Just something I found serendipi... serendipitiously(?) while clicking from suggested video to video. No professionals nor fast edit cuts with "dubstep" wooop-woop-wgr--zzzz-grrr nor any craaaazy camera tricks nor any "post-production" production giving it that "post-punk"/"new-80's" so called "edge", nor any hyper positive "caught in the moment" candid, "unsolicited" comments about how 5mm more here and 5mm more there drastically improves wind range and early planing performance while also boosting top end speed and stability while reducing costs and "ease-of-use", (although the riders are all on Super Freaks) ...and admittedly I have no sound so perhaps it does have a "dub-step" or "indie-folk" soundtrack, and perhaps they are talking about a product and not their "feelings" or "insights" into the sport that they "love" or so much because it makes them feel so "connected" to nature...
...where was I going with this?
It has some pretty water.
ahahahhahahahha I'm the guy that rescued and got fined (managed to have it cancelled) but I did not make that video !!
Great sailing shots! What an epic down the line wave. Where in New Caledonia is the break. It looks from the helicopter shot that it can be resched by sailing across the lagoon to the reef. How far is it from the main accommodation area?
Nice vid and yeah what an awesome DTL wave!!!!
(1) Alex at 4mins is talking flat out in Russian (?) but I knew exactly what he meant and then i saw the crash it was spot on. Hilarious!!! No need to know the lingo to see how that one was gonna end up lol
(2) WTF was kiter at 6:32- 6:33 ish thinking? Get outa the way mate!
Great watch Thanks for the share ...Wouldnt be pulling that **** @ gnarloo be successfully reaming yourself a second arsehole on the bull horns in a stack..
Maybe its time for the monochrome bear to book a passage to Le morne, July is good. A whole other world of seductive sega music , dreams and the reality of DTL Gold over technicolour concrete coral reef.
Although we may suffer mono lingual ignorance,. The body language conveys a fraction of the emotional response of exposure to the intense energy that passes across the south west corner of this amazing island
Are you up for it Marky Mark... the collision of cultures along with the caress of boards, bodies and sails on technicoloured reef !
6:33 One of the few times a kilter was making a valid attempt to get out of the way.
He was fought on the inside and making a b line to the shoulder once there he pulled off the back of the wave. If anything the sailor was drawing a line pretty close to a guy trying to get away from being cleaned up.
Maybe windsurfer was focused on the section looming dtl and not consciously aiming for kiter. If you have seen this wave in its entirety. A kiter who has straightened out to the inside is wise to sail upwind inside the lagoon out through little reef and then come in the back door at chamoix instead of complicating issues for bullets in the barrel
What would the wise young wind warrior say ?
Kev my heart never left the land of sega its just a matter of prying the crustaceous shell off this lovely rock we call home.
Looks like the berjaya has been rebuilt by another chain/name. Thats the spot, but reflex report said something about a hotel sinking in its own waste, i wonder whether its the new or another resort that was referenced
Yeah not ideal place to be, he was in the way. Decent size wave and he was probably pretty keen to get out of the impact zone.