Forums > Windsurfing General

your favourite SEABREEZE pics

Created by ju_724 > 9 months ago, 6 Jan 2008
231 posts
6 Jan 2008 12:08PM
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rather than trawling trough the zillion shots, though i'd start a thread where we could put up our fav pics from the windsurf section - with a short description.

then u can get all the great shots in one hit

ok i'll get the ball rolling with this old classic.

Have to admit it was my wallpaper for ages...I'm always thinkin - where about is the sailor ? did the gear get trashed, hope he's ok - was that the last one for the day? oh yeah and who is it???? ezzy and a stoney ...maybe king of the point?

WA, 6277 posts
6 Jan 2008 12:19PM
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My all time favourite shot, only windsurfers understand what it's all about

QLD, 6482 posts
6 Jan 2008 1:35PM
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the first guy is demonstrating the 1 footed backloop, the second is demonstrating how to point the kiteboard down wind as you get pulled out of the water, and the third is pulling a wtf you talkin bout willis

WA, 7608 posts
6 Jan 2008 1:13PM
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How good did this sesh look! There were some sick photos.
The position of the boat to the wave just looks like the perfect setup.
Riding the wave down the line while photogs take happy snaps

WA, 7608 posts
6 Jan 2008 1:23PM
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And of coarse a photo I took. I love this photo.
This photo lets you mind surf the rest of the wave and to think how he got onto the wave and what happens next.
Check out how small the bloke looks compared to the wave

QLD, 1927 posts
6 Jan 2008 2:51PM
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its hard to choose between all the epic locations, and epic waves. so i chose one based on comedy value

caption "The Fish, a new move i invented"

231 posts
6 Jan 2008 4:11PM
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sailing into a sunset like this, puts you in a hypnotic state, where you are at total peace with the world and all your worries vanish...than you realise how far u gone out.

WA, 3158 posts
6 Jan 2008 6:43PM
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I know it's one of mine, but so what
And Swoosh, "The Fish" is a ripper mate

WA, 3158 posts
6 Jan 2008 6:48PM
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And another one, cos I can.
Note the loverly blue water we have at Yorkey's
And that's my speed run

QLD, 1927 posts
6 Jan 2008 8:27PM
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full credit to mikeaus for inventing the fish

QLD, 5610 posts
6 Jan 2008 9:56PM
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Go the fish !!!!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"your favourite SEABREEZE pics" started by ju_724