can anyone recommend any wall and ceiling racking solutions? Where can you but them? Is there anything out there that works well and is a great space saver?;jsessionid=AC40F7B2E1B87670C52A4180E223A5FE.qscstrfrnt05?productId=1&categoryId=1
That' s if you have a limited quiver....
I just stick everything against the wall....
You know what, that upright pic gave me an idea. Why lay em flat when you can stand them up. Easier to stack them too (as long as they fit). I am going to see what they do at the local windsurf shop...
This rack to 2hrs to make. 1.5hrs raiding building site scap piles for the pine and 30mins with my tek gun and drop saw
I am looking forward to not having to take the gear out of my car for weeks on end
- 2 months to go
Power of positive thought........
Mine are in storage at present but are really simple (thanks Nebs)
for 4 boards, and some masts:
2 bits of 100x 50 timber about 1500 long (could get away with smaller than 100x50)
Then drill holes and bang in bits of (8 of them foe 4 boards) 20mm ish dowels (broom handle) about 500mm long
The broom handle sounds weak but has coped with boards
the end result looks similar to Benders but is dead easy to make, without the knee brace of Benders version the boards can be closer together.
One day when mine are in a shed I may post a photo.
Just finished my storage solution this morning. Main parts sourced from Ikea, with a couple of custom attachments
First attempt ... Looks good , but not practicle as no room for any other stuff
So after a little reshuffle, everything fits, job done.
More sails and masts other corner of garage.