whats the story? Im just wondering what is better?
In the naish vid robbie seemed to always use an underhand grip even when boosting into orbit.
I come from a bmx/mtb background - underhand grip just feels so wrong at this stage. Is there any link to elbow/forearm injury depending on the way you grip the boom?
any help appreciated!
When its really really honking, I use the underhand grip.
I find I can pull the boom closer without it getting ripped outta my hands.
But the downside is I dont have as much control. It feels un-natural.
there seemed to be a thread regarding this a few months back but it depends on you which one is most comfy..have you noticed when being taught the basics it's all overhand or i could be mistaken
I use an underhand grip on the front hand for the sake of variety; giving certan muscles a change so I can avoid undue fatigue. Although my right forearm muscles are now of olympc standard...
Also, undergrip feels awesome going upwind.
But, if it's getting hairy I think overhand is safer; less chance of doing a nasty wristie-twistie if things get cockeyed...um...you know what I mean...
Wetwilly said 'But, if it's getting hairy I think overhand is safer; less chance of doing a nasty wristie-twistie if things get cockeyed...um...you know what I mean...'
hahahahai was about to write something up regarding the chances of not knocking the nose of your board if you had more control on an overhand grip on a cockeyed situation
i've been used to an overhand grip i never bothered to change even if it was a tad more comfy, tried doing so on the underhand but unconsciously my hands just revert back
I thunk a lot of coaches recommend the overhand as it teaches better control rather than using extra strength which the underhand can provide.
I personally only use overhand when doing a 1 hour or distance as it gives the front arm a bit of a rest.
I do find overhand hurts my wrist (limp F'ken thing it is) and two last fingers, but that is most likely from gripping the boom further forward and running my harness lines front hand heavy.
On wave gear I only ever used underhand, but now with speed gear, I'm using overhand at times.
Think it's beacuse with wave sails they have to be racked back further to close the gap, as the boom is then on a greater angle the underhand grip feels better, with my speed gear the rig is more upright, so overhand becomes a usable alternative, so I swap over from time to time to give my arms a rest.
i used to use over, but now it feels un-natural so its under for me, but when approaching jibes and tacks i always switch back to over hand
My understanding is that when you use an underhand grip it applies more mastfoot pressure directly as you are naturally pulling more downwards on the boom rather than out.
I try to use both mainly to cut down on arm fatigue.
Cannot for the life of me leave my hands over - cannot jump overhanded and feel like I have no control - As soon as I catch a wave it's straight to overhand!
I pay the penalty with cramped forearms in a short time in really windy/heavy large swell/chop/wave conditions.
Does overhand reduce forearm muscle tension and use?
Underhand grip is more natural the boom sits in your palm without having to bend your wrist like with the overhand grip I switch to overhand before jibing though.
Yer agree choco under is a more natural position.
ever tryed doing chin ups with your hands over not easy.
ta Vando
> Does overhand reduce forearm muscle tension and use?
Not sure, but switching to one another does - different muscles. I use underhand for reaching and planing and coasting. Underhand to prepare a freestyle move, then switch overhand when comes time to do it. This way not as tired. Jumping definitely overhand for the take-off.
Overhand for upwind, cruising and waves but underhand for full on speed runs. Agree that it keeps MFP going and feels more natural. Then switch to overhand for gybing.
Cribby recommends overhand for natural "down force". I find underhand more natural but I use both - that's for doing chin ups too Vando.
Oddly enough I find underhand better for gybing. I can get a better flick for a late flip.
Look ma no hands
Looks like the picture of me 20 feet in the air with two thumbs up didn't load properly
If you ever had a go at tug of war,you will notice that the leading hand will always be an under grip,it's the strongest and most natural position for the arms.
Lates panasonic add with windsurf and note the underhand front grip
underhand for when i want to go really fast
overhand for when i want it to last longer
opposite-hand for when i want to imagine it's someone else doing it for me
ritchiefish, haircut was waiting for those comments!
thanks dudes for the feedback, nice footage mineral1. Wish I could do airs like that.
I think that maybe I,m a bit confused as....i use the front underhand for sailing as it allows me to see over my front arm, but when i jybe i change it to an overhand.Might not look pretty but it works
Imagine you tip the rig all the way forward, like 90 degrees. Would be easier to change your back hand to underhanded?
Now rake it all the way back, now your front hand naturally goes to underhand. Keep raking it back till it's under the board if you don't believe me.
So: underhanded is more natural when raked back me thinks.
I'm usually underhanded, but it's got nothing to do with windsurfing.
underhand for humans, overhand for the ape family.
next you guys will be debating harness hook up or down.