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Forums > Windsurfing General

trouble jibeing a KA KONCEPT 5.0

Created by keef > 9 months ago, 22 Nov 2008
NSW, 2016 posts
22 Nov 2008 6:46PM
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i have a KONCEPT 5.0 and rig it on a RDM, it's a powerfull sail and has a great range and would equal a freeride 6.0, on the water it's as light as and very twitchy and unless your fully powerd up say 20 to 25 knts its very tricky to jibe and theres no room for era, it feels like i need an extra 6" on the boom and leech,
has anyone found the same problem
the sail is rigged on a loft 400 RDM 100% with mini cams and neil pride cam spaces too compensate for the RDM

Crash Landing
NSW, 1173 posts
22 Nov 2008 7:18PM
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sounds like you may have too much outhaul and not enough downhaul...

NSW, 2016 posts
22 Nov 2008 7:40PM
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i rig all of my sails with minimin outhall and ajust the downhaul, only ajust outhaul when the wind picks up on the water while sailing

VIC, 3457 posts
22 Nov 2008 9:59PM
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Sound like not enough downhaul. Koncepts rotate pretty easily

NSW, 9205 posts
22 Nov 2008 10:57PM
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Twitchy = + Downhaul, no?

I was out few weeks back on an old KA Kaos, a rarely used sail. Rigged it so it "looked" right... nah. Twitchy as can be, very "on/off" and overpowered. Came into beach, added about 2cm downhaul and presto, perfecto.

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
22 Nov 2008 9:44PM
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I agree... downhaul is most likely.

VIC, 6154 posts
23 Nov 2008 12:49AM
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keef said...

i have a KONCEPT 5.0 and rig it on a RDM, it's a powerfull sail and has a great range and would equal a freeride 6.0, on the water it's as light as and very twitchy and unless your fully powerd up say 20 to 25 knts its very tricky to jibe and theres no room for era, it feels like i need an extra 6" on the boom and leech,
has anyone found the same problem
the sail is rigged on a loft 400 RDM 100% with mini cams and neil pride cam spaces too compensate for the RDM

What year model? It makes a difference to rigging advice. What is the bend curve of the Loft mast?

The KA Koncepts in 5m are my most used sail. I find them excellent to gybe and indeed have some of the fastest Alpha 500m speeds in the world on both 2007 and 2009 Koncepts. The 2007 Koncept is one of the gruntyest, smoothest and most stable sails I have ever used!

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:20AM
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400 mast icms 19 100% and its an 08 sail & full carbon boom, i had some KA CAM space's but there hidden away in a safe place somewhere the pride's do the same job, don't get me wrong it's a powerfull sail and awesome to sail,(just a bit fickle on the jibes) im wondering if any one elese rigs there's 5/0 on a skinny,
i have found that the mini cams change the shape at the mast slightly because they don't have a big knuckle as the standard, maybe that could flatten the sail out at the mast and that could give the sail a feel like it has to much outhaul(any comment's)
I allso have a PRIDE RSS 5/8 08 and rig it on a skinny and i dont have any problems

SA, 4096 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:00AM
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To get more shape or knuckle you may have to remove the cam battens and sand abit more off the batten taper this will help give more shape to the sail.

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:42AM
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thanks for the tip choco but do you think that could be the problem

SA, 4096 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:43AM
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The 08 Koncepts do have a slightly flatter profile, and the sanding tip actually came from Mr McDougall .

mr love
VIC, 2376 posts
23 Nov 2008 12:22PM
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Hi Keef , I am not 100% sure exactly what you mean by " a bit tricky to gybe" could you elaborate. Is it not rotating properly?
If you could take some photo's of it rigged and send them to marked "attention Martin" and I will take a look..
I am thinking that your Loft skinny may be a bit soft in the lower half and the sail is setting a bit flat in the entry down low. If thats the case it is easily fixed with a bit of batten sanding but lets have a look first.
A twitchy sail generally indicates that it is set to flat in the bottom half, too much outhaul. Don't be afraid let the outhaul off so the sail is, or almost touching your boom and control the power with more downhaul. That puts the power down low where you can best handle it and lets the upper leech twist right off and generally solves that on/off power twitchiness.
Regards Martin

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 12:26PM
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thanks for the tip ill give it a go, talking about mr Mcdougal i noticed the standard cam's are the same as the wildwinds he was makeing back in the 80's

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 1:10PM
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mr love said...

Hi Keef , I am not 100% sure exactly what you mean by " a bit tricky to gybe" could you elaborate. Is it not rotating properly?
If you could take some photo's of it rigged and send them to marked "attention Martin" and I will take a look..

thanks martin , what the sail does is when going into the jibe marginal to powerd up it looses the wind 1/2 way through the jibe and stalls, when the wind is up say from 20+ to 30 its fine because i let go of the rig much earlyer and don't loose much speed in the jibe hope i'm not confuseing you.
ill give it a go today as the wind at the moment is 20 to30 sse and ill take a pic

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
23 Nov 2008 12:00PM
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Sounds to me like 'twitchy' is a sail set problem, and the stalling thru a gybe in marginal conditions is separate: lack of power in general and/or technique problem

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 9:21PM
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Mark _australia said...

Sounds to me like 'twitchy' is a sail set problem, and the stalling thru a gybe in marginal conditions is separate: lack of power in general and/or technique problem
i hear what your saying mark, dont blame the tools,(can you send me a PM on how to rig a sail cos i'm a slow learner) back in the early 90's i had a 5/0 KA Predator it was a very powerfull sail but again a bit twitchy
i don't have a personal problem with KA sails there a great sail and as i can gather no one else has the same problem
i sailed it today in a lumpy southery gusting 19 to 32 next time ill rig my aerotech 4.5 charge on the same mast and rrd wave, and come to the conclusion horse's for course's

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
23 Nov 2008 7:37PM
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Sorry mate I have no idea.

But as a generalisation: for my wave sails this is how much downhaul I need:

Visualise the "square" formed by the top batten, the second top batten, the mast and the leech.

I have to downhaul a wavesail until the floppiness extends 2/3 of the way IN from the leech to the mast.

I have no idea about KA race sails but if you are not approaching that level of floppiness you MAY be off.

Stribo where are you...

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 10:06PM
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Mark _australia said...

Sorry mate I have no idea.I have no idea about KA race sails
fewwww i'm glad you clear'ed the air on that one mark

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 10:20PM
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mr love said...

Hi Keef , I am not 100% sure exactly what you mean by " a bit tricky to gybe" could you elaborate. Is it not rotating properly?
If you could take some photo's of it rigged and send them to marked "attention Martin" and I will take a look..
I am thinking that your Loft skinny may be a bit soft in the lower half and the sail is setting a bit flat in the entry down low. If thats the case it is easily fixed with a bit of batten sanding but lets have a look first.

martin ill post it here so i can get some feed back

first sail is less downhaul no outhaul
2nd more downhaul no outhaul
3rd rss 5.8 same mast a little bit ove outhaul sos thats the way the sail likes to set, if you can see a problem with the rigging let me know

QLD, 14475 posts
23 Nov 2008 9:24PM
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looks like too much batten tension on the koncept to me and not enough downhaul.

edit*1st pic that is.

could be wrong though.

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 10:43PM
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thank's for the tip gestalt i didn't consider the batten tension, if its not the battens and its the mast i'm not going to buy a sdm mast, so look in the buy and sell cos it will be going cheep

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
23 Nov 2008 8:47PM
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I reckon the first is not enough downhaul (you knew that) and the second is a starting point for downhaul... absolute min.
I'd try 20 - 30mm more. (I mean the tack comes down another 20-30mm, not that you pull 20-30mm more rope thru

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 10:56PM
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thanks mark but im not sure that will solve it i'm sure its the mast
the one thing i like about these sails is they have powerrrrrrrrr i meen for a 5.0 sail in a straite line there great

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:07PM
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Hi Keef,

I also have a 5.0 koncept on a rdm for my ca 55. I found they like to be full with not too much outhaul as when they're too flat they get twitchy. Also if you were out yesterday then it was very squally wind with huge shifts which made it annlying

NSW, 2016 posts
23 Nov 2008 11:23PM
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Little Jon said...

Hi Keef,

I also have a 5.0 koncept on a rdm for my ca 55.

hey brother at the moment i like my ca 55 better than my KA ,but i'm sure ill learn to love it, there has been times when fully powerd up and blasting past the guys on 6's+, as i said horses for courses

mr love
VIC, 2376 posts
24 Nov 2008 11:08AM
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Hi Keef, I agree with Gesalt it looks like you have too much batten tension on the cam battens . They need to be tight but not to the point where you are distorting the film. Not enough downhaul on photo 1.

I guess I still clearly don't understand what your problem is exactly. If it is not rotating through the gybes them definitely the overtensioning of the lower battens will be contributing. If it is "twitchiness" set the sail so the film is just touching the boom, if you are doing this then I can't figure why you would be having real problems. Remember that this is a small sail and by nature is going to feel twitchier that a larger size.

I honestly can't see any problem with the way it is rigging on the Loft Skinny, it looks fine to me in photo 2 which is downhauled correctly. If you compare it to the Pryde you will see the Koncept has more shape down low so and the shaping is a bit more forward. My experience with Pryde race sails is that they have a quite heavy, backhanded feel and if you are doing a direct comparison the Koncept will feel much lighter to handle . Maybe this is what you are not used to? If you look at the sails you will see the draft on the Pryde is further back which gives this feeling of it pulling more on the back hand. Some people prefer this feel, especially bigger ,stronger sailors but they do get quite physical when it gets windy.
With a more forward positioned draft the Koncept doesn,t pull on the back hand as strongly and remains back hand light even when overpowered. If you are used to the feel of the Pryde you may consider this a more twitchy feel ? but I am only speculating.
I hope I have helped. If you do have more photo's I would love to see them but from these shots it appears your mast is not an issue.
Regards Martin

mr love
VIC, 2376 posts
24 Nov 2008 11:50AM
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Oh, and before people start jumping all over me, certainly not having a dig at Pryde sails, not at all, just explaining the differences in rig ergonomics between the KA Koncept and Pryde RS, they are different.

NSW, 2016 posts
24 Nov 2008 12:53PM
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mr love said...

My experience with Pryde race sails is that they have a quite heavy, backhanded feel and if you are doing a direct comparison the Koncept will feel much lighter to handle . Maybe this is what you are not used to? If you look at the sails you will see the draft on the Pryde is further back which gives this feeling of it pulling more on the back hand. Some people prefer this feel, especially bigger ,stronger sailors but they do get quite physical when it gets windy.
With a more forward positioned draft the Koncept doesn,t pull on the back hand as strongly and remains back hand light even when overpowered.
well i think you have answered my question martin, all of my other sails are pride, and your rite im used of the sail being fully powerd up through the jibe,what i found with the KA is that it is very light on the backhand and if you lose power through the jibe there isnt much room for era, the timeing has to be perfect or you'll stall ect, as little jon said the sail likes to be set loose to keep the power in the sail and i tend to agree
as i said i like the power of the sail and how light it feels, i,m sure ill figure it out and ill start at the battens then the mast, maybe the mast is setting the draft in the to close to the mast, i mite get a chanse to use it today in a SW 20knts when i figure it out ill you all know thanks for your help
PS martin the pryde sail is a rss mk11 slalom not rs

46 posts
1 Dec 2008 12:23PM
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evlPanda said...

Twitchy = + Downhaul, no?

I was out few weeks back on an old KA Kaos, a rarely used sail. Rigged it so it "looked" right... nah. Twitchy as can be, very "on/off" and overpowered. Came into beach, added about 2cm downhaul and presto, perfecto.

When I read a review of a sail where it's stated that the sail was "twitchy until it had all life down hauled out of it", I know that the sail is an unstable POS and is to be avoided like the plague.

Alex H
VIC, 19 posts
1 Dec 2008 2:42PM
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I like KA Sails, what is wrong with them, are they made as well as the other brands like Neil Pryde, Gaastra, Maui Sails ect ?

NSW, 2016 posts
1 Dec 2008 9:51PM
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Mark _australia said...

I reckon the first is not enough downhaul (you knew that) and the second is a starting point for downhaul... absolute min.
I'd try 20 - 30mm more. (I mean the tack comes down another 20-30mm, not that you pull 20-30mm more rope thru

as mark said not enough downhaul in the first pic and the second you need 20-30mm more downhaul , but not this sail , i have backed off the tention on the 1st&2nd batten, i have came to the conclusion that the sail has two settings, 1st if you rig it loose (like the first pic) you have a 5/0 sail that has as much power as a normal freeride 6/0mt and that is light and great to gibe.
the 2nd setting is download it to what mark recomends and you have a speed sails that is unbelievabley light and powerfull in strong winds(with the draught set foward ) but is very unforeging in the jibe(not enough backhand pressure)
choko mentioned sanding the tip(and that came from mr mcdougall) well the only batten that i think needs more shape at the mast is the 5th batten and i'm sure that could be the problem , if anyone can see a problem from the pics let me know


Forums > Windsurfing General

"trouble jibeing a KA KONCEPT 5.0" started by keef