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Forums > Windsurfing General

tips on the naish SP 128 or 135 ?

Created by seanhogan > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2012
QLD, 3424 posts
4 Jun 2012 11:38AM
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Until now I have never been a big fan of the Naish boards but I'm offered an very good deal on both those models (2010). (under 500$)
So I'm having seconds thoughts....

I want to use it (which ever I choose) with my 7.8 rs slam mk3 and maybe an H2 9.2 in light to moderate winds.

Anybody on here using them or having tried them ?

Thanks in advance.

WA, 899 posts
4 Jun 2012 8:59PM
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i dont know anyone who uses naish boards

NSW, 939 posts
4 Jun 2012 11:21PM
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But doesn't that overlap your rrd fire race?

940 posts
5 Jun 2012 4:02AM
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I had the Naish Grand Prix 135 (the heavier version). Nice board, easy to jibe, felt really comfortable with a 9.2. Most probably a bit big for really wound up 7.8 weather. So I would guess the 128 is a better size if the 7.8 sees more action. A friend has the SP 110 and he rates the top end speed of that board.

QLD, 3424 posts
5 Jun 2012 6:27AM
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Thanks for the answers guys.

Dezza said...

But doesn't that overlap your rrd fire race?

Well the fire race is 112 L, matches really well with my 6.7, not so well with the 7.8 in light to moderate.
I've got a van now, so I can have three sets of matching boards and sails !

I have been using the 7.8 a lot recently with a 122 futura but couldn't get any top end speed... smooth ride but a tad boring

I saw on a french forum that a few guys were clocking very good speeds with the 110 and 128 SPs...

TAS, 1471 posts
5 Jun 2012 1:20PM
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I mainly use Naish boards(not sponsored) i have two SP boards(SP 60 and 95) and one Grand Prix board.

I love the Naish Slalom boards and i dont understand why more people dont use them, they a great boards. Before i started using the naish boards i was using starboard and personally i like the Naish boards a lot more, its a pitty that they stopped making their full on slalom boards.

I have the Grand Prix in the 135 only because i couldnt get hold of the SP in that size. The Grand Prix is also a great board and goes really well and i reckon it would be pretty similar to the SP135. I havent had the board long and have done 31+ on the board so far and i reckon it can do more.

I think fin choice makes a massive difference, for example the 135 came with a 48cm Naish fin but i've been using my KA Race 7.1 on the board with a C3 venom 40cm and the board with this size sail is really nice with this size fin when powered up, underpowered(just on the plane) it can feel a little small and you need to be light with the back foot to avoid spinning out. I havent used the 48cm yet, but I used a 44cm Naish fin in the board and it certainly didnt feel as nice and quick as when i had the c3 fin in the board.

The Naish fins that come with the boards arent bad but certainly not as good as using a specialized fine, i use C3's(not sponsored) in all my boards and they certainly make the board feel a lot better and quicker than using the stock fins.

One of my friends has the SP135 and LOVES it he may comment on this thread..

TAS, 1471 posts
5 Jun 2012 1:35PM
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philn said...

A friend has the SP 110 and he rates the top end speed of that board.

110 Litre board is a great board size, i used to have a Futura 111 and I loved that board, they have such a great wind and water state range and a still quick. I feel that the Naish SP 110 is a little narrow at 65cm and close to the 95 which a 59cm wide. I reckon a board around 110 litres should be around 67/68cm wide for early planning, i'm hoping their 2013 board is slightly wider if so ill buy one

TAS, 1651 posts
5 Jun 2012 8:44PM
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I think Jez and I are the keenest Naish riders in Australia.

I love all my Naish speed and slalom boards. This latest generation of boards are so nice 2009 - 2012 are every bit as good or better than the best out there from all brands in my humble opinion. The 95 is the pick of the range for Tassie conditions. The 135 and 128 are so fast and comfortable I can recommend both to you.

why are Naish not so popular? it's simple they do not fund a world cup team like other brands. But just think, do you think that means Robby does not have access to the best designs The focus is on top end speed and comfort and these boards deliver that easy.

Jez and I have improved our peaks in leaps and bounds this year on Naish to be as fast as the best slalom boards in the market. I have to say they make high wind rough water speed sailing fun.

I would go for the 135 for sure, it rocks and is a very fast big board.

Cheers Russ

QLD, 3424 posts
6 Jun 2012 8:54AM
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Thanks a lot guys, I did read that they really needed good fins and were so confortable.

Will let you know how it goes as soon as I have it !

QLD, 3424 posts
11 Jun 2012 11:38AM
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bought the new light wind toy this morning :

just need the wind to come down a little so I can try it...

TAS, 1651 posts
11 Jun 2012 11:05PM
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Enjoy it nice choice 135 RIP's the average days!

Cheers Russ


Forums > Windsurfing General

"tips on the naish SP 128 or 135 ?" started by seanhogan