stick some pickies up shortly. like usual the ocean looked like it was boiling with whitecaps but hardly any wind getting into the alley

QLD, 1064 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:06PM
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hey haircut, just went for a skateboard out the front at mermaid, wow the ocean is angry today! there was 1 guy out kiting off miami! seeya this arvo

QLD, 2081 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:31PM
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swoosh said...

yeah i noticed, kiters are a pack of skirts hehe, jks.

btw, whats the deal with kiters pretty much staying on one side of wello, and windsurfers on the other? in a ne'er everyone tends to be at the same spot, but today i noticed most of the windsurfers were on the otherside to kiters, at least launching anyway. i saw a few windsurfers setting up on the west side, so i went over and set up there too. at least there was plenty of parking to be had.

Hey Swoosh,

It's sheer safety that we come in when a wind-front like that comes over. You'd know with the 27-30m of lines that we cannot risk injury to ourselves or others.

We usually just kite the same spots. The W'ly side in an E'ly or S'ly is not suitable for kiters because of the gusty conditions and then also the dangers of being pushed down towards Manly if the wind drops off.

Trevor kited up into the windsurfers., but thats an easier location for us to land and launch also.
Have a great sesh for you guys who head over the next few days! [}:)]

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:38PM
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have to hand it to daz for even thinking of venturing out the back, i'm not surprised he didn't some of the whitewater was logo. strangely after about 20 minutes the sets were smaller, but no doubt they'll be gianormous tomorrow

there are a few more in the photo section

QLD, 2081 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:43PM
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ooOOoo impressive shots Haircut! [}:)]

Shows the ferocity of it!

QLD, 1927 posts
29 Dec 2007 12:49PM
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time to pack the car, i'm off to shearwater today i think.

elizabeth: no doubt, i was just having a friendly dig

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 9:32PM
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some more from the shearwater late in the arvo

QLD, 1479 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:08PM
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Was good at the train after 1 pm

got there at 9 am this morning and called it quits at 130pm

First time on a 5 metre sail in 2 years!!!!


QLD, 2039 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:22PM
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Looks like sheerwater got better after I left...I was stuggleing with the 4.7 for much of the time I was there, and I had the wife in tow so couldn't expect to be there for too long.

I too was at Currumbin earlier, and if it wasn't for the wind swinging offshore from time to time it would have been very sailable out the back (have seen it sailed bigger). Darren broke a boom early, and after getting a replacement boom went back out and broke a mast - expensive day. Doug (if I remember correctly thats his name) with the older Gaastra sail in the pics had some very interesting ventilation holes in that sail by the time I got there.

I haven't sailed Currumbin for close to 7 or 8 years, bit it was good to see a few of the old faces down there.

QLD, 6483 posts
29 Dec 2007 10:28PM
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i reckon the first 30 minutes i was there the waves were bigger and it was windier behind the rock, but the swell seemed to shrink a bit after that, and it didn't look quite so daunting. would love to see some photos of it tomorrow arvo, unless the bom has overhyped the forecast as usual

aus, shearwater was great from about 3 onwards as it really picked up and swung alot more south. was honking by the time we packed up at 6

WA, 6277 posts
30 Dec 2007 11:31AM
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Izzat Junior ripping it up on the tabou/gaastra in the photos above?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"shearwater for friday & saturday arvo anyone?" started by Haircut